He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2036 Completely defeated, Thunder Cloud!

Lei Dianyun didn't know what kind of move it was, and he hadn't realized how Pikachu made a double jump in the air yet.

It could only subconsciously raise its arms, attach white light, and prepare to repeat the same trick, blocking the blow with its arm punching move.

The next moment, the Giant Beast Slashed directly on Lei Dianyun's arms!

Bang! !
The overwhelming force directly broke through the white light with the arm punch, and the steel slash blatantly smashed on the flesh and blood of Lei Dianyun's arms.

Feeling the severe pain from the arm position, this time the thunder cloud was hard to resist, and the figure in the air suddenly fell rapidly, falling heavily and hitting the ground far away.


After successfully performing this blow, Pikachu also panted a little, his tail returned to its original shape, and fell from the air.

There is still some distance between the giant beast slash and the complete posture. But in terms of power, it has already surpassed the steel tail.

Can be used as Pikachu's underwear move.

When he was about to hit the ground, Pikachu stepped on a running electric arc again, took advantage of the thundercloud line to relieve a little force, and then landed steadily in two consecutive jumps.

I saw Lei Dianyun showing a ferocious expression, and the flowing cloud below him rushed straight towards Pikachu.

Lei Dianyun's body also flew out suddenly, and fell heavily on a pile of rubble.

Crackling! !
Along the way, golden electric sparks flashed across its body, turning Pikachu into a thunderous shock wave in the blink of an eye, and the small electric mouse inside was completely dyed black by the lightning, full of vigor.

As a result, this electric mouse from other places, rounded up, is the electric flying mouse from the bad street in their Hezhong area, right?
Actually defeated Thunder Cloud? !
It's not even a difficult victory that is evenly matched, but it's fighting against this thunder cloud all the way.
"Huh, it's okay."

"Roll drink?!"

In terms of strength itself, it is equivalent to the legendary Pokémon, not inferior.

Although Lei Dianyun is not an ancient god, but a second-level god, there is also a gap between the second-level gods.

After all, Behemoth Slash is a steel attribute move, and Thunder Cloud itself has a strong resistance to steel attributes.
No matter how powerful it is, it is not enough to tell the winner.

Sure enough, the next moment, the thunder cloud suddenly broke through the surrounding gravel, let out a violent roar, and floated up again.

Then Xiaozhi turned his head to look at the battle in Akromar next to him, to see if he needed his help.

This time Ute was able to step forward, it was incredible.

"Drink Thunder!!"

But after taking a quick glance, Xiaozhi felt relieved, Mr. Akromar is still stable!
After all, the tornado cloud at the beginning ate his own Pikachu's combination of super speed plus [-] volts, which caused extremely high damage.

In his world view, the only thing that can defeat the Legendary Pokémon is another Legendary Pokémon!

This also made Lei Dianyun show a trembling expression for the first time today, staring with big eyes, powerlessly looking at this golden flash of light, which continuously enlarged in his pupils
Boom! !

Following another burst of violent electric explosions, the lightning arc spread and split crazily around, breaking through and destroying the ground.

Compared with his own Emperor Yan, he was still a lot worse.

However, after a few seconds of stalemate, Pikachu's power began to explode!
The golden electric light completely devoured and destroyed the blue lightning, which also made the body of the thunder cloud in Crazy Volt completely leak out.

Take any blow at will, it will be a high amount of damage with outstanding effects.

Although he was still panting, anti-injury arcs were also emerging from his body, obviously he had also suffered a lot of damage.

Whether it is the air blade or the storm move, the tornado is blocked by Genesect's hard armor.

Especially after noticing that his brother Lei Dianyun suddenly died and fell to the ground next to him, Tornado Yun was in a state of confusion, Geneoseket immediately seized the opportunity, performed a pounce move, and fell to the ground fiercely.

The strength of this thunder cloud is probably in the middle of this group?

As for the steel worm god Genesect, Akromar classified it as a type of fantasy Pokémon.

"We won! You actually defeated the legendary Pokémon!!"

Blue arcs were continuously emitted from his body, covering his whole body in a short while, making the thunder cloud seem to turn into a violent thunder and lightning shock wave!
Crazy Volt! !
In terms of special effects, it is exactly the same as Pikachu's high-voltage electric shock, but the color of the lightning is completely bright blue.

Zizizi! !

At the end of the battle, Xiaozhi also let out a sigh of relief, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Don't lose to it, we also use high-voltage shocks!!"

"The battle is not over yet!"


What kind of monsters are here today?
To put the lightning cloud, which the ancients feared, into such an easy hanging hammer?

And the turret erected behind the Iron Worm God seemed to have infinite energy, continuously bombarding with dangerous freezing beams, each blow was a big move of the ice attribute!

It is ashamed, and has been completely irritated by this electric mouse!

The corner of Pikachu's mouth grinned, turned into a four-legged landing mode, and also rushed to run.

In contrast, Pikachu landed firmly on the ground.

But Xiaozhi didn't completely put away his fighting spirit, he didn't turn his head, but just raised his palm to signal Ute not to approach.

Seeing that it was a battle of electrical attributes, Xiaozhi was naturally not used to it, and immediately said:


In the end, two electric shock waves with similar appearance but completely different colors collided head-on!
Boom! !
In the sound of electric blasting, the two shock waves continued to collide stiffly. In the two bolts of lightning of different colors, Pikachu and Thunder Cloud could be seen gritting their teeth, and their bodies collided together.

This time, Lei Dianyun didn't have any ferocious expression on his face anymore, instead his eyes rolled and he fell down there completely unconscious.

"Genesect, high-tech light cannon!!"

And once the tornado cloud tries to close the distance, it will launch an attack with the arm punching move.
However, Genesect's metal claws and tearing claws are equally powerful, not inferior to Tornado Cloud's Arm Punch.

Just this gaudy landing movement made the palm of the villager Ute, who has never seen anything in the world, almost smashed.

clap clap clap! !

Lightning clouds can't fight.


However, Pikachu's high-voltage electric shock is still in a full state, and even its power is constantly increasing.

Then with the sharp claws of the armor, it directly locked the force-generating part of the tornado cloud, making it difficult to struggle.

Even the turret at the back extended to the front of the body, and the muzzle directly touched Tornado Yun's forehead and between his eyebrows.

It seemed that if he dared to struggle again, he directly greeted him with the high-tech light cannon.

The tornado cloud even felt the icy energy breath coming from the skin between the eyebrows
"Volume amount."

This also made Tornado Cloud sweat profusely on his forehead, and finally raised his arms obediently to express his surrender.

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