He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2006 BW Arts Company, Douzi!

Chapter 2006 BW Arts Company, Douzi!
Raven City.

Contrary to the high-intensity working atmosphere of Feiyun City in the south, which is a commercial center, Leiwen City is famous for its entertainment industry.

There are large-scale musical halls, arenas, sports fields, and even the largest amusement park in the Hezhong area in the city, with many tourists every year.

Rather dreamy city, it made Leiwen City the city with the largest population in the Hezhong area.

Even in the world, the population is at the forefront.

Through a large section of confluence avenue - this is an indoor commercial passage, built in a huge pipeline, with many shops along the way.

Xiaozhi and Mingyi officially entered Leiwen City.

Standing in front of the entrance of the city, this place is somewhat similar to Pokémon Hollywood, full of noise and playful children walking through the streets.

Colorful billboards are pasted on the surfaces of most of the buildings, with a rich atmosphere of entertainment.

From time to time, a balloon airship with advertisements floated in the sky, as if it was a promotion for some event.

However, the two went to the local elf center immediately and put down their luggage.

Xiaozhi also handed the fried pig to Ms. Joey, and faced six Dharma baboons at the same time, the consumption of the fried pig was still a bit high.

Then the black-eyed crocodile was temporarily sent back to the Oki Research Institute, where it was infected with the Pokémon virus.

The infection period of this virus is extremely short. After being successfully infected with the virus, you only need to stay alone for two days, and you don't have to worry about the virus spreading to the natural ecology.

When he finally called Mr. Akromar, the latter said that he was still busy dealing with the Vulcan Moth, and asked the two to play in Raven City for a few more days, and then meet up after he finished dealing with it.

It's just that Akromar didn't mention the specific situation, and Xiaozhi didn't dare to ask too much, but he couldn't help but feel worried.

I don't know if Vulcan Moth can withstand it!
"Hey~ Xiaozhi, let's go to Raven City!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's serious expression, Mingyi squeezed out a smile, pointed to the door of the elf center and said.

Normally, Xiaozhi is quite interested in this kind of entertainment city.

But now
"Why don't we go to the main departure station of the battle subway! It is said that if we are at the terminus, sometimes we can directly challenge the supervisor of the battle subway!"

Mingyi said quickly, and without waiting for Xiaozhi to refuse, she took Xiaozhi's arm and ran outside.


If it's a fight, maybe Xiaozhi can cheer up!

It's pointless to stay here now, worrying about Vulcan Moth, Mingyi still believes in Mr. Akromar's craftsmanship.


Realizing that Mingyi was specifically trying to comfort himself, Xiaozhi also pressed his hat, putting away his worries.

That's right, there's no point in worrying about it yourself, and now I can only trust Mr. Akromar!

Passing through several streets in Raven City, the two found the subway battle, walked up the escalator, and moved towards the underground platform.

"Battle the Subway?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, looked around, and heard Ming Yi mention this from the very beginning.

The central departure point of the battle subway is the main platform in Leiwen City, and the trains depart for several cities.

The reason why it is called Battle Subway is that while taking the subway, the challenger can also initiate battles with several trainers one by one in the compartment, all the way to the front of the train.


Just looking at the subway speeding past beside him, Xiaozhi was a little puzzled.

The size of the subway car is not spacious, it is only about two meters from left to right, which is not enough to provide space for Pokémon to fight.

"Now only small-sized Pokémon can fight in the car. The normal subway challenges are now placed at stops along the way, and there are dedicated arenas."

Ming Yi stuck out her tongue and explained with a smile.

For example, the underground platform in Raven City already has a standard battle arena, which is located between the subways running in opposite directions on the left and right sides.

There are speeding subways on both sides. If a Pokémon accidentally goes out of bounds, it is easy to hit the outer shell of the subway and suffer high damage
The battle against the subway is extremely exciting and dangerous!
"Sounds interesting!"

Xiaozhi blinked and became interested.

And Mingyi walked in front, and first of all, he went to the platform management office to check in and stamp.

But this time, the person who stamped her didn't look like a normal subway administrator.

This is a brown-haired girl, about the same age as Xiao Zhiming.
No, it might be 2 years older. He is sitting in the small booth on the platform at the moment, with one hand dragging his cheek, spinning his pen idly.

"You can stamp it~"

After hearing Mingyi's voice, the girl mechanically raised the stamped red seal in her hand, and lazily responded.

There are too many young people who are chasing online celebrities to check in. She doesn’t know how many chapters she has stamped today.
Until she turned her head and saw Ming Yihou's face completely, her eyes widened immediately.

The stamp in his hand fell off, and he looked Mingyi up and down, as if scanning.

"Ahhh!! Such a cute and pretty girl~!!"

The next moment, while screaming, she ran out of the small pavilion and pressed Mingyi's shoulder, as if she was afraid that the latter would escape!

Mingyi stood there stunned, letting the former circle around him, constantly scanning and observing his whole body.

And in the rear, Xiaozhi also fully saw the appearance of this girl.

With a beautiful and fair face, she has a sense of maturity that surpasses her peers, and she is probably a few centimeters taller than her?
A head of long brown hair tied into a neat high ponytail, wearing a pink and white baseball cap, and two strands of hair hanging from the cheeks.

The upper body is a white sleeveless top with a small black vest, wearing a pair of denim shorts, revealing a pair of straight white thighs, and wearing a pair of black and orange boots on the feet.

This well-dressed young girl, with her head almost on Mingyi's face, said in surprise:

"Ahhh!! What's your name! Do you have an agent?! Do you want to consider joining our BW Entertainment Company!?"

"Our BW Entertainment Company is the most amazing performing arts company in the Hezhong area! If you leave it to me to package and promote it, you will definitely become the hottest actress in the Hezhong area next year!!"

"Let's sign the contract directly!"

It was only then that Mingyi came to his senses that it turned out to be from the performing arts company.

Her complexion was a little red, and she felt that she was not that outstanding. Why did she come to her along the way as a director and a cartoonist, and now even the agent company came?
After a while, the brown-haired girl realized that her actions were too exaggerated, and quickly calmed down.

She took a few steps back, clutched her chest, raised the corners of her mouth, and introduced herself generously:

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm the president of BW Entertainment Company, Douzi."

(End of this chapter)

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