He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2008 Teacher Xiaozhi, do you want to be popular?

Chapter 2008 Teacher Xiaozhi, do you want to be popular?
Dou Zi was hit on the head again by Nan Xia with a sniper knife.

But this time, Douzi directly ignored the attack above his head, and stared at Xiaozhi with a pair of big eyes, as if he was afraid that the latter would disappear if his eyes were staggered.

Seeing this scene, Nan Xia also put away her palms and did not continue to interrupt Dou Zi.

This independent girl rarely shows such an expression
Nanxia couldn't help looking at Xiaozhi, is there anything special about this young man?
Coincidentally, picking up the document that Douzi had thrown aside, Nanxia found that Douzi had put Xiaozhi's resume page on the first page of the document.

Of course, there are other trainers behind. It seems that Douzi has collected a lot of information.

Even Nanxia couldn't help but be astonished after seeing Xiaozhi's biographical information clearly above.

Seems a bit outrageous?

"Miss Erdouzi, do I have any questions?"

Seeing that Dou Zi was almost close to his face, Xiao Zhi licked his cheeks and subconsciously moved back a little.

"Don't be so alien, just call me Douzi~!"

Douzi patted his chest carelessly, then patted his head again and said:

"These are not important! Teacher Xiaozhi, do you want to become popular and become the most famous trainer in the world!?"

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that it was business again.

Ming Yi blinked her eyes, is she going to squeeze the wool of both of them at the same time today?
"Um, I probably don't need it"

Before he finished speaking, Douzi's mouth seemed unable to close, and continued to output.

"Don't refuse so quickly, think about it carefully!"

The flames in her eyes were already blazing, approaching Xiaozhi a few steps.

"Mr. Xiaozhi, are you in trouble now? Although you have such an excellent resume, no one knows you every time you go to a place? Haven't you thought about the joy of being loved by everyone?"

"I remember that Ni's goal is to become the world's number one trainer, but strength and experience are not the only things, and the same goes for fame! All of these require team operations behind the scenes!"

"Leaving it to us, BW Arts, is the best choice! By the way, the popular anchor is now broadcasting Mr. Xiaozhi, are you interested in becoming an anchor?"

Douzi's three consecutive inquiries made Xiaozhi stunned for a while.


I have obviously won many regional championships, and even defeated a few league kings and even champions.

But it still doesn't seem to fire?
In actual comparison, outsiders are still more familiar with Master Xiba. An old Kanto powerhouse like Kona is actually not very famous.

Fame or something, just think about it, Xiaozhi actually doesn't really need it.

And for Douzi, Xiaozhi at this moment is undoubtedly saving his company, and he must fight for it!
Compared with other closed groups, Douzi's gaze has always been on the whole world.

The neighboring Galar region and Uzon region not only held the World Championships at the same time.
According to her investigation, the alliance officials in the Galar region are also interested in promoting the new alliance champion there recently.

A trainer named Dandi has risen strongly in the past two years, and it is said that he has never been defeated since his debut.

And the reputation is getting higher and higher, even people in other regions have heard about Dandi's name.

But this does not mean that Dandi is much stronger than other regional champions. After all, he has never fought before, and no one knows who is stronger than whom.

It's all about operations and hype!
Faintly, Galar officially linked Dandi with the arrogant and invincible labels of "undefeated emperor" and "strongest champion".

And the operation is in full swing. After all, the Galar region is an area that advocates Pokémon battles and competitions. It can be said that the entire population is a fanatical audience.

This also allowed Douzi to find a way to save the company!
What age, are you still looking for a traditional show star?
Now looking for young and powerful newcomer trainers, constantly hyping behind the scenes to become popular, and marketing the personality of the strongest trainer, this is the best choice!

As the tide rises, all boats will rise. At that time, not only will the trainer become famous, but the company behind it will also benefit greatly, which is enough to bring the trainer back to life!

Thinking about this point clearly, Douzi is also looking for suitable candidates from all over the world while doing part-time jobs to pay off debts.

Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town is the No.1 candidate in her heart!
Not only is he young, he is a pure rookie, but in terms of record alone, he is definitely the scariest super rookie!
That truckload of legendary Pokémon will also become a hot topic!
Douzi looked Xiaozhi up and down, the corners of his mouth raised high, the more satisfied he looked.

"Yeah, although the appearance is a bit down-to-earth. But it's not a big problem. Now the trainers who are friendly and attractive are becoming more and more popular~!"

In fact, she has long wanted to take a plane directly and go to Zhenxin Town to visit the thatched cottage in person.
I just heard that Xiaozhi travels all over the world and rarely stays in the same place, so I can only dismiss the idea.

The main reason is that I'm a bit short-lived, and I can't catch up all over the world.
As a result, I never expected that today, working as a part-time job in a dark subway station would meet this dream goal!

It is worth mentioning that the No. [-] target in the Kanto area is Xiaomao, who is in the same town as Xiaozhi.
An equally young but powerful Pokémon researcher and gym owner who has undergone a career transition.

If you run it well, you might be able to become another super popular researcher like Dr. Oki!
"Come on, Teacher Xiaozhi~ Believe in the professionalism of our company, we can even sign the contract now~!"

With a look of excitement on his face, Douzi had already taken out a stack of documents in his hand, and eagerly stretched them out in front of Xiaozhi.

One side is still wearing a close-up, chatting about the creation of the character:
"Speaking of which, Mr. Xiaozhi, have you paid attention to short videos recently? It's been very popular recently~!"

For example, Qi Shu, the new head of the gymnasium in Yongguang City, Padia region recently, even though he just opened his personal account, he simply posted two videos.
The video has no technical content at all, it just smiles at the camera a few times to sell a cute
But the popularity of the video is extremely high, and there is a faint trend of sweeping the whole region.

The next thing is that the live broadcast will collect the rice severely, which makes Douzi very envious!

If Xiaozhi is the weapon that Douzi used to fight against Emperor Dan, then Douzi was so interested in Mingyi before because he planned to use Mingyi's outstanding appearance to have a good fight with that woman named Qishu.

"Ah, that, Miss Douzi"

"Don't be so alien, just call me Douzi~!"

"Okay, Douzi, I don't have any interest in becoming a star"

But after some hesitation, Xiaozhi still chose to refuse.

Or you should go to his best friend Xiaomao, he seems to like these flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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