He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2041 Special training, live here temporarily!

Chapter 2041 Special training, live here temporarily!
"I see."

Knowing the whole story, Xiaozhi nodded, so he came directly for vacation.

A 2-month vacation at public expense is a complete mastery of fishing skills!

However, after knowing that Xiaoxia and Kona will participate in the World Championships in two months, Xiaozhi became more interested in this competition

Originally thought it should be the king of heaven and the owner of the hall in the Hezhong area, plus some scattered passers-by.
It seems that there are still quite a number of experts appointed by foreign officials!
Maybe you can still see acquaintances from the Johto area, Hoen area, and Sinnoh area?


Thinking about it this way, this worldwide championship is not easy.

Unfortunately, it's only the first time.
If the first session is successfully held, it may attract more masters in the s2 and s3 seasons!

At that time, the top four. No, the top eight will be all league champions from all over the world, and it is not difficult!
"No, I don't have time to travel leisurely, I need to work hard!"

Xiaozhi slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

The baby team in the Hezhong region has not yet formed. With the current lineup, let alone facing Master Kona, even facing Xiaoxia is not sure.
You have to call in some powerful foreign aid to be thugs!

"In that case, the most urgent thing is to find a good place for special training and stabilize it."

The Hezhong area has also traveled to several cities, but it is not in a hurry to move on.

It is completely possible to continue shopping for a few laps after completing the World Championships.

"Alright, I also have some research recently, and I need to find a quiet place to stay."

Akromar next to him stroked his chin and reconsidered.

Even Ming Yi, who wanted to go to the cities of the battle subway stations at the beginning, also nodded in agreement.

She already has four Pokémon on her body now, the number is enough for the time being, and there is no need to go around to tame them.

Just looking at his two teammates along the way, they are so powerful that they can even easily compete against legendary Pokémon like Sanyun God. Mingyi is also eager to work hard to become stronger!

Special training, exercise!

On the other side of the round table, Xiaoxia has been secretly observing Mingyi.

Another cute little girl who looks like she's just a new trainer on the road.

When everyone was chatting, Ming Yi, as a newcomer, couldn't get in the mouth, but his eyes were always watching Xiao Zhi vaguely.

Is this look adoration?longing?

still is
Thinking of this, Xiaoxia suddenly stood up and suggested:

"Since everyone wants to stabilize for the time being, then you can live in the place where Master Kona and I live~!"

As a well-known resort in the world, Lianyi Town has not only attracted local tycoons from all over the world to purchase villas and real estate.
The Pokémon Alliance in each region actually has villas here, located in the most scenic location in Lianyi Town.

Belonging to private space, each villa also has a spacious private beach, which cannot be entered by outsiders, and they can spy on privacy at will
However, because the villas are adjacent to each other, the residents on the left and right sides can see the adjacent beach scene.

The right to use the official villa in Kanto for the past two months naturally falls into the hands of Xiaoxia and Ke Na.

"You all come here, there are more than ten rooms, more than enough. If you want to exercise, the private beach outside is also a good place~!"

While explaining, Xiaoxia looked at Kona beside her.

The latter nodded slightly and did not object.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others were overjoyed, and immediately turned around and went back to the elf center to pick up their luggage, and began to shift positions.

The B&B in the Elf Center is naturally not as comfortable as Dabieye.

Most importantly, the private villa comes with its own private beach.
Doing special training directly on the public beach, maybe it will be like Feiyun Park again, with a bunch of passers-by watching around, unable to let go.

Soon, Xiaozhi and the others had brought their luggage to a certain luxury villa area on the edge of Lianyi Town.

Although the location is slightly off, the scenery is very beautiful. The front of the three-storey villa faces the sea, and the back is some entertainment facilities such as a luxurious hot spring.

Of course, this row of houses stretched all the way to the north, and they were all luxurious villas with similar specifications.

"The left and right sides of our villa seem to be the official villas of the Yoshien area and the Carlos area respectively."

When she came to the villa area, Xiaoxia pointed to the two adjacent villas and introduced.

It seems that the villas in this area are all official villas of the Pokémon League in various regions.

"Honey and Carlos area?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he looked around curiously.

Since Xiaoxia and Kona are well versed in the way of fishing, they came here two months in advance, euphemistically saying, "Go and find out the details of the enemy in advance, so as not to lose the face of the Kanto region in front of the world."

Then maybe the designated players from other regions also know how to fish, and they came to vacation at public expense two months in advance!
Xiaozhi is not familiar with the Carlos area. If there is a chance, he can go there for a walk in the future.

However, he is familiar with the Fangyuan area, from the league champion to the ordinary gymnasium owner, as well as some passers-by experts, and he has known a lot of them.

Sure enough, when they passed by the villa belonging to the Fangyuan area on the right, Xiaozhi saw a familiar figure.

This is a woman in a lavender dress, about the age of a young woman in her thirties.

With light makeup on her fair and delicate face, curly golden hair and lavender eye shadow, she gave off the gorgeous and elegant temperament of a noble young lady in the Middle Ages.

She was sitting quietly on the first floor of the villa outdoors, on a wooden chair on a high platform, just enough to block the sun.

Holding a book in his hand, he was reading quietly and leisurely. In the surrounding hot and sunny beach environment, there was a unique cold and cold atmosphere faintly exuding.

"Wait a minute, isn't this one Fangyuan Ice King, Miss Bonnie?!"

Startled, Xiaozhi blurted out.

When they were traveling in the Fangyuan area, they had met once, but they had never formally fought against each other.

So the strong man assigned by the Fangyuan region to compete is the Heavenly King Bonnie?

On the high platform, across the railing, Bonnie was also attracted by the people outside and below. She slowly raised her head and looked curiously.

Generally speaking, there should be almost no talents in this private villa area now.
But after seeing the person coming, Bonnie was a little surprised, her beautiful eyes blinked.

"Hey, Xiaozhi? Why are you here? And, Kona?"

Bonnie still remembers Xiaozhi, a young out-of-town trainer who stepped on Mi Keli, the league champion in their Fangyuan area, how could he forget this.

And Kona and her are both ice attribute kings, so naturally they have had many private exchanges.

(End of this chapter)

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