He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2072 The true leader of the plasma team, Queches!

Xiaozhi wanted to give himself a slap, but at this moment he was still wondering if the opposite party was triplets.
It's just that he was about to raise his hand, but he couldn't move it at all, which gave him a feeling of aggrieved.

Needless to say, this feeling seems to have not appeared for a long time.

Boom! !

On the other side, Pikachu's electric shock released again collided with Geometric Snowflake's move, causing a good explosion in the air.


It's just releasing several moves in succession. For Pikachu, it's not a big problem, almost 0 consumption.

But for this geometric snowflake, its body was hollowed out quickly, shaking in mid-air.

Although the eyes are still violently blood red, the edges of the snowflakes on the edge of the body are constantly melting and shrinking, and the aura is rapidly wilting.

"Tsk, will it be over so soon?"

Wei Ao cursed in a low voice, frowned, and glanced at the machine in his hand.

Although the Acroma machine can greatly increase the power of Pokémon, energy is conserved after all.

Forcibly increasing the power of Pokémon will cause irreversible damage to Pokémon's body, and there is a time limit.

Although he already knew that the electric mouse in front of him was powerful.

But I didn't expect that just a few strokes of the collision almost drained all the energy of the geometric snowflake.

"Hmph, useless guy."

Seeing this, Wei Ao snorted coldly, raised his hand and took back the geometric snowflakes.

In this beach environment with sunny days, geometric snowflakes are still too reluctant, requiring doubled stamina.Then he glanced at the passers-by who were gradually approaching around him.

After all, such a violent battle will naturally attract others to watch.

It is enough.

Vio took out a new Poké Ball and opened it straight away.

When the red light falls, it is still the classic characteristic of the Hezhong area. The weird shape, the bones are amazing.

This Pokémon has a colorful body that resembles an ancient totem.

The specific torso and limbs can't be distinguished clearly, but the upper sides and the bottom can vaguely identify the simple wing organs.

The symbol bird, also known as the totem bird, is a Pokémon born of totem worship by the ancient people in the Hezhong area. It usually appears in the ancient ruins area.

Wei Ao grabbed the bottom part of this symbolic bird, and the latter flapped its wings and immediately flew several meters into the air.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town. In short, I brought the words with me. I just want to warn you a little today."

"If you don't leave Lord Akromar again, it won't be so simple next time."

Before leaving, Wei Ao dropped harsh words.

Immediately, the symbolic bird flapped its wings, and one person and one bird flew towards the distance, which was in the direction of the huge ship. After Wei Ao landed on the deck of the big ship, he disappeared.


Seeing this, Pikachu immediately jumped up and changed the target.

It was about to snap one of the ninjas in the head with a steel tail from the outside.

However, in the next moment, just like when the three appeared, the dark trio disappeared in an instant, and the one in broad daylight disappeared strangely like a ghost.


At the same time, Xiaozhi was relieved, and the absolute confinement power on his body disappeared in an instant, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But when he came back to his senses, a yellow figure appeared in front of him, and Pikachu's iron tail magnified in his pupils.
"Fuck, look more clearly, Pikachu!!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and quickly squatted down as fast as he could, barely avoiding Pikachu's critical blow.

I can even feel that the top of my head seems to have been cut by a knife, and it is chilly.
Don't let the plasma team get knocked down by their own people before doing anything!


With one blow, Pikachu landed on the ground, his tail lost its metallic luster, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then he looked at Xiaozhi again, as if he was worried about the situation just now.

"I'm fine"

Only then did Xiaozhi come back to his senses, and looked at his arms and body. With the disappearance of the three ninjas, the power that restrained him also disappeared.

It's really strange, what kind of power are these three people displaying?
"Pickup pickup.!"

Pikachu called out a few times repeatedly, squinting his eyes, with a somewhat suspicious expression.

What it wants to ask is not whether there is any problem with Xiaozhi's body.
So did you act just now?
It can't believe that Xiaozhi is really so simple, completely bound by the three white hairs!
Seeing this, Xiaozhi's heart warmed up, he smiled, took Pikachu and rubbed his head.

"It's rare that you care about me so much, Pikachu~"

But when he turned his head, the huge black ship was still parked by the pier.

I thought it was just a completely irrelevant scenery, but now it seems that I can't just ignore it.
"Forget it, go back and ask Mr. Akromar first."

After looking at the ship for a while, there was no movement, and his waveguide power was completely blocked. Xiao Zhi simply stopped thinking about it, turned his head and walked quickly towards the direction of the villa area.

At the same time, on the deck of the plasma destroyer.

Although the surface of the sides of the ship is pitch black, the deck is off-white.

Both the front and rear have access to the interior of the cabin, and the area is spacious.

However, for a ship that looks very high-tech, there is a huge white sail erected in the center of the deck, which seems a bit inconsistent.


Riding on the symbol bird, Wei Ao landed firmly on the deck, and took the symbol bird back with his backhand.

He straightened his clothes, straightened his face, then lowered his head halfway, and walked slowly towards one end of the hull.

On the high platform, there was already someone waiting for him.

It was the figure that Xiaozhi had glimpsed before, with light green hair, a black robe wrapped all over his body, a dark and cold middle-aged face, and a strange red detection lens on one eye.

One hand is holding a scepter, and the center of the scepter is the logo of Team Plasma, which seems to represent its own supreme power.

"Master Queches. According to what you said, it's all done."

Wei Ao changed his previous cold expression when facing Xiaozhi, and his attitude suddenly became humble.

Arched back, with a respectful face and squinted eyes, like a kind old man.

"Ah, very good."

Kuiqisi nodded, and turned his eyes casually, and could see the back of Xiaozhi leaving in the distance on the beach.

"Um, in other words, just a simple warning is enough, I don't need it"

Wei Ao still wanted to express his loyalty, but was swept away by Queqisi's cold eyes, and suddenly trembled with fright, and quickly lowered his head extremely low.

"I'm sorry, my subordinate talked too much!"

This time, he was really shaking.

The person in front of him is the real power behind the Plasma team, Queches!

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