He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2084 The Team Exploring the Undulating Water

Chapter 2084 The Team Exploring the Undulating Water
Xiaozhi's interest was also aroused, Suicune actually has other appearances?
Is it a regional form?

"Leave it to me, Lotto~!"

Rotom immediately floated to the center of the three, connected to the live broadcast signal of the press conference, and the screen quickly synchronized with Xiaoxia's mobile phone screen.

The screen of the illustrated book is similar to that of an ipad, and there are more things to see. Xiaoxia also turned her head and put away her phone.

The three of them just sat on Chenglong's back, staring at the screen.

"Mr. Shuijing, long time no see."

Looking at the well-dressed man in the video, Xiaozhi was somewhat impressed, but not deeply impressed.

He probably only remembered such a person, and he didn't remember any plots that happened before.

The only thing I remember is that Mr. Suikyo has an almost pathological pursuit of Suicune.

So on the issue of Suicune, it is impossible for Mr. Shuijing to make a fake, and the things produced in this press conference are probably trustworthy.

"Attention, this special Suicune is not a regional form. In order to distinguish it from ordinary Suicune, I temporarily named this Suicune Undulating Water! It is an independent new Pokémon!"

Shui Jing introduced it in a full-fledged manner.

This press conference not only faced the video audience far away, but also many media reporters in front of the scene, which was quite formal.

Immediately afterwards, Shui Jing released another photo.

"That's right, this is the actual photo I took!"

The reporters at the scene, including Xiaozhi in front of the screen, all stared wide-eyed.

This photo was not taken clearly, but the color scheme of Suicune's body is not too different.

The head is topped with a light blue diamond-shaped crystal, the back of the head is covered with dark purple mane, and the body is blue and white
But the body structure is quite different.

It's not a beast-shaped body like a wolf or leopard, but with raised forelimbs, more like a dinosaur?
"Ahem, although the photo is a bit blurry, I drew it based on the scene I saw at the time!"

Shui Jing coughed. Not only did this undulating water look like a dinosaur, but it was also as sensitive in movement as in smell. After sensing its own existence, it fled away quickly.

Soon, everyone saw the portrait given by Shui Jing.

It has to be said that Shui Jing's painting level is not bad, and this is a very outstanding work.

"Looks so weird"

After seeing clearly this time, Mingyi couldn't help blurting out.

The color scheme is roughly similar to that of Suicune, but the body shape is completely transformed into a dinosaur, with very short claws on the forelimbs held in front of the chest, which looks naive.

And the originally elegant white ribbon tail
It directly turned into two white slender dinosaur tails with small thorns on their backs.

"Don't tell me, it looks a bit like a Brachiosaurus, or a Baby Tyrannosaurus?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

If the poster was not Mr. Mizukyo, he would have wondered if someone deliberately put a purple wig on a hooded dragon and dyed its body blue and white.
That's pretty similar.

"Suicun in the form of a dinosaur. She's pretty too~!!"

Xiaoxia's eyes are shining, and her eyes have completely become cautious.

Although it lacks a bit of the elegant and cold arrogance of the North Wind Messenger.
The wild beauty of dinosaurs and beasts seems to be quite suitable for Suicune!

No, it should be called Undulating Water now!

After all, if a new Pokémon is discovered, the first discoverer is indeed qualified to name it.

"Is it undulating water? The name sounds weird, it might as well be called Shui Junlong."

Xiaozhi complained while hugging his chest.

In the video, the press conference is almost over, which seems a bit brief.

But in the end, Shui Jing also invited everyone in front of the screen to form a team.

"Next, I will form a research team. To this end, I need some like-minded partners to join me, and continue to explore this mysterious undulating water with me. It is best for them to master some outdoor survival and scientific research techniques, or be good at understanding water attribute treasures. Pokémon expert."

"At that time, I will share information such as where I encountered the rippling water with this team."

"If you are interested, please send your resume to my personal mailbox[email protected]"

This is one of the reasons why he held a press conference this time.

The last time I was so obsessed with pursuing Suicune, but now that Suicune is working for the City Alliance.

This time he learned his lesson.

The strength of one person is still too weak, so this time directly form a small team!
As the live broadcast of the press conference ended, Xiaoxia also operated her mobile phone immediately and edited her resume.

As a water attribute expert, it shouldn't be difficult to join this team!

"Hey Xiaoxia, do you want to join that team?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but tilt his head curiously, he was still thinking about this special rippling water in his mind.

Since Suicune has this ancient dinosaur form.
Does it mean that the same Lei Gong and Emperor Yan also have corresponding dinosaur forms?
This made Xiaozhi couldn't help fantasizing about his Emperor Yan, who turned into a little short-handed Gailong, and felt that his temperament suddenly became naive.

"Hmph, I in another world let Suicune escape and I won't make the same mistake this time!"

Xiaoxia replied confidently, and even planned to subdue this undulating water that she had never met.

The resume she sent was also very simple and rude. She wrote "Xiaoxia, the owner of the Hualan gymnasium, is ready to join the team" and sent it directly.

After all, when she was traveling in the Chengdu area, she also met Mr. Shui Jing, so there is no need to talk so much.

After sending it out, the mailbox received a reply very quickly, and it seemed to be an automatic reply.

The above are some polite words, which roughly introduce the situation of this exploration team.

"Just in time, there is still time!"

After reading the reply, Xiaoxia said in surprise.

Shuijing's team will officially start for almost a month, but she has time to finish participating in this tournament before going to join them.

“But time is still a bit tight”

Xiaoxia rubbed her chin and thought secretly, using her brain in a crooked way.

Anyway, the championship is also a public mission, so it's almost time to deal with it and run away?
The passing indicators given to her and Kona by the official Kanto League are naturally different.

Since it represents the face of the Kanto region, it is natural not to be too weak in front of audiences all over the world.

As the king of Kanto, Ke took the yard into the quarter-finals of the tournament.

As an ordinary gymnasium owner, Xiaoxia's request is much easier
As long as you don't get eliminated in the first round, it's too embarrassing!
"Okay, when the first round is over, I'll run away in the second round."

Xiaoxia secretly made up her mind, she doesn't know what the process of this championship is like.

But if you leave in the second round of the early stage of the competition, there should be no conflict at all in terms of time, right?

(End of this chapter)

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