He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2021 I'll find you a Momo eel!

Chapter 2021 I'll Find You a Moby Eel!

Xiao Zhi didn't rush to open the high-grade ball containing the flashing Genesect.

Mr. Akromar is right. Although he is confident, he still needs to prepare in advance.
No hurry.

I stayed in Raven City for several days, and took the time to watch a very popular rugby game in the Hezhong area.

A game that consists entirely of Pokémon players. Pokémon players need to control the rugby and use their physical strength to knock away opponents
Xiaozhi is still very interested in this competition. If the competition system does not prohibit humans from participating in the competition, he would like to go up and wrestle with these muscular Pokémon.

After resting and wandering around for several days, the three of Xiaozhi were ready to continue on the road.

Since he didn't need to stay in the laboratory, Akromar joined the team again, empty-handed.

However, under the suspended gear next to it is a small robot cart.

The backpack is bulging, and you can take out incredible props from it at any time.

And Dou Zi, a social girl I met in Leiwen City, also came to see them off.

Douzi shook his head, and his capable high ponytail swayed behind his head.

At that time, if we make a big circle around the Hezhong area and then go to Fanba City, the time will be almost right!
The three determined their direction and immediately walked towards the east of Raven City.

Mingyi lowered his head and looked up the map in the illustrated book, his eyes shining brightly.

"Beep! Leave it to me, Loto~!"

"You provide Xiaozhi's real-time video data, and I will be in charge of finding a female Momo eel for you~!"

Why don't you build a few female robots next time?
Do you think robots would be more pleasing to the eye if they were female in appearance?
After leaving Raven City, Xiaozhi and his party faced two roads.

Before parting, Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

The body of the eel is elongated, and the mouth is completely sucker-shaped, and the round mouth has a strong suction.

Xiaozhi quickly passed this direction.

However, Douzi looked at Akroma cautiously. Even though he knew that the latter was Xiaozhi Mingyi's partner, he still didn't completely let go of his guard.

This should be the work contract, right?
"Hehe~ You are so young~!"

More importantly, the body structure of the eel.

When Xiaozhi and the others went to watch the rugby match yesterday, Douzi secretly asked Lotom to go to the playground next to Raven Gymnasium.

The Mama Eel is a unique Pokémon in the Hezhong area. Not only is it an amorphous egg group like Rotom, it can theoretically be combined to hatch eggs.

Behind, Akromar touched his chin and said with a smile.

It's not Mingyi, but
Rotom Illustrated Book!
She has long discovered that this magical illustrated book not only has the ability to prompt and broadcast information. Similarly, it also has the ability to shoot and record.

Rotom floated up and winked at Douzi.

Next, we need to surround Xiaozhi to capture some exciting and hot news, and following up is also a must.

Why did they become so familiar all of a sudden?

Similarly, the smiling and kind-looking scientist in front of him seems to have something to do with the plasma team.

One way to the west, through a magnificent and huge suspension bridge - Fanba Suspension Bridge, you can reach Fanba City.

And in the middle of the two, Mingyi frowned slightly, looking suspiciously at the two.

Such a special body structure, like a flying X-cup, is quite popular with large electric-type Pokémon.
It is the sharp tines at the mouth of the sucker, which is somewhat fleshy.

It's just that there is still some time before the opening of the World Championships. It is impossible to stay in Fanba City for more than 2 months, right?

Although the side of Fanba City also has nice scenery.
But if they go east, they can not only pass by the mysterious Reverse Mountain, but also reach the two seaside resort cities of Lianyi Town and Qinghai Boshi!
Mingyi was looking forward to this very much.

They didn't understand Douzi's and Rotom's behind-the-scenes transaction, and the expressions of several people were a little puzzled.

Rotom is an electric ghost ghost, a Pokémon in a plasma state, and there is no gender distinction.

It is said that during the peak tourist season every year, there are even many celebrities from other places in Lianyi Town who come to travel!
Even Miss Zhulan, the league champion of the Sinnoh area, has her own villa in Lianyi Town, and she often comes here for vacation!

It's a waste of time to go hiking everywhere now.
She chooses flying technique, fixed-point flight!

With Rotom providing internal image data, she wouldn't need to follow up so hard.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately led the two of them towards the east of Raven City.

There are dense jungle trees on both sides, and the bottom is covered with dense and complicated shrubs and weeds. It seems that there is no place to enter this forest.

While biting its prey, it also releases a powerful electric current to paralyze the opponent.

"Let me see, let me see~"

But there is no rush, Douzi has successfully found the internal response.

"Is that so, anyway, if you travel together, you are welcome."

An outgoing and energetic girl, if Douzi travels together, the team should be lively and lively every day, which is quite interesting.

"Beep! Deal with Loto~!"

Inside the iron box when the Ferris wheel was at its highest point, the two made a covert transaction.

Rotom immediately became excited when he heard the eels, and the two shook hands for the first time in the carriage.

"By the way, Douzi, won't you travel with us?"

But these teeth pose no threat to Rotom, with the electric ghost's figure, it can even stuff its entire head in!

It feels like traveling with young people, and he becomes young too.

Wen Yan Xiaozhi scratched his head and replied casually:


Of course, the map shows that this is not a park forest, but an unnamed jungle in the wild.

Before leaving, Douzi looked at Xiaozhi, raised the corner of his mouth, and raised a finger:
"But I will take it as if you have invited me to travel together just now. If there is a chance in the future, I will ask you to honor this invitation~!"

Xiaozhi and others: "."

Akromar doesn't have any specific goals at the moment, just wandering around the Hezhong area, it doesn't matter which way he goes.

I don’t know if Xiaozhi and Ming Yichan know it, but it looks like they are all mad.
I'll find a chance later, let me know.

She has already investigated which unnamed research institute, the origin is extremely hidden
But it is vaguely related to the most dangerous organization in the Hezhong area - the plasma team.

After a while, we came to Route 16.

It only needs to receive the data remotely, and then the post-processing can be carried out directly.

However, the main road of No. 16 road is a straight asphalt road without any obstacles, so it is very easy to walk.

"By the way, is it foggy?"

As he walked, Xiaozhi suddenly raised his palm to feel the humidity of the air.

Unknowingly, the surrounding air gradually became hazy and dark. Although it was still afternoon, it was quite gloomy as if it was approaching dusk.

(End of this chapter)

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