He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2074 How about we blow up that ship?

After listening to Xiaozhi's narration, Akromar gradually frowned.

"Seven Sages, Vio? I met him once in the plasma team."

The Seven Sages are the top management of Team Plasma, consisting of seven elders with profound knowledge.

After all, the Plasma team is a semi-religious organization, half of the time is making dangerous plans behind the scenes, and half of the time is promoting their set of "release Pokémon" ideas to the public.

The seven sages provide ideological guidance.

However, after the previous turmoil, it seems that there are only 1 or 2 left among the Seven Sages in the New Plasma team.

After all, some sages really promote the release of Pokémon for the sake of Pokémon.

After knowing Quecchis' true intentions, he naturally withdrew from the team and cut.

At this time, Akromar couldn't help looking at Mingyi.

"Your mother should belong to this faction."

Different from the new plasma team that is still trying to control the world, individual Seven Sages formed a new organization, the purpose is to take care of those Pokémon who have been brainwashed and released and cannot survive in the wild, and make up for their own mistakes.

"Oh mom, is Team Plasma?"

Mingyi blinked her eyes and opened her mouth wide.

Her mother didn't tell her about this, she only said that she should be careful of the harassment of the plasma team.

But speaking of it, my mother does work at a Pokémon Rescue Center in Hinoki City.
It's just that compared to these, Xiaoxia and Mingyi were more surprised by Wei Ao's actions.

It sounds more like a chaebol drama, threatening Xiaozhi to leave Akromar's side.
"By the way, what happened to those three ninjas? What is the origin of the superpowers they use?"

Xiaozhi was even more curious about this, and hurriedly asked.

"Are you talking about the Dark Trio? Vio can still drive them?"

Akromar quickly shook his head, his eyes sinking.

"No, it looks like it's not just Vio, Queches should be nearby too."

The Dark Trio is an orphan adopted by Quecchis since he was a child, and they were raised as Deadpool assassins. They are absolutely loyal to Quecchis and will only obey the latter.

"These three people are inseparable from Kuiqisi. Not only are they outstanding trainers, but they also seem to have incredible power. But I don't know exactly what kind of power it is."

Akromar shook his head, after all, there are too many special forces in this world.

For example, Xiaozhi's waveguide power is also a very strange power.

Speaking of which, how many of the children adopted by Quecchis seem to have special powers?

Akromar rubbed his chin, and the appearance of N and the other two adopted daughters of Quecchis flashed across his mind.
Seeing the confused faces of Xiaozhi and the others, Akromar calmed down and explained:
"You don't know Queches, right? This guy is the actual controller behind the plasma team, and he's also a crazy careerist."

"As for me, the King of the Plasma Team, it's actually just a title, and I don't have much authority. At least the Seven Sages or the Dark Trio are not under my control~"

Speaking of this, Akromar shrugged and said helplessly.

He and Quecchis are purely part-time workers, and the latter provides him with resources and a team, so he will come up with a brain.
As for what kind of purpose Quecchis wanted to use these special instruments to achieve, Akromar didn't know at all.

"So is it someone like Boss Sakagi?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia didn't know what was going on, so they simply used the boss Sakagi in their hometown as a comparison.

Mingyi rubbed his head, always feeling that there are many memories about this Quecchi in his mind.

You can even see "myself", the scene where Quecchi broke through the defense.?

After a while, Xiaozhi took the initiative to speak:

"How about it, Mr. Akromar, do you need my help, or should we blow up that ship now?"

At the beginning, he was afraid that Akromar would be too involved with Team Plasma, so it would be difficult to make a move.

Now it looks like they are not very familiar?
Just right, straight justice cut!

It's fine to threaten yourself, the members of the plasma team may also hurt Mingyi Xiaoxia and the others, Xiaozhi can't bear it.

It just happened to be a hot hand copy before participating in the championship, and it was directly pierced.

The first time he encountered the strange power of the dark trio, Xiaozhi had no time to react. He didn't believe that he would still be completely unable to fight back next time!

Pikachu also jumped up, the current running through his cheeks.

Geometric snowflakes?Just a drugged clown, just take it down next time!
"Don't worry. The Plasma team still means a lot to me."

Akromar shook his head, interrupting Xiaozhi's enthusiasm.

Then his face sank and he stood up:

"Anyway, I'll go to Quecchis first, and ask him what his purpose is. At least keep them away from you."

As a gesture, Xiaozhi also stood up, intending to follow up and help.

"You guys stay here. After all, I am still the king of the plasma team. They won't do anything to me. Maybe they will kowtow to me after meeting."

Akromar grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a row of teeth, with an extremely confident expression.

It seems that after that night, Akromar has become more mature, and his gestures exude the charm of a confident man, shining brightly.

Since Quecchis and the others just warned Xiaozhi this time, they didn't actually do anything.
Naturally, they still need their own strength, and they will not turn against themselves.

Speaking of which, it seems that it has been a while since the last time I handed in version 1.0 of the Acroma machine.

Just take another Acroma machine fool version and hand it in.

Just take this opportunity to find out what their actual purpose is?
Watching Akromar leave, the three of Xiaozhi didn't panic.

Xiao Zhiyi is bold and bold, so he is not afraid of any plasma team.

Xiaoxia is also an excellent gym trainer, and she is not even a local at all. What happened, she just slipped back to the Kanto area and it was over.

You have to fight against the boss of the local snake, Sakagi, before you can fight against the gymnasium owner in the Kanto region!

And having obtained a lot of knowledge in his mind, now Mingyi's courage has also grown, and he is even a little eager to try?

As for Master Kona, he is a strong man who has been famous for many years, and he is not afraid of any local organizations.

The three of them simply got busy, and didn't take the plasma team too seriously.

And when Akromar came back that night, there was nothing serious.

Akromar did not elaborate on what was exchanged, but the plasma destroyer that had been docked at the pier of Ripple Town sailed away from the shore.

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