He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2068 Strange Large Ship

That night, sleepless.

Akroma was forcibly taken to the villa next door by Kona, saying that he wanted to have a good sex.

It's just strange to Xiaozhi that when he was lying on the bed, he could faintly hear Yingying Yanyan's laughter coming from the direction of the villa next door?
Since the two villas are adjacent to each other, the sound insulation effect is actually not good.

"Ah, wait a minute, why do I still seem to hear Miss Mi Lip's voice?"

Xiaozhi stared at the ceiling with wide eyes on the bed.

Kona, and Bonnie
If Miss Lips joins in, what kind of sex scene will it be like?

He really wanted to use the power of waveguide to investigate, but he felt that it was not polite.



On the other side, Mingyi and Xiaoxia also stared wide-eyed on their respective beds, their eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes.

The two were also curious about what kind of plot was going on in the villa next door.

Wouldn't it be the kind of thing they imagined?

The thinking failed, but they were extremely curious, and the sound of laughter could be heard faintly in their ears. In the end, they could only cover their heads with quilts and forcibly ignore them.

That night, Akromar did not return.

On the next day, when the sun was high and the three of Xiaozhi were sitting in the hall after eating, two figures slowly walked in from the door.

One is Kona Master and the other is .
"Hello, everyone~ Oh, you don't look very good~"

Akromar waved his hands and greeted the three cheerfully.

I saw today's Akromar, changed from yesterday's drunken and decadent appearance, and looked radiant.

A clean and tidy off-white researcher's coat, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and combing short blond hair meticulously.

Especially the blue satellite bangs on the top of the head stood up firmly again.

"Mr. Akromar, how are you?"

The three of Xiaozhi were surprised, and then looked suspiciously at Kona who walked in from behind.

In the end, did he use a means to instantly rejuvenate a man?

"Oh hehe, I've worried you for the past two days~ But I'm completely fine now~"

Akromar smiled at them, as if he had completely opened up his heart:
"It's just a mistake. Failure is the letter of success. Failure can also make me improve! There is nothing to care about~"

After speaking, he sat down at the table beside him and enjoyed the food gracefully.


With question marks all over Xiaozhi's head, he could only look at Kona with a puzzled expression.

He even wondered if Akromar pretended to be decadent on purpose, so he could play games with the two beauties Kona and Bonnie all night?

"It's no big deal, Mr. Akroma is still young. After growing up once, his mentality will naturally become more mature~"

Seeing the puzzled eyes of several people, Kona just explained with a smile, with a charming wine red on his cheeks.

Seeing Xiaozhi still staring at him, Kona pushed his eyes again, and asked with a smile:

"What's the matter, Xiaozhi, do you want to grow up too?"

Seeing that Kona suddenly looked him up and down, Xiaozhi immediately puffed up his chest, indicating that he has no problems and can grow up at any time.

"Hey, but these are the things grown-ups do~ If you want Xiaozhi, let's wait a few more years~"

However, Kona just covered his mouth and smiled, teasing a bit.

Then they looked at the two people behind, which made Mingyi and Xiaoxia's faces turn red.

Didn't that kind of thing really happen next door last night? !
However, as a riddler, Kona didn't say anything, just sat opposite Akromar, enjoying delicious food together, and chatting with each other from time to time.

It seems that after a night of communication, the relationship between the two has become quite friendly.

"Hey, what exactly is growth?"

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help turning his head to look at Mingyi and the two, but the two blushed immediately and ran away in embarrassment.

Seeing Xiaozhi standing in place in a daze, Kona looked away and couldn't help but comment:

"Xiao Zhijun, what a rare piece of wood~"

Akromar nodded and agreed:

"Xiaozhi is indeed a top-notch piece of wood~"

In short, Mr. Akromar returned to his original state, which made Xiaozhi heave a sigh of relief.

Now, life in the villa is back on track for the time being.

With the wealth of knowledge in her brain, Mingyi doesn't need her own help, she can complete the exercise well by herself.

No, Ming Yi had just arranged her own Pokémon training, and was dragged by Xiaoxia early in the morning to explore the mysterious underwater ruins under the Ripple Bay.

With the help of Manafei's Neptune ability, the two can easily reach their destination without any diving equipment.

But this time, with the help of the knowledge in Mingyi's brain, the two seem to be able to explore more magical mysteries.

The information that Mingyi can tell even about the ancient underwater ruins shocked Xiaoxia again.

"One-two! One-two! One-two!"

On the other side, Xiaozhi still took his Pokémon, running and exercising on the long and narrow coastline of Lianyi Town.

The time is a bit urgent! There are only 2 months left for the Fanba City Championship.

Within two months, these Unified Pokémon will also be able to participate in the tournament with a lot of strong players, among them there are many masters of the league's king level.

At the very least, it has to evolve into the final form in order to catch up with those predecessors as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, this time with the help of Pokémon Virus, the growth rate of all Pokémon is also extremely amazing, and the strength of each day is increasing visible to the naked eye.

Today, as usual, Xiaozhi finished his exercise and took all the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball.

With Pikachu on one shoulder and Zoroya Xitriu on the other, he walked slowly along the beach with the two Pokémon, preparing to return to the villa area.


Just today, when passing by the pier area, a huge monster attracted Xiaozhi's attention.

This is a huge ship, although it is smaller than the luxury cruise ship that Xiao Zhi has taken before. But it is estimated that it can hold hundreds of people?
But after all, this is just a small pier, and the boats that come and go are basically speedboats.

Suddenly a large ship docked, which looked very strange and eye-catching.

There are also many tourists gathered by the pier, looking around curiously like Xiao Zhi.

The surface of the entire hull was pitch black, and no company logo was seen, nor were the sailors and crew members up and down, and the sails could be vaguely seen standing high on the deck.

"Hey, is there anyone?"

When Xiaozhi looked up, he suddenly saw a figure on the deck.

But in the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before.

However, Xiaozhi's eyesight is very strong. Although he only saw it for a few seconds, he could probably see that it was a person with green hair.
It's not the mysterious trainer N that I saw in the psychedelic forest before, but a middle-aged man?

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