He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1992 Phantom Pokémon, Meloetta!

Chapter 1992 Phantom Pokémon, Meloetta!

late at night.

Although the commercial center of Feiyun City is still quite lively and brightly lit, there are still many people hanging around in it in the middle of the night.

However, the other alleys and streets are much quieter and dark, with only a few pedestrians passing by occasionally.

Xiaozhi has been exercising all day today, so he should have gone to bed early and made a sweet Pokémon.

However, at night, both Xiaozhi and Akroma were dragged to a dark and rather narrow street by the excited Mingyi.

Hutong Street, this street is located between high-rise buildings, the left and right are very narrow, and there are some garbage cans that are not disposed of along the way.

This is a dark alley that lacks lighting. It belongs to an area with poor security in the city. Sometimes people can even find suspicious people hiding by the trash can.

However, in this alley street, there is a very famous coffee shop, which is a holy place for Internet celebrities to check in.

"Let's go, let's go! It's rare to come to Feiyun City! Anyway, I have to go to the Leisure Melody Cafe to check in and take a picture!"

Ming Yi walked in the middle, smiling, and pulled the two of them towards a coffee shop in a narrow alley.

"Eh, drinking coffee at night, you won't be able to sleep."

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining, but seeing that Mingyi was so excited, he could only look at Akromar with a helpless smile and follow behind.

"Not only that, this cafe is said to be haunted by the legendary Pokemon Meloetta!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Akromar's eyes lit up.

Illusory Pokémon? Now I'm interested!

Sounds like this Meloetta, does it work at this coffee shop?


Arrived at the destination, pushed open the store door, and the bell hanging above made a crisp sound.

The three of Xiaozhi stood at the door, looking curiously into the cafe.

The storefront is not too big, and you can see the whole thing at a glance.

But the decoration is full of style, dim lights, exquisite furnishings, and the aroma of coffee in the air, it gives people a rather comfortable feeling.

In the middle of the night, there were not many tourists in the store, so the three of Xiaozhi found a round table and sat down.

"Melloietta, Meloetta"

After sitting down, Xiaozhi's first thing was naturally to look left and right, to see if he could find that rare fantasy Pokémon.

However, it does not.

Except on the bar, there are three blue tadpole-like Pokémon lying on their stomachs. They are arranged in sequence, with round faces and facial features like beating musical notes.




The three round tadpoles are low, middle and tenor players, singing a chorus ballad.

The melodious and harmonious singing made several customers in the store close their eyes and listen quietly.

However, it has just been fully charged, and now Rotom is worried about where to release the battery, so he immediately flew in front of the three round tadpoles, snapped a photo, and automatically prompted:
"Beep beep! Round tadpoles, water attributes, can vibrate their own cheeks, emit sound waves that humans cannot hear, and can also sing beautiful songs. However, due to the problem of appearance, it is recommended not to evolve Loto~!"

The round tadpole sang well, and suddenly a picture book made noise appeared, causing many customers to frown and look unkindly.

Mingyi quickly trotted to the counter, asked the boss to check in and take a photo, and diverted his attention, which allowed Rotom to escape.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, look at that...!"

At this moment, Akromar's expression turned serious, and he suddenly spoke.

Xiaozhi cast his gaze subconsciously, and found that the place Akromar pointed was in the direction of the counter.

On that wall, there are many visiting photos of celebrities, such as the champion Adek.
Xiaozhi even saw Miss Zhulan's photo!
But these are not the main points. In addition to the photo with humans, there is also a separate photo of Pokémon.

This Pokémon looks like a little human girl, with a slender body and limbs, and a cute face.

Eyes like green stones and fluorites, and a black headgear on one side of the head, as if wearing an anchor microphone.

Light green wavy long hair, longer than the body, like a five-line musical score
In the photo, this peculiar Pokémon is sitting quietly at the counter with an intoxicated expression, as if listening to some wonderful music.

"Boss, may I ask who is this Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but ran to the counter, pointed at the photo, and asked.

"Oh, you have eyes, this Pokémon is an extremely rare fantasy Pokémon, Meloetta!"

The musician and boss, a middle-aged uncle wearing a hat, suddenly flushed and introduced proudly.

He still remembers the coffee shop he opened on the Hutong Street at that time, because the location was too remote, no one cared about it, and the business was cold.

Disappointed, even the store was about to close down.
On the last day, he sat on the bandstand next to him and played the last piece of music.

Unexpectedly, his singing voice attracted a Meloetta!

And this Meloetta stayed in the coffee shop for several weeks, obviously enjoying his performance very much.

This not only allowed the boss to regain his confidence, but the news of Meloetta's appearance also spread throughout Feiyun City. For a while, the cafe's business was booming, and it came back from the dead!
Up to now, it has become a very famous holy place for online celebrity check-in in the Hezhong area!

"Although in the end, that Meloetta did not become my Pokémon, but I am also very satisfied, and I was able to take this photo~"

Speaking of this, the middle-aged uncle sat in front of the counter, showing an intoxicated smile, quite nostalgic for the old days.

Calculating the time, it must have been ten years, right?
I really want to see that Meloetta again!

After listening to the complete story, Xiaozhi returned to his desk.

Rotom also took several photos of Meloetta on the wall and recorded them.

"It sounds like a Pokémon that likes music. It seems that if I can invent a machine that can sing beautifully, maybe I can attract it~!"

Akromar stroked his chin, the corners of his mouth gradually raised.

He is still very interested in this fantasy Pokémon.

Every Phantom Pokémon has its own unique power.

For example, Shirabi's travel through time and space, Kiraqi's power of wishing, or Mana Fei's power of sea king.
I don't know what power is hidden in Meloetta's body? !
"Mr. Er Akroma, this kind of thing is still a matter of fate."

Seeing Akromar's face gradually showing a fanatical smile like that of an evil villain, Xiao Zhi said with a dry smile as he sat across from him.

He believed in his luck.

Maybe if he walks around the Hezhong area, he will be able to successfully meet Meloetta!

(End of this chapter)

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