He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2058 So when can I win a championship? !

Xiaozhi quickly looked forward, trying to see if he could find his own image.

To some extent, I should be considered to have been involved in the life of "this Xiaozhi", right?


Sure enough, when Xiaozhi was about to challenge the challenge tower in Larus City, a "Second Xiaozhi" with the same shape appeared on a certain field.

It's just that he hasn't been excited for a long time, and the picture in front of him suddenly flashes.
Disappeared by itself.

The plot also seems to have been modified, and there is no additional plot in which a black empty seat suddenly appears in the sky.

I fought side by side with the Dragon God Pillar at the beginning, and finally won the approval of the black cracked empty seat, and the picture of saving the city no longer exists.
The savior, only this "Little Wisdom".

Naturally, the direction of the plot is completely centered on this "Little Wisdom".

"Tsk, has it been deleted, damn it!"

Xiaozhi is a little annoyed, why is your simulator also equipped with a mosaic elimination function!

"Hey! Do you want to win the championship or not!"

"Have you reached the plot of the battle against the frontier?"

[You have challenged eight gymnasiums in succession, the Pokémon's strength has increased rapidly, and you have obtained the qualification to challenge the Lily of the Valley Conference. 】

Even the simulator started to complain.

【Your strength is outstanding, you quickly passed the preliminaries, and successively broke through the top 64 and top 32, and came to the stage of the official competition. 】

Forget it, just win, just win!

Although I also lost
But at that time, he had already successfully won the championship!

[Only facing the Pharaoh Gods against the Pyramid, you challenged several times in succession and ended in failure. 】

【This time, at the age of ten, you headed to the Sinnoh region and started a new adventure. 】

[Your diametrically opposed ideas about Pokémon collided constantly in the battle. In the end, you successfully defeated Shinji and advanced to the semi-finals. 】

[After seeing Shinji's behavior, you had a strong confrontational mentality with him, and it lasted until the alliance meeting. 】

[Every pioneering leader here is strong, but you have broken through one by one. 】

This "self" should at least have a low-level heavenly king, or heavenly king Xiaocheng.

"Next, it should be the Lily of the Valley Conference in the Sinnoh area, right?"

After breaking through Tetsuya, the players behind him were no longer an obstacle.

[In the quarter-finals, you officially faced Shinji, and a fierce battle took place. 】

It's you, an earthen platform turtle, why do you always give it for nothing?

He began to get excited and watched intently.

Seeing that there is no plot of his own at all, Xiaozhi can only calm down and continue to focus on the upcoming Caiyou Conference.

In Xiaozhi's mind, a strange idea faintly popped up.

The strength of the team seems a little weak.
I didn't even use any previous Pokémon at all, and I always used these six workers.

[You met the newcomer trainer Xiao Guang, and your former partner Xiao Gang, and the three traveled together. 】

I lost to Tetsuya at the limit again, so it stands to reason that if you just pull back a Kirby from Dr. Oki's backyard, or a fire-breathing dragon as a thug, you can defeat Tetsuya and step on the ground.

【With outstanding strength, you will be promoted one after another soon, the top 16 and the top 8.】

This is an elite trainer similar to Ye Yue, experienced, mature and steady, and his trump card is a rare meow in boots.

If you really want to say it, the total combat power seems to be inferior to the team of the Silver Conference?

In the top 8 match, it was against Tetsuya.

With Masamune giving two heads in vain, they almost capsized in the gutter.

Xiao Zhi thought about it.

But the scene at the beginning represented that the parallel world he went to was indeed the world Xiao Zhi lived in.

But the most outrageous thing is that "I" threw the old Pokémon into Dr. Oki's backyard again, and used the newly conquered Sinnoh Pokémon.

He remembered that the native Rikakuza at that time was defeated by the powerful black Rikuza, and fell on the street losing his fighting power.

"How do I feel, is someone deliberately not letting me win the championship?"

Since Xiaozhi has just finished his trip to the Sinnoh area, most of the plots are still fresh in his memory.

Xiaozhi has his eye on this now, so he has to see himself, when will he be able to win the championship!

However, "Xiaozhi" in the screen can't hear these things, and still does his own thing.

Xiaozhi cheered up again. During this period, "his" forest lizard finally completed its evolution, and its strength was also growing rapidly.

Across the screen, Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining loudly.

You don't have a conference championship.

By the way, at that time, no one would secretly subdue that native crack seat, right?

"The Silver Tournament is the top eight, and the Caiyou Tournament is also the top eight. Damn it!"

Xiaozhi, please let them go to the old age after winning the championship once? !

Xiaozhi looked a little discouraged.

After several attempts in succession, "I" finally succeeded in defeating the Age of Gods and dominated all the battle facilities.

In the round of 16, he met Masamune who had a good relationship.

As for the ending
[In the quarter-finals, you fought fiercely with Tetsuya to the end, and in the end Pikachu lost to the opponent's Meow, and stopped in the quarter-finals. 】

Seeing this, Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief.

Sounds good, but Xiaozhi frowned quickly.

They are already challenging the alliance conference, "my" forest lizard, and the lobster soldier, haven't completed the evolution yet?

【Contestant Zheye made great strides all the way, and finally succeeded in winning the championship of Caiyou Tournament. 】

[During this period of travel, your strength doesn't seem to have improved much. 】

The battle between "Xiaozhi" and Shinji in this world seems to be more intense.

Perhaps the setting of this simulator is that each parallel world has its own opinions, and other people are not allowed to intervene in another world?
[You have come to Caiyou Island and participated in the Caiyou Conference. 】

The two of them at the same level made him feel a little nervous.

Whether it is the Silver Conference or the Caiyou Conference, they are already qualified to win the championship!
But after all, there are only two conferences, so I'll bear with it first, maybe it's really unlucky, and it's a little bit worse.

[Because of your outstanding strength, you were invited by Ahida to challenge the frontier area. 】

"Hmm, at this time, my strength should have reached the level of the king of the alliance, right?"

"I" finally broke through the curse of the quarter-finals and reached the semi-finals!
He is already the "self" of Tianwang Xiaocheng. This time, no one should be able to stop him, and he can easily win the championship, right? !

"Wait a minute, I seem to remember."

At this time, Xiaozhi's complexion suddenly changed.

He remembered that at his Lily of the Valley conference back then, there seemed to be a very outrageous existence

Then parachute a beast man to block it!

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