He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1990 A Born Boxing Star!

Chapter 1990 A Born Boxing Star!
Faced with Master Itachi's trampling and bouncing, this is a flying attribute move. If it hits, it will definitely deal high damage!
However, Xiaozhi responded loudly:

"Next, Abandoned Monkey!"

The Abandoned Monkey immediately gave up dodging and took a stance, his eyes glowed red, and the long hair on his head fluttered wildly.

Seeing that the other party hit him for nothing, Master Itachi naturally put in all his strength and stepped out with all his strength!
Boom! !
There was a burst of trampling, and Master Itachi hit the target.

The powerful force immediately caused the Abandoned Monkey's body to sink, the heels of both feet crushed the ground and embedded in the gravel.

The effect is outstanding!

It's just that Master Itachi's foot was not accurate enough.

He actually stepped on the fur on the top of the Abandoned Monkey's head instead of kicking himself in the face.

You must know that this is the charged attack of the Heavenly King Pokémon, the power is extremely terrifying!

But the thick and long hair provided a good buffer, reducing the damage of this blow a lot.
Abandoned Monkey successfully blocked it!

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi immediately shouted loudly:

"Now, grab it and jump!"

The Abandoned Monkey immediately raised his hand, and took advantage of the situation to tightly hug and lock Master Itachi's body.

Allowing the latter to struggle in his arms, the Abandoned Monkey stomped heavily on the ground and leaped into the air ten meters high. With amazing jumping power, it forcibly carried Master Itachi into the air.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Abandoned Monkey, the surrounding scene seemed to have returned to the familiar boxing ring.

And at this moment, it is leaping to a height that is almost at the same level as the spotlight by means of the ring pole.

Immediately, the Abandoned Monkey exerted all its strength, and the muscles in its arms swelled up visibly.

The superb close combat skills naturally make it difficult for Master Itachi to break free and have no way to dodge.

"Use the earth throw!!"

With Xiaozhi's loud roar, the Abandoned Monkey spun around in the air, and threw Master Itachi heavily to the ground!
The force was so strong that even the ground was smashed into a stone pit, and Master Itachi let out a miserable cry.

However, this blow did not completely determine the outcome.

"Master Itachi, use the qi bomb!!"

This Master Itachi struggled to get up, and an orange energy bomb was condensed in the palm of the long-sleeved hand, and it was about to be thrown out.

"Abandoned Monkey, use the last fist of anger!!"

When the Abandoned Monkey landed on the ground, both fists rushed forward at the same time, accompanied by a "bang" explosion, a huge shadow fist flew out in an instant!
In this battle, the Forsaken World Monkey has already suffered several attacks.
This also made the power of the fist of anger at this moment come to a very exaggerated level!

Boom! !
The shadow fist collided with the zhenqi bomb, and there was a burst of explosion in mid-air!
However, in the next moment, the zhenqi bomb thrown by Master Itachi hastily exploded, and a huge shadow fist continued to fly down from the smoke.

This time, Master Itachi has no ability to fight back.

He could only stare wide-eyed at this phantom fist, which was constantly enlarged in his eyes.
Boom! !
There was another violent explosion, and there was an explosion all over Master Itachi's body, and countless gravels flew!

Fighting-type battles are naturally intense from the very beginning, which makes people extremely passionate.

However, this battle did not last long, and the winner was soon decided.

As the smoke cleared from the arena, Master Itachi's body was covered in cuts and bruises.


Half-raised his long-sleeved arms and let out a whine, Master Itachi leaned forward and fell into the pile of rubble.

On the other hand, the Abandoned Monkey is still fierce.

"Abandon drinking! Abandon drinking!!"

He even jumped directly to the high platform next to the training ground, raised his arms and shouted in all directions, venting his anger of victory!

Needless to say, this image of a cynical boxer with long hair all over his body and red eyes immediately attracted a lot of fans.

"Master Itachi lost his ability to fight, and the Abandoned Monkey won, so the winner of this match is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

The passer-by referee delayed for a while before shouting loudly.

The audience around were astonished at the beginning, the king of the alliance was defeated by a young man who didn't know the origin?
After that, he was conquered by the violent aesthetics of the Abandoned Monkey, and he screamed and cheered again and again!
Rao Xiaozhi also has to sigh, the Wrecking Monkey is really a born boxing star, as long as he stands on the field, he has a unique charm that conquers the audience.
"Win! Xiaozhi really won!"

Mingyi next to him held the otter tightly in his arms, exclaiming again and again, and subconsciously increased the force, even making the otter suffocate.

Although I have seen Xiaozhi's resume before
But after all, it's just literal words, so it's not as shocking as the fact that it actually happened in front of you.

Well, I'll ask Xiao Zhi for an autograph later!
No, the Abandoned Monkey also needs an autograph!
The battle ended, the time came to the evening, and the sky became even darker.

The surrounding crowd finally gradually dispersed.

After watching a wonderful battle, they all left Feiyun Park contentedly.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. You and your Abandoned Monkey are both very powerful."

Lian Wu stepped forward, touched the back of his head, and said helplessly.

Looking at the monkey who killed Matt in front of him, he was indeed a natural boxer!

Although his trump card is not his master Itachi, but the old builder
But if he confronted him head-on, he wasn't completely sure that he would be able to take down the Abandoned Monkey.

Are the young trainers from other places already at this level?
"Haha, it's all thanks to the Abandoned Monkey~!"

Xiaozhi inserted his palm into the long hair of the Abandoned Monkey, rubbed the top of the monkey's head, and said with a smile.

But Lian Wu shook his head.

Fiery monkeys are masters with high spirits, not to mention the evolution of Fiery monkeys.
If the trainer does not have a level comparable to it, it is impossible for this kind of Pokémon to obey the command.

Putting away his fighting spirit, Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something, and asked:
"By the way, if Mr. Lian Wu is the Four Heavenly Kings of Hezhong, then he should know Miss Cattleya, right?"

Cattleya, the rich young lady he met by chance at the entrance of a battle facility called the Battle Castle when he passed by the battle pioneering area in the Sinnoh region.

This cold and reticent superpower had even touched his waveguide power back then.
However, the short fight ended the contest, and the latter was rushing to the Hezhong area to become the new king of the alliance.

Speaking of which, before the young lady left, she even invited herself to the Hezhong area, preparing to fight again.

"Cattleya? I seem to have heard this name before, is it a new colleague?"

Lian Wu scratched his head and thought for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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