He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2028 Changes in Acromar!

Chapter 2028 Changes in Acromar!
Return to the bridgehead of the Fantasy Bridge.

Seeing the scene here, Xiaozhi blinked and walked over quickly:

"Wow, it seems that you have succeeded!"

"Hey, Xiaozhi, you're back~ Look what we caught~!"

Seeing that Xiaozhi and Zoroya had returned safely, Mingyi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said cheerfully.

At this moment, Akromar was holding an object that looked like a transparent glass jar, and a lightning-like electric ghost was constantly struggling and moving in it.


It's just that no matter how the body changes and struggles, it can't escape the glass tank.

"It's useless~ I named this machine Rotom Capture, it's specially used to isolate and neutralize your plasma state~!"

Akromar said with a smile through the glass.

Thinking of this, Akromar made a gesture to take out his proud Akroma machine and directly forcibly control this Rotom.

Sure enough, just as Xiaozhi said, this Rotom's eyes lit up immediately, looking at the bulging package of the accompanying robot through the glass, almost drooling.

And this wild Rotom is making trouble in the elevator of the Fantasy Bridge, so he naturally likes the electrical environment here.

As he spoke, he pointed to his accompanying robot, which was full of various high-tech inventions.

This fanatical scientist's research and development capabilities are too outrageous, but he has almost no rules and morals, and everything he does is arbitrary.

He is also familiar with Pokémon like Rotom.

Seeing Akromar's puzzled look, Xiaozhi laughed dryly and said quickly.

The three of them stepped onto the elevator and arrived at a platform nearly 10 meters high in a short while.

Pikachu next to him also smiled triumphantly.

"Pokémon like Rotom especially like all kinds of electrical appliances, and Mr. Akromar has all kinds of electrical appliances in his hands. In fact, there is no need to manipulate them at all. As long as you explain the situation, you should be able to easily subdue them. This is Rotom!"

Akromar also released the newly conquered Rotom, and at this moment, the latter jumped into the group of machines in the accompanying robot package, playing very well.

However, safety barriers were built on both sides of the Fantasy Bridge, and neon lights flashed on the surface of the arched bridge bracket, with a bit of high-tech color, which dilutes the weird atmosphere.

It seems that Mr. Akromar is also changing bit by bit!
Without Rotom's troubles, Xiaozhi and his party went on the road again, and this time the elevator of the Fantasy Bridge came down smoothly.

Like grotesque research, that's out of his control.
But at least let Mr. Akromar not blow up a city casually in the future.

Not to mention, this kind of feeling seems surprisingly good?
Seeing the slight smile on Akromar's face, Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other and also smiled.

No wonder, the burst of thunder and explosion I heard just now is so familiar, it turned out to be the guy with the whole body in black
But now it is not necessarily the opponent of Zekrom, after all, as an ancient god, the latter's abilities in all aspects are too outstanding, it is difficult to surpass.


It was the first time to tame a Pokémon so easily, Akromar was still holding his high-level ball in a daze, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

Facing the "big villain" who arrested him again, Rotom finally stopped resisting.

"Loto? Loto!!"

It seems that those guys from the Rockets used to like to trap themselves with this kind of thing.?

This kind of Pokémon that can enter mechanical appliances at will, not to mention that it is as special as the Rotom Pokédex. It is very suitable as his target Pokémon.

It was relying on its tail to continuously discharge electricity that successfully lured this troublemaker out.

Rotom just wandered in the electrical circuit without much movement.

And Xiaozhi also told the two of his strange encounters in the psychedelic forest.

Pikachu suddenly shivered.

"Is Soroa from this area? I really want to see it too, it must be cute too!"

The three of Xiaozhi didn't delay anymore, and officially set foot on this fantasy bridge.


Akromar's "Rotom Capture" was not invented on the spot, but was prepared long ago
It had to suspect that the target of this machine at the beginning was actually itself! ?
"So Mr. Akromar, do you want to tame this Rotom?"

However, not every electrical appliance can be adapted to Rotom, allowing it to transform into a specific form.

Don't worry, just give it a go.


"Beep! Lotor"

"Pika Pika~!"

Seeing Akromar's intentions, Xiaozhi quickly suggested.

Akromar blinked his eyes suspiciously.

While chatting, it is also a novel experience to look at the turbulent ocean current under the bridge from time to time.

So Akroma temporarily put away his Akroma machine, and told this wild Rotom according to what Xiaozhi said.

"Wait a minute! Mr. Akromar, it's actually easier to subdue it!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's inquiry, Akromar nodded.

But hearing the black dragon Zekrom, the ears of Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder perked up.

Rotom can be of great help to a mechanical engineer
But at the same time, the most suitable trainer for Rotom is also this kind of technical trainer.

But Akromar's glass jar, and the struggling Rotom inside

Xiaozhi's Rotom illustration book, seeing this scene, the CPU temperature suddenly dropped by 10 degrees for no reason.

Cooperate with the surrounding foggy weather, and the fantasy bridge that can't be seen at a glance, extends into the fog and loses the bridge body.
It takes a certain amount of courage just to walk on this bridge.

Rotom's intimacy with Akromar began to rise gradually.

Mingyi is more interested in Zoroak's mother and son.

"Loto, Loto~!"


But since it was Xiaozhi's suggestion, after thinking about it, he decided to give it a try.

A little carelessness may be more dangerous than any villain organization!
Xiaozhi intends to change Mr. Akromar's thinking during this journey.

For the high-grade ball that the latter took out, he also took the initiative to enter without the slightest hesitation.

Even when Akromar opened the gap in the trap, the mischievous Rotom didn't run away, but kept circling Akromar.

At this altitude, the air flow is also much stronger, blowing loudly in the ear.


One day, let that guy be your crotch mount!

"Green-haired man. Is it N?"

But Akroma was more interested in N, muttered in a low voice, and looked at Xiaozhi again, with a meaningful expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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