He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2026 N and Zekrom!

Chapter 2026 N and Zekrom!
Boom! !
The shadow ball collided with the wave of evil, and exploded violently in mid-air, causing a good movement, and the air flow continued to move.

"Right now, use the ghost fire!!"

However, as Xiaozhi's voice fell, several balls of faint blue fire broke through the smoke and dust, and quickly attacked.

This naughty Soraya was suddenly in a turmoil.

It is good at transforming into human beings, and often goes to the next door Raven City to play pranks
But just talking about fighting is actually very unfamiliar.


The will-o'-the-wisp hit and ignited flames on Zoroya's body.

There is no power, but it makes the latter enter a state of burns.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately shouted:

"It's time to decide the outcome, using it can never come singly!!"

Boom boom boom! !

Since the latter is in a burn state, the power of misfortunes never come singly is doubled, directly reaching the terrifying intensity of the big move.

Xiaozhi was taken aback and blurted out.

Seeing this, N frowned, but still commanded:
"Evil Waves!!"

The taciturn, powerful trainer from out of town with his electric mouse.
Although the battle just now was not a high-intensity battle, N also had a partial understanding of Xiaozhi.

It was the legendary Pokémon, Black Dragon, and Zekrom who had a brief fight with Pikachu when he first set foot in the Hezhong area!

"Czech Zekrom?"

Facing this timid foreign Zoroja, Zoroak showed great maternal love.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also stopped looking at the Zoroya in front of him, and looked at N again, with a confused expression, not knowing what the latter was going to do.

At that time, the red marks on his face were still laughed at by N for a long time!
But it can sense that the electric mouse is nearby!

He glanced at Xiaozhi first, then left and right a few times.

The 2x damage is indeed powerful, but it has good resistance to ghost attribute moves, so it has not completely lost its combat ability
But it's almost the same, in the state of a candle in the wind.

The one hit by the surprise attack at the beginning, the injury was not light, right?
Did you hurt your ears with that low growl?

As he said that, N looked at Xiaozhi with a fixed gaze.

It's just that the wave of evil only blocked the first two fireballs, and when the third fireball arrived, it directly smashed the wave of evil completely, and then continued to bombard the target.

Then he glanced at Soraya in the Xicui area.

"Just like the ancient history of the Hezhong area, there are already people who assist the ideal world at this moment. So where is the legendary being who can build the real world?"

But how did it appear here? !
From time to time, bright blue electric arcs flickered all over Zekrom's body, and the powerful aura of the ancient god made the two little Zoroya so frightened that it was hard to move.

When the battle reached such a situation, Zoroark, as the referee, quickly raised his palm and shouted:
"Stop! The battle is over!"

It's just that the game is over, and my mother hurriedly ran to take care of the opponent.

The pitch-black body seemed to be covered with mechanical armor, and the fan-shaped wings connected to the arms behind the back were not too big, standing upright and open.

As she said at the beginning, this game is just the end.

Boom! !
Misfortunes never come singly, like volcanic flowstones, they exploded on Zoroya's body one after another!


Dragon head, red dragon eyes, black clouds flying above the head
The most peculiar thing is the tail, like a huge screw engine generator, making the sound of rotating current.

Zoroya, who is a ghost attribute, has mastered quite a few ghost attribute moves.

The blue lightning strike happened to land one meter from N's side, directly blasting a big hole in the ground!
And as the beam of blue lightning exploded and scattered, a huge dragon-type Pokémon suddenly appeared in this psychedelic forest.

Zekrom, who suddenly appeared, uttered a deep dragon roar, his voice was as solemn as thunder.

Xitri Zoroya tried his best to tense and arch his back, the snow-white fluff on the top of his head, neck, and tail fluttered, especially the end was burning like a blue will-o'-the-wisp.

The two moves collided in the air, causing another violent explosion.

"Wait a minute, what candidate?"

"In short, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, let's move on. At least for now, you are the number one candidate in my heart."

But this also made the other side, the local Zoroya who fell on the ground, turn dark.

Xiao Zhi just raised his hand to ask, after all, the words of this mysterious man are too riddles.

"Jekrom, don't make trouble, you scared the wild Pokémon here."

shhhhhh! !

I am your precious son! !
The battle came to an end, N put away his fighting spirit and walked in front of Xiaozhi.

His Zoroya tried his best to open his small mouth, and the beam of black ring blasted out again!


After finishing speaking, his figure changed back to Zoroark's appearance again, and he quickly landed in front of Xiaozhi's Zoroya, picked it up gently, and carefully checked the injury.

Boom! !
At this moment, there was a sudden roar and loud noise in the sky, followed by a bunch of thick blue lightning, which crashed down from the sky!

He has the unique power of being able to understand the inner emotions of Pokémon, and naturally understands why this Soraya always maintains a timid appearance, which is different from the mischievous Soraya in this area.

Then N jumped sideways and landed on Zekrom's back in a riding posture.

"Your battle is very good, especially in responding to Pokémon's heart, your Soraya is very dependent on you."

This made Sorolla, who had just struggled to get up, almost breathless, and fainted on the spot.

This is a Pokémon that has gone through a lot of hardships.

N smiled and said, the smile is warm and friendly, which makes people trust involuntarily.

Although he was a little older, but for some reason, looking at Xiaozhi's face, he couldn't help but recall the mysterious trainer he met a year ago.

It's just that amidst N's scolding words, the black dragon could only turn away from the dragon's head, putting away its majestic and mighty ancient god aura.

This time there are only little foxes and no mice.?

Zekrom recognized Xiaozhi, the last time this human commanded the little mouse to slap its tail on his cheek.

Finally, it splits from the fluff, forming several blue fireballs and flying away!

N chuckled, and after greeting his mother Zoroark, he walked slowly into the depths of the psychedelic forest.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any malicious intentions, I'm just looking for some suitable candidates."


This scene made Xiaozhi's eyes widen.

Wait a minute, is this legendary black dragon, Zekrom, N's Pokémon? !

There are still people who can subdue the existence of the ancient god level?

He had only seen this kind of person at Brother Chi's place!

(End of this chapter)

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