He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2003 Rebirth, mechanical transformation!

Chapter 2003 Rebirth, mechanical transformation!
After entering the ancient secret path, the road ahead will be much easier.

Due to the close location, a few people saw the entrance of the ancient castle in a short while and returned to the bottom of the castle.

But these are not important. Akromar walked ahead along the way, leading a few people to return to the surface, and he was also talking about his thoughts to Xiaozhi and the others along the way.

"I plan to use special mechanical materials to replace all the body organs of the Vulcan Moth so that it can be reborn."

"Meaning mechanical transformation?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback when he heard that, he thought he was using some kind of secret medicine for treatment, but it turned out to be mechanical transformation?
His eyes fell on Genesect behind Akromar, did he mean to become the Steel Worm God?
Although the appearance will undergo a huge change from before.
But in short, if you can still live, there is nothing to worry about at this time!
"That's right, Mr. Akromar has already transformed Genesect, so with previous experience, it should be easier to transform Vulcan Moth!"

Mingyi also chimed in, trying to break away the previous solemn atmosphere.

It would be nice to turn into a cool armored Vulcan moth, right?

"It's different. Genesect is a transformation from scratch, and the difficulty will be lower, while Vulcan Moth is a Pokémon that exists in itself."

Akromar shook his head, his expression not completely relaxed.

Moreover, the whole body organs of this vulcan moth have been exhausted and withered
It is estimated that the entire body will be replaced with mechanical materials.

Like those six wings, it is estimated that all of them will be folded off and replaced with metal wings.

"What about the success rate!?"

Xiaozhi looked anxious and asked quickly.

This is the most important thing!
Seeing Xiaozhi's anxious expression, Akromar shrugged, but didn't say anything to death.

"I can't say the success rate, but I will try my best."

His idea of ​​transforming Pokémon's mechanical armor also popped up by accident when he created Genesect.

Since mechanical transformation can be carried out when resurrecting extinct Pokémon, can you directly transform a living Pokémon?

The difficulty is naturally great.

However, he estimated that this success rate should be related to the strength of the main body.

For example, if you take a rotten Doudou pigeon or a little Yorkie to carry out mechanical transformation, it will fail in all likelihood.

But if you take a Bankera, or three dragons, the success rate will naturally be higher.

At this moment, the subject of the experiment is a Vulcan moth comparable to the legendary Pokémon, and Akromar is still very confident about it.

"That position, split!"

All the way to the top floor of the ancient castle, the small cracked door that was entered before has been filled and covered by wind and sand, so Genesect opened a new cracked hole.

But this time it was not in the original direction, but towards the north.

This place is closer to the city on the north side of the No. 4 road - Raven City.

"I have a private research room in Raven City, where I can temporarily put the Vulcan Moth."

Akroma explained.

Walking out of the ancient castle and returning to the desert on the ground, a small sandstorm has already blown in the surrounding air, and the dust is a little confusing to the eyes.

And Akromar had already stepped on Genesect's deformed flying car, and stretched out his palm to Xiaozhi.

"How about it, are you sure you want to go this way? The choice is in your hands."

The Vulcan Moth, which is dying, must hurry up and put it in a special nutrition cabin to temporarily suspend its life.

Hearing that Xiaozhi held Vulcan Moth's elf ball, it seems that this is the only way to go now.


At this time, the elf ball shook in his palm, it seemed that Vulcan Moth himself agreed with this path.

As an ancient bug, it doesn't understand terms like armored machinery.
But who has lived for thousands of years, who doesn't want to continue to live?
Not to mention that it was placed in the depths of the castle by humans most of the time.

More like a mascot than a sun god?

It sometimes wants to break free from the shackles of the ancient castle and fly around
"I know, so be it!"

Across the poke ball, Xiaozhi sensed Vulcan Moth's emotions, so he nodded solemnly and handed the poke ball into Akromar's hands.

"I trust your craft, Mister Akromar!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Akromar suddenly smiled, with a confident look on his face.

"Hehe, I also believe in my craft~"

After receiving the Pokéball, Akromar drove Genesect, and the figure of one person and one insect suddenly turned into a stream of light, gradually disappearing into the dust in the sky
But Xiaozhi and Mingyi stayed where they were, and after a long silence, they regained their spirits.

Go half a circle around the periphery of the ancient castle and go to the forward position where the abandoned monkey is
Next, go to Raven City and meet Mr. Akromar.

Soon, Xiaozhi and the two returned to the main entrance of the ancient castle.

It's just that the scene in front of me was a bit shocking, Xiaozhi and Mingyi froze in place, and the sadness that had arisen because of Vulcan Moth earlier was washed away a lot.

But at this moment, on the sandy ground on both sides of the brick road, there are one or two lying on their stomachs.
A total of six Dharma baboons! ?

Xiaozhi rubbed his eyes vigorously, I'm not mistaken, didn't Rotom wake up one?

Wait a minute, indeed, the rock statue platforms on both sides have become empty.

The Dharma baboons who had entered the Dharma mode and disguised themselves as statues disappeared at this moment.

And surrounded by six fallen Dharma baboons, his Nuannuan pig also fell to the ground exhausted.

But Xiaozhi frowned again.

Why do you feel that Nuan Nuan Pig has become so fat all of a sudden?

Directly from a little chubby pig who was less than knees, to a pig guy who is half the height of a person! ?


Mingyi's eyes widened, her mouth couldn't close, she said in surprise.

The Nuannuan pig at this moment is actually somewhat similar in size to the fire monkey. It has no neck, and its head and torso are directly connected together, forming an oval shape.

On both sides are stubby and strong limbs, with yellow curly patterns on the back, and even the tail has become much longer, curly like a spring.

"Beep! Fried fried pig, the evolution of Nuannuan pig, fire and fighting attributes, can use the food you eat as fuel to burn in the stomach, the movement and speed will be accelerated, and the power will continue to flow out of Loto~ !"

Rotom broadcast the report automatically, and even floated up to pull the curly tail of the fried pig.

It really evolved! ?
At this moment, the fried pig was exhausted and collapsed in the desert. Whether it was the sun above or the sand below, it was extremely high temperature, just like the oven of nature.

Needless to say, a faint smell of roasted pig floated up first.
(End of this chapter)

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