He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2081 Another autistic...?

Chapter 2081 Another autistic one.?

Not only that, Keldeo's feet continued to spray water, and the strong reaction force even made it rush out again.

This time, it knocked Pikachu back directly.

"Is there still such a way of fighting?"

Xiao Zhi secretly marveled, the way of spraying water from the feet is very novel.

Pikachu spun a few times and fell back onto the beach.

At this moment, the sun has completely set, and it seems that this coastal beach is a bit dark.

"I'll make up the flashlight Loto~!"

Rotom flew directly between the two of them, the rear flashlight was turned on, and the dazzling light fell on the bodies of the mouse and the horse respectively, stretching the shadows obliquely.

With a wave of his finger, Xiao Zhi immediately launched an attack:
"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!!"

Pikachu jumped up, slapped his cheek with his palm, and the violent electric current suddenly slanted and bombarded down, without any hesitation!
"open circuit!!"

Facing the dangerous electric current, Keldeo did not take half a step back, but turned around directly, and then raised his hind legs high.

Boom! !
The bottom of the two hind legs sprayed out a strong stream of water, entangled and spiraled out, forming a bunch of powerful water cannons.

Boom! !
The water flow and the electric shock exploded in the air, and in an instant, countless water splashes with flowing electric arcs fell from the air and crashed into the sea.

"Use Iron Tail!!"

As the aftermath of the move dissipated, Pikachu flew down, his tail turned into a steel whip, and he slammed down!

Keldeo raised his head even higher, and the corner of his forehead turned into a silver-white sword, slashing upwards as well!

Bang Bang!

boom! !

boom! !

The two steel attribute moves collided without hindrance, hitting each other frequently, and bursts of metallic explosions erupted.

The strong fighting force even lifted up the surrounding sea water, rushing to the surrounding waves.

In an instant, the slender horn struck the steel tail a few times, and Keldeo's head, which was raised high, was forced down at this moment.

"open circuit.!"

This makes it very aggrieved, why can an electric mouse have such a powerful force, every time it hits it, it makes its head buzz and vibrate.

And he stepped on the sea.

You can't fly, why don't you fall down in the sky at all, and you are still swinging your steel tail left and right? !
Bang Bang! !
Pikachu ended up with the last blow of the iron tail, sending Keldeo flying several meters at one time, dragging long waves on the sea surface with his four feet.


Pikachu himself used the reaction force, and after turning a few somersaults, he landed firmly on a reef on the shore.

"Beep beep! Steel attribute duel, Pikachu is completely in the advantage Loto~!"

Although not participating in the war, Rotom is still actively trying to participate in the battle.

It has no advantage in speed and strength at all, which also makes Keldeo a little flustered. Now it still feels that its unicorn is trembling and hurting.
It's just that the Three Swordsmen not only taught it superb fighting skills, but also taught it the will of justice and unyielding.

"open circuit!!"

Keldeo fixed his eyes, shouted loudly, and raised his head again.


This time, a light blue energy ray suddenly rose from the corner of his forehead, forming a laser lightsaber!
Holy Sword!

"It's very imposing!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but be ignited by the opponent, and pressed his hat. He had obviously gone through a day of training, but now he became more excited than ever.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the fourth member of the Three Swordsmen. Sure enough, like Bilizion, he has the handsome and powerful holy sword moves.

"Since that's the case, Pikachu, we can't lose. Use Giant Beast Slash!!"

Xiaozhi raised his finger and roared loudly.

Pikachu was stunned for a moment, the aura of the holy sword used by the water horse in front of him was somewhat familiar.

It seems that in the Forest of Oath in Suanmu Town, there was the same aura on the cut-scarred rock at the end of the depth.

Pikachu shook his head quickly, no matter if he was familiar with it or not, cut it first and then talk!
Thinking of this, Pikachu stepped on the sand with all four limbs, and raised his tail high behind his back.


A high-frequency sonic boom trembled, and the stepped tail gradually turned silvery white, then silvery black, and even the body shape swelled a lot.

Especially above, there is still a lingering breath that seems to be able to split everything
"So it was really a special training?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and his proficiency seemed to have improved a lot. Pikachu really worked hard.

The tyrannical aura of Giant Beast Slash also made Keldeo's originally handsome and dazzling holy sword move completely inferior for a while.

"open circuit!!"

Keldeo didn't care about that much anymore, and he rushed straight out like a knight holding a spear! !
Pikachu rushed out at the same speed, dragging its swollen and enlarged iron tail along the way, at a super-high speed, and even walked on the sea like a dragonfly on the water for a while.

When the two approached, facing the opponent's straight thrusting holy sword move, Pikachu spun his body violently, and the giant beast slashing move swept out!
Bang Bang! !
There was another ear-piercing burst of metal explosions, as if a bomb exploded suddenly on the calm sea, and the sea water rushed towards the surroundings suddenly, full of vigor.


At the center of the collision of the two moves, there was even a burst of electricity, and there was a piercing friction sound.

Keldeo still wants to resist with all his strength.
"Pika. Chupi!!"

Hearing Pikachu's low shout, the power of the giant beast slash erupted, and Keldeo was sent flying with overwhelming force!
Even the surface of the sea was split into a vacuum gap more than five meters long, and the sea water did not return for a long time!
The latter's figure flew back across the sea and fell into the reef area. After breaking several protruding reefs, his body barely stopped.

"Hiss, what a powerful force!"

Xiaozhi opened his mouth wide on the bank, and the power of the giant beast slash was much higher than last time.


Pikachu panted a little, and landed firmly on a rock.

Xiaozhi quickly looked in another direction.

But in that reef area, Keldeo was lying on a huge reef in an extremely embarrassing situation, and a long and thin mark had appeared on his body, spreading from the top of his head to his feet.

"open circuit."

It was also frightened by this blow, and it didn't recover for a long time, just panting there.

Until a crisp cracking sound sounded above the head.

However, on Keldeo's forehead, the nearly [-]-centimeter curved horn suddenly cracked and broke from the root.


Then the broken horn just fell on the reef, in front of Keldeo.

This also made Keldeo's expression completely dull, and even the bull-like fighting spirit before had completely disappeared.

It just stared blankly at its broken horns, and its pupils completely lost their highlight.

Why is this look so familiar?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but glanced at Genesect next to him, and suddenly a bad thought came to his mind.

"Won't you hit autism again?"

(End of this chapter)

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