He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2066 Fishing with water patterns, King Toad!

Chapter 2066 Fishing with water patterns, King Toad!

Ming Yi was still standing on the shore in a daze, not knowing what happened to her.

Xiaoxia rode a dragon and approached, watching the vortex of the water stirred by the otters on the sea, deliberately avoided it, and jumped onto the shore.

Immediately, he held Mingyi's face with both hands, stared at each other closely, and said in surprise:

"Mingyi, why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

According to the type and attributes of Pokémon, a special training strategy has been formulated. This is already a qualified breeder.

And like Mingyi, there is a corresponding method for each Pokémon.
At the cultivation level, it is already quite powerful.

Xiaoxia probably only saw it at Xiaomao's.?

As the owner of the gym, she has been to the Evergreen Gym once, and has seen Xiaomao's training methods.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Xiaomao may not be as good as Xiaozhi today, but in terms of cultivating Pokémon, he is ahead of Xiaozhi.

"Oh, I don't know either."

Mingyi tilted her head, her pretty face was also full of confusion.

Looking at the otter, a corresponding idea automatically appeared in her mind.

Even the holy sword move. This is a fighting attribute move, which can provide a very good attack surface for the otter.

This move can even enhance the physical strength of some Pokémon, allowing the otter to temporarily obtain a physique comparable to fighting Pokémon.

"What's wrong with me?"

Mingyi shook his head vigorously, kneeling on the beach with his feet bent, with a bit of panic.

There won't be some unclean things in my mind! ?
"Uh, think about it again, how can I fish scientifically?"

So Xiaoxia tried to ask, pointing to her Chenglong.

Kneeling on the ground, Mingyi replied without thinking like a machine:

"You can first look for special fishing spots on the sea. The characteristics of these spots are different, and they are different from the surrounding environment anyway."

"Fishing at these fishing spots, you may be able to catch a Menus."

This is a special phenomenon called "water pattern fishing". In the Hezhong area, only experienced fishermen know the technique.

After finishing speaking, Mingyi covered her mouth again, and widened her eyes.

She has never fished in her life, so how does she know such cold knowledge?
"Good life!"

Even though she didn't know what happened to the other party, Xiaoxia's expression brightened when she heard Yan Yan.

They don't seem to have so many special skills in fishing in the Kanto area. Anyway, let's try it first.

After speaking, he ran back to Chenglong's back, looking around for a special sea surface area.

"Why is today's training so scientific?"

When Xiaozhi came back after running a lap, he saw the training methods of the surrounding zebras and other Pokémon, and couldn't help but stop, a little surprised.

No, why is it so unscientific?
There are also otters that wave scallops under the sea to stir up a layer of eddies. If he wanted to, he couldn't think of such a good way for a while.

Then he looked at Xiaoxia who was fishing on the sea, and Chenglong had already swam nearly [-] meters before he knew it.

Wow wow wow!

The timing of Xiaozhi's return was very coincidental, Xiaoxia happened to be in stock, so he quickly looked intently.

In the distance, Xiaoxia also stood up from Chenglong's back, hanging high and dragging the fishing rod vigorously, constantly consuming the physical strength of the prey.


Even Chenglong bent his neck, bit the fishing rod with one bite, and worked together to help pull it.


In the end, Xiaoxia pulled vigorously, and a large Pokémon jumped out of the sea.

This is an upright human-shaped toad, close to the height of an adult, but its body looks very bloated and wide.

The dark blue body, arms, shoulders, knees, including the back and top of the head, are covered with tumor-like protrusions.

With a large flat head and a pair of red eyes, the appearance looks a little scary.


Even Xiaoxia, who loves water-type Pokémon so much, was taken aback by this humanoid toad that suddenly caught her.

Looks good, a bit shabby
"Beep beep! Toad King, water and ground attributes, the tumor-like bumps on his body can not help but spray out paralyzing toxins, and can also accumulate energy through vibrations, and hit amazing boxing. Due to its ugly appearance, not many trainers like toads. Wang Luoto~!"

Rotom, who followed Xiaozhi all the way, subconsciously flew up, and kept taking pictures around this wild toad king.

"It's too ugly, I'd better delete it, Loto."

Rotom flew back again, as if he was afraid that the Toad King would pollute his body.

By the way, doesn't the toad king usually live in swamps and rivers? I didn't expect that there are wild habitats by the sea?
As for Xiaoxia, she could only bite the bullet and look at the toad king.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and looked fixedly.

Since it is a water-type Pokémon, they are all cute and cannot be treated differently!

When this idea came up, I looked at the Toad King again, and my impression was much better.

In fact, the tumors all over the body are a little scary, and they vibrate and shake.
Xiaoxia successfully hypnotized herself.

On the surface of the sea, Xiaoxia has already fought the wild toad king and is ready to subdue the latter.

The Pokémon encountered only through water pattern fishing are not only special, but also not low in level.

Since this dragon does not have the characteristic of storing water, it cannot wait for work at ease against water-type Pokémon, and it does not have an advantage, so it fought fiercely for a while.

But after all, this Chenglong who lives at the bottom of the cave lake all year round is also not low in level, and it is paired with Xiaoxia's superb water attribute combat.

In the end, Xiaoxia threw a bait ball and successfully subdued it.

Well, but it can’t be placed directly in the aquarium of the Hualan gymnasium in the future, it will probably scare away normal tourists
Be the Pokémon that protects the house from evil.

"Thank you, Mingyi~"

After the battle is over, Xiaoxia swims back to the shore and expresses her thanks to Mingyi.


Xiaozhi was stunned for a while, and some didn't understand the process.

"Oh, it was Mingyi who told me to go fishing in water patterns, Balabala"

Xiaoxia explained the reason at the beginning, which made Xiaozhi open his mouth slightly.

Especially knowing that the training methods of the surrounding Pokémon are all thought up by Mingyi alone
Xiaozhi stretched out his hand subconsciously, and put it on Mingyi's forehead.

Could it be that the Acroma machine was burned out?

Or, enlightened?

"I don't know either."

Seeing that both of them were staring directly at him, Mingyi blushed and didn't know how to answer.

So Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia looked at each other, and the latter nodded.

Xiaozhi understood, and took advantage of this opportunity to tell the old brother Chi's secret to the latter.

During the 2-month trip, Mingyi is already a trustworthy partner, and she doesn't have to worry about any problems with this secret.

"Let me tell you something, in fact, my mind was not normal before"

(End of this chapter)

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