He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1984 Supervised Team Rocket!

Chapter 1984 Supervised Team Rocket!
"Xiaozhi's Pokémon are so powerful."

Beside, Mingyi looked at Xiaozhi's Pokémon enviously.

Obviously there is no trainer watching, but they all train spontaneously and with tacit understanding.

The four packs and one battle still attracted many passers-by to watch in Feiyun Park.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!"

Sensing his trainer's emotions, Mingyi's otter immediately put on a straight face, jumped up and patted the poke ball twice, and released the Four Seasons Deer and Little York together.

Then he grabbed his own scallop and ordered the two to exercise together.



It's just that the otter obviously doesn't have the leadership ability like the rattan snake. After the two Pokémon came out, they didn't obey the command, but rested beside them bored.

"rice wine!!"

Annoyed, the otter immediately waved the scallop shell, condensed the shell blade, and took the initiative to attack the two.

Just when it got close, the Four Seasons Deer opened its mouth and threw an energy ball, blasting the scallop water blade in the otter's hand.

Boom! !

Little York even shot out a thunderbolt tooth, and the burst of electric shock shocked the otter until his whole body was scorched black, and he convulsed for a while.

The moves of both of them can restrain the water otter very well, and the latter has no deterrent effect
It was only then that Mingyi noticed that her Pokémon was in a mess, and then quickly put away the emotion of watching Xiaozhi's Pokémon, and turned to take care of her Pokémon.

"Hey~ You guys, don't fight!"

Although Mingyi doesn't want to be a powerful trainer.
But cultivating your own Pokémon is common to all trainers.

"Since that's the case, everyone, let's look up to Xiaozhi and the others!"

During the rare weekend, Mingyi clenched her fists and stood in front of her three Pokémon full of energy.

With the intervention of the trainer, Sijilu and Little York obeyed the command and began to practice their respective moves.
the other side.

Feiyun City Sewer.

It can be entered from the side bridge hole near the Skybridge Wharf in Feiyun City.

The area of ​​the sewer is very wide, almost as large as the entire Feiyun City, especially the road branches in it are intricate, and it is even more difficult to identify the direction than the natural maze and caves.

Even sanitation workers with many years of experience only know the outermost route of the sewer, but don't know where the deepest part leads.

However, today's Feiyun sewer has ushered in a few uninvited guests.

"Ah, what a disgusting smell!"

After entering the sewer, Musashi hugged his shoulders and shivered. The faint stench in the air made her unable to restrain herself from cursing.

"Together with the sea outside?"

Kojiro glanced at the sewer channel at the feet of several people. The dirty water flowed out slowly, which seemed to lead directly to the ocean outside.

In this way, all the stinky garbage will not be piled up inside
"Ah, the cats come to this kind of place, what are you doing, cat?"

Meow could not help asking.

The Rockets trio looked at the people behind them at the same time.

This is a man with blue shoulder-length hair, quite handsome, wearing a purple-black leather robe, with a serious expression.

He holds a notepad in his hand, ready to record something at any time.

The man's name was Fu Linduo, he was a senior cadre of the Rockets, and he was also the instructor of the low-level members of the organization.

After inquiring about Team Plasma's loss of power in the homeland, this time the Rockets intend to take advantage of the fire and expand their influence in the Hezhong area.

Just relying on Musashi Kojiro Meow Meow is still not stable enough.
It is estimated that I don't know where to put bad fish now.

So Sakagi specially sent Fu Linduo to serve as the instructor of the three, to provide guidance and at the same time supervise and supervise the work of the three.

"I received a report that the remnants of Team Plasma entered the depths of Feiyun's sewer half an hour ago. The purpose is unknown. But no matter what we do, Team Rocket will naturally intervene."

Fu Linduo said unhurriedly, and then made a gesture of hissing towards the three of them.

"The sound in the sewer is easy to be amplified, and the voice of the next conversation should be kept to the lowest level. Don't startle the snake."

Hearing this, the three of Musashi immediately booed.

It's just the noteboard in Fulinduo's hand, and the three of them are a little scared when they see it.
That is the record book used to assess their mobility. If they don't perform well, maybe this guy will give a small report to Boss Sakagi.

The key point is that Fu Linduo's attitude is tough and serious, and he doesn't take bribes from the three of them at all, which makes the three of them feel their scalps go numb when they walk in front, as if they will be stabbed in the back by their own people at any time.

"Then you three can act freely. I'm only responsible for the assessment records, and I won't make any moves."

Fulindo even pulled back a few steps, signaling the cut.

This time he came to the Hezhong area purely as an instructor and was not responsible for the execution of specific tasks.

Hearing that the three of Musashi could only bite the bullet and walk deep into the sewer.

In the days to come, I will be forced to work!

The roads of Feiyun Sewer are messy and chaotic, with many branches, and it is easy to reach a dead end from time to time.


Sometimes even a broken bag would jump out of the sewer, or a centipede blocking the way would appear on the road ahead.

Feiyun sewer environment is stinky and dirty, almost no human beings come down
But here, it has become a paradise for wild Poison-type Pokémon.

Not daring to make a sound, the Rockets trio could only dodge as much as possible without fighting.

Relying on Miaomiao's intuition to lead the way, after walking for more than half an hour, several people finally heard the sound of human conversation coming from the corner ahead.

"Everyone be quiet meow."

Miao Miao hurriedly made a booing gesture, and the other two also held their breaths, then cautiously poked their heads out and looked forward.

However, at a distance of more than [-] meters in front, three soldiers of the plasma team were gathered. They were wearing the latest black uniforms of the new plasma team, and they did not look like any kind.

After successfully finding the target, the eyes of the three of Musashi lit up, and the pupils showed a frenzied expression of wanting to eat people.

Since it is forcibly supervised.
So now is the time to make contributions, and they can show off their business capabilities in front of Boss Sakagi!

At the corner ahead, there are not only three plasma team soldiers, but also a strange-looking person behind them.

Wearing a white robe and coat like a scientist, but wearing a transparent oxygen cylinder on his head, which can help him isolate the foul-smelling air outside.

Through the transparent tank, the three Rockets could see that this man was wearing glasses and looked gentle.

But the hairstyle is like a satellite, very conspicuous.

It is the current new king of Team Plasma, Akromar!

(End of this chapter)

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