He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2089 Xiziyi: Well, I often brush Xiaozhi recently

Chapter 2089 Xiziyi: Well, I often brush Xiaozhi recently

"Hey, hey, hey! I, Huche, are back!!"

Several people were still discussing the matter of abandoning the Yusan family. At this time, there was a burst of yelling from far away, which made Xiaozhi feel refreshed all of a sudden.

Looking sideways, I saw Huche running over with his signature Leolu.

"I'm sorry, I should have been fine for an hour, but I accidentally got lost, and I came here only after walking around Qinghai wave city three times."

When he ran up to him, Hu Che bent his waist, supported his knees, and was still panting heavily.


Riolu beside him was also panting, with a complaining look on his face.

If it hadn't come to lead the way in the end, it, the Ma Daha trainer, would probably have to go around for another 2 hours!
Xiaozhi: "."

It seems that not only is he a young man, but he also seems to lack a muscle in his brain?

Well, this is not like him!
"If you want to fight, then come with me~!"

Xi Ziyi waved his hand kindly, leading a few people into the gymnasium through the back door.

Qinghai Bodao Stadium is more than just an outdoor sea surface arena.
There is also a land arena indoors.

Since she got a Yusanjia from the Kanto area today, Xi Ziyi was in a good mood and generously lent the arena.

After all, it is not a dedicated water-type Pokémon event. Whether it is a sea or beach arena, it is not a good place to fight.

"Let's go too, water otter~!"

Xiaoxia was also cheerful, humming a little song on the road.

She just hugged the newly tamed otter in her arms, just like holding Torkby.

And Xiaozhi and Huche looked at each other, naturally did not refuse, and followed behind the group.

After a while, several people came to a standard indoor arena, surrounded by several rows of spectator seats.

Xiaoxia and Mingyi took advantage of the situation and sat in the front row, ready to watch the big show up close.

"Then let me be the referee for this friendly match!"

Xi Ziyi walked to the center of the arena and said loudly.


The Squirrel standing on his shoulder followed suit, raising his chubby hand solemnly.

Xiao Zhi and Hu Che were standing at the two ends of the arena respectively, and they had already pulled out a poke ball from their palms.

"Then in this match, both sides can use 6 Pokémon each, and if one side loses all fighting abilities, the winner will be determined!"

Xi Ziyi raised her palm, indicating that the two parties are ready to send Pokémon.

However, this kind of friendly match is directly the intensity of all players, which is still rare.
Is there any vendetta?

Hu Che has already fought, and he is a good trainer, especially good at adapting to changes. It is estimated that he can achieve a good result in this Hezhong League.

As for Xiaozhi, he has never heard of
No, I seem to have heard of it!

Xi Ziyi looked at Xiaozhi, suddenly remembered something, and his expression gradually became weird.

When he was watching short videos a few days ago, he seemed to have seen a lace entertainment news about "Xiaozhi, a mysterious trainer from the Kanto region, having fun on the beach with Ermei in a swimsuit"?

There is also a candid video below.

It seems that the protagonist of the video is Xiaozhi and the two girls in the audience?

Speaking of which, Xiaozhi seems to have bought a trending search, and he often comes across some inexplicable news recently.
Xi Ziyi shook her head and focused on the arena.

The two of them at this moment have each thrown their first Pokémon.


Huche's first Pokémon was a swan-shaped Pokémon. It fluttered its wings as soon as it appeared on the stage, and made a melodious cry.

It has a slender neck, a majestic head and a yellow beak, covered with pure white feathers, and light blue pectoral fin-like feathers on its chest.

"Beep beep! Dancing swan, water and flying attributes, the evolution of baby duck, with an elegant appearance, can dance gracefully in the air, and the slender neck can assist in violent pecking Loto~!"

Rotom hovered above Xiaozhi's head, introducing it solemnly, and at the same time looked triumphantly at Mingyi who was watching the competition.

Mingyi: "."

As for Ash's Pokémon

As soon as the fried pig appeared on the stage, he was stunned for a while.

It also thought that when it came out, it was the crazy senior monkey in front of it, but it was an elegant and beautiful white swan?
"Stir fry!!"

This made Chao Chao Zhu excited all of a sudden, his body was jumping and screaming.

In short, no matter what you do now, you can enjoy it, as long as you don't let it see Senior Monkey!
"Beep beep!! It's completely unfavorable in terms of attributes, Loto!!"

Rotom issued a reminder. After all, water + flying swans are really perfect for restraining the fire + fighting attributes of fried pigs.

"This is what I want!"

But Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth, and his expression became even more elevated.

The battle officially begins! !

"Dance the swan, use the wave of water!!"

Seeing that his attributes were completely dominant, Hu Che immediately became excited and took the lead in attacking.

However, at the same time, Xiaozhi also shouted in a low voice:
"Stir fried pig, use Sonic Punch!!"

It stands to reason that with the weight of fried pigs, it is actually difficult to master the quick-attack move of Sonic Fist.

However, under the rigorous training of Teacher Abandoned Monkey, Chaochaozhu broke through the limit and mastered the quick attack moves that can only be used by Pokémon with the body of Flame Chicken and Flame Monkey.

bang bang! !
He made the move first, making Chao Chaozhu extremely fast, dashed out and jumped up, before the wave of water was released, he punched the dancing swan in the abdomen.

"It's not over yet, keep using the wave of water!!"

Hu Che hastily said, the moves of the fighting attribute did not have a very good effect, and the moves were not interrupted.

However, the fried pig that was punched out did not just fall down, but quickly stretched out his hands and directly grabbed Wu Swan's body.


This made it difficult for the dancing swan to control its body at once, struggling up and down in mid-air, and the wave of water condensed around its mouth could not be released accurately.
"Right now, use the earth cast!!"

Seizing the opportunity, Chaochaozhu immediately hugged Dancing Swan's torso, then reversed the direction of his force, and threw his arms down heavily!
The dancing swan was thrown directly on the ground, and had a close contact with the ground, and fell dizzy.

It's exactly what Teacher Abandoned Monkey is good at, throwing on the earth!

"Ahhh, why is there such a fighting style?!"

Hu Che panicked immediately, the script was already a little bit wrong at the beginning.
But Xiaozhi didn't give the opponent a chance at all, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue:
"Fried fried pig, use trample now!!"

The stir-fried pig that flew down from the sky raised a trotter and trampled on the dancing swan on the ground
Boom! !
There was a burst of explosion, and the smoke and dust filled the air in an instant.


And as the smoke dissipated, Wu Swan, who was stepped on by the fried pig, had completely lost the ability to fight, and fell to the ground with his head crooked.

(End of this chapter)

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