He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2054 You have developed a good impression of Xiaozhi

Seeing that Xiaozhi had already put the device on his head, as if he was wearing a rider's helmet, Akromar shook another device.

"There are two VR devices, and up to two people can use them at a time~! Of course, they are simulated separately and are not related to each other~"

It's still only version 1.0.

In the future, he even plans to use no VR equipment, let a nightmare lure directly hypnotize the whole group, and increase the number of users.

The remaining three people are all interested, but Ke Na is not in a hurry, and motions Xiaoxia to invite them first.

Seeing that Mingyi seemed to be hesitant, Xiaoxia took the device and put it on her head.

"Mingyi, then I'll come first, we, the Kanto fetters, will give you a sample first~!"

She thought Ming Yi was a little scared, but fortunately she followed up first.

"Oh, very brave, Xiaoxia!"

Through the gap in the equipment, Xiaozhi smiled and gave Xiaoxia a high-five, and then the two of them leaned on the sofa next to them at the same time, taking a comfortable sitting posture.

Xiaoxia couldn't help complaining, and gradually became immersed in the plot.

Xiaoxia coughed and continued to look in front of her eyes.

The dialogue matches the graphics, and there's even a fight scene with a berserk Gyarados.

This time, it was not only stuffed, but the connecting position was getting hotter and warmer.
Soon, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia gradually fell into a deep sleep, and their consciousness entered the deepest part of their brains.

In the end, even half of the cave on Yuejian Mountain collapsed, and the two escaped to the limit, and were almost buried in it.

[In the end, Xiaozhi got your approval, and you also handed Xiaozhi the blue badge representing Hualan Gym. 】

In the darkness, light suddenly appeared in front of Xiaoxia's eyes, and a realistic scene appeared.

Xiaoxia immediately regained her spirits, she thought there was only this kind of rigid mechanical dialogue!

When I was 13 years old, Hualan Gym was known as the weakest white gym in the Kanto region!

Hearing that Xiaoxia cheered up again, is it finally Xiaozhi's turn to appear?

Soon, the plot came.

[One day, your Gyarados suddenly disappeared, and you followed the trail to the surrounding area of ​​Yuejian Mountain. 】

【Start Sims.】

"The one that can reach the duck, does it still have a picture?"

It's just that the plot doesn't match my own experience at all, it seems that it is indeed another life of my own.

Just when Xiaoxia was in a daze, the screen flashed, and the appearance of this "Xiaozhi" seemed to have been forcibly modified, gradually changing into the familiar appearance of Xiaozhi in her memory.

She thought of this world again, and her encounter with Xiaozhi.

And the Hualan Gymnasium has not turned into an aquarium, and there are often challengers outside the venue to line up.
Xiaoxia: "???"

"Then the Acroma machine, the activation has begun~!"

And the fighting process is not as easy as fighting Musashi Kojiro at all, it is completely fighting to the death!

She hooked Ash by accident, and Ash blew up his bike
"Well, it's actually not bad."

[You teamed up to save the violent Gyarados and became friends. 】

Akromar smiled and sat beside him, drinking black tea leisurely, waiting for the feedback of the two people's feelings after the simulation ended.

In line with the voice, images of Hualan gymnasium, Xiaoxia's three sisters, and even Xiaoxia herself appeared in front of her.

【On this day, you met Xiaozhi. 】

Is this myself in another world?
Ming Ming is not very old, why does he look so mature? !
Although it is a third-person perspective, Xiaoxia is a little guilty and dare not look directly at her capable and dashing self in the picture.

Although it still has short orange hair, it is not braided, but loosened, and she is wearing a red suspender short sleeve.

Xiaoxia murmured in her heart, but it was not so early when she took over the pipeline hall.

[Your name is Xiaoxia, and you were born in Hualan City in the Kanto region. 】

The simulation begins!

Doesn't this seem to be very different from my original life?

The screen flashed, and the self who reappeared has become much more mature.

How did the Hualan Gym become famous so quickly?

"Tuigui, is it so exciting?"

[Acromar Simulator version 1.0, I am very happy to serve you. 】

Xiaoxia on the other side, after about 5 minutes, the progress bar came to the end, and there was a prompt sound.

[Although there are three older sisters in your family, you have taken over the operation of the Hualan Gym since you were 10 years old. 】

However, the "Xiao Zhi" in the picture, his face, facial features, and clothes, seem to be different from Xiao Zhi?
The Pokémon I carry are also somewhat different. They are Bulbasaur, Pikachu, and Mosquito Frog.
Xiaozhi has never subdued mosquito-repellent frogs.

You can't even control your own body, you can only accept perception unilaterally.

[Collection and integration completed, character: Xiaoxia.Hometown: Kanto Region, Hualan City. 】

Looking forward, she found that she was probably in a third-person perspective, and the scene in front of her could not produce any interaction at all.

And Rotom at the socket connection made a comfortable humming sound.

[In Yuejian Mountain, you teamed up to repel the evil Rockets, and your relationship began to warm up, and you became good friends. 】

As for Kona and Mingyi, they watched blankly from the side.

In the minds of the two of them, a mechanical voice popped up at the same time.

However, Xiaozhi's data integration and collection took a long time, the progress bar was stuck at the beginning, and his mind was always dark.


Xiaozhi was quite surprised by this. This feeling was somewhat similar to the feeling of old brother Chi talking in his mind before.

[You came to Hualan City, in order to fight against the evil Rockets, you agreed to train together to become stronger, and became best friends. 】

"It looks like it also has a self-editing function?"

Xiaoxia's face was also flushed, and her breathing was short of breath. She almost died at the door of the house!

Even in the narrow cave of Yuejian Mountain, he fought with a man who looked exactly like the owner of the light red gymnasium—Aju.

[Start collecting and integrating data now. (ps: time is related to the total amount of data)]

[When you were 13 years old, you were already a well-known gym trainer, and Hualan gym became a well-known water attribute gym in the Kanto region, and was sought after. 】

[When we parted, you had a good impression of Xiaozhi. 】

Xiaoxia: "???"

Wait a minute, this plot seems to be going wrong!

Weren't we still exercising with enthusiasm just now, everyone is a good buddy!
Why did I suddenly jump to the stage of a love idol drama!
Just looking at the back of Xiaozhi gradually moving away in the dusk, and the face of the "self" was slightly red, looking at Xiaozhi with longing eyes.
"Hey hey hey! Can you hear me! Everyone is a firm comrade in arms!"

Xiaoxia immediately roared loudly, trying to save the plot.

It's just that she can't insert the plot at all, and the plot in front of her is still being simulated

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