He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2095 Qinghai wave tragedy

Chapter 2095 Qinghai Wave Tragedy (End)
"Huh, I got it!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief.

The level of this Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit is definitely not low. It seems to be an extreme offensive Pokémon, but it is very crispy.

Taking advantage of Huche's commanding chaos, the proto-bird was able to defeat it with one blow so smoothly!
And successfully performed the big move of the rock attribute, the ancestor bird fell to the ground.


It tilted its head suddenly, with a dull expression, and there were not a few feathers left on its body, revealing a bare rock-like body.


The next moment, the proto-bird's body glowed with white light, and his figure also rapidly expanded at the same time

Xiaozhi's expression was happy, it was finally the turn of the ancestor bird to evolve.

All the way from the Kanto region to the Hezhong region, it is indeed time to evolve!
It seems that the level of this crystal lantern fire spirit is really quite high, and the experience value has increased a lot after killing it!


When the light of evolution completely dissipated, the Progenitor Bird let out a roar full of spirit, and the voice had already carried the obvious raptor momentum, which made people's spirits tremble.

Xiaozhi looked intently, and the progenitor bird, which was not even below his knees, suddenly turned into a big bird taller than himself!

The body is still the appearance of the original bird, and the wings and arms are integrated.

And the feathers that had been bald before, covered the body again at this moment, and they were still fancy and gorgeous feathers.

The head is green and red, smooth rock head, sharp teeth appear at the corners of the open mouth, but the white eyes and black pupils still look dull.

"Beep! Proto-Bird, the evolution of Proto-Bird, with rock and flying attributes, is an ancient fossil Pokémon. It is said to be the ancestor of all bird Pokémon, but it is better at running and galloping than flying. Trust~!"

Listening to Rotom's introduction, Xiao Zhi raised his eyebrows, the naming is really confusing.

I wonder if Xiaomao's fossilized sea turtle has evolved now?
Find some time to go to the Evergreen Gym for a walk around the bird, and show off the big ancestor bird that has become gaudy at the moment!
"Come back for the time being, Great Ancestral Bird!"

However, Xiaozhi did not choose to let him continue to fight, but took the ancestor bird back.

In my mind, I calculated a little bit.
Now, he can just make up 5v6 and defeat Hu Che!

"Damn it, there's only one left."

On the other side, Huche's mentality is completely broken, and he doesn't follow the script at all!
In the past, no matter who he fought against along the way, he always went smoothly, and he never suffered such a disastrous defeat!


However, Riolu next to him gave a low shout, encouraging his trainer.

"Riolu, do you still want to fight?"

Hu Che, who was flustered, gradually calmed down after seeing his firm eyes in Riolu.

"Okay! Since we are about to lose, at least one more Pokémon must be killed! Please, Riolu!!"

Huche let out a low cry, and this energetic Leolu immediately flew down in front of it, warming up with its small fists and moving flexibly.

As long as you can defeat one more, then you will be considered a winner today! !
"Oh, fighting spirit is very good.!"

Xiaozhi nodded and praised.

Speaking of which, he still admires this trainer who is somewhat similar to the original self.
But I'm sorry, 5v6 will definitely be played today!

"Then it's up to you!!"

Xiaozhi threw the fifth elf ball violently, the red light fell, and the tall and cold figure of the Ivy Snake landed in front of him.


She turned sideways and looked sideways at Riolu, as if she didn't pay much attention to the opponent in front of her.

"Damn!" "Leo!!"

Sure enough, a simple look of contempt directly angered Huche and Riolu at the same time.

"Riolu, it's the last battle, don't lose to it! Use Lightning Flash!!"

The final battle officially started, and Riolu immediately rushed towards the Ivy Snake, his movements were extremely fast.

However, before waiting for Xiaozhi's command, the scornful eyes of the Ivy Snake flashed a green light, which allowed her to fully capture the attacking trend of Riolu
See you!

The Ivy Snake leaned slightly and avoided it easily.

He even swiped his tail sideways, causing Riolu to fall from the side.

"Damn, use vacuum wave!!"

This Riolu's skill is very well-trained, he jumped up with his palm on the ground, and then hit a wave of air with his backhand in the air.

It's just that the tail of the ivy snake pressed down, directly crushing and scattering the vacuum wave completely.

"Uh, it seems that I don't need to command anymore.?"

This made Xiaozhi hook his cheeks, and said with a dry smile behind him.

"Vine, vine!!"

Unexpectedly, this sentence was heard by the Ivy Snake, she immediately turned her head, looked directly at Xiaozhi with cold eyes, and screamed again and again.

Since you don't want to command, you must command!

Xiaozhi: "."

Finally, under the gaze of the Ivy Snake, he still lowered his head.

It hasn't fully evolved into the third stage yet, the current Ivy Snake's character is really perverse and rebellious
"In this case, use the dragon tail!!"

Seeing Riolu condensed his metal claws to attack again, Xiao Zhi simply said positively.

The Ivy Snake nodded, its slender and flexible body was swinging, and its tail was instantly glowing with blue light.

Bang Bang! !
The dragon's tail slammed at the metal claw fiercely, and after a moment of stalemate, the green vine snake's tail exerted force, and directly sent Liolu flying.

The power gap is very different.

"Don't give up, use the shadow clone!!"

Hu Che was still gritting his teeth and fighting, but he was surprised at the opponent in front of him.

Isn't the ivy snake not yet fully evolved?
Why are you so powerful! ?
This feeling of oppression is not much more than that of the fully evolved Monarch Snake, right? !

"Give up drinking!"

Seeing the performance of the Ivy Snake on the field, the Abandoned Monkey also hated iron for being weak, and fell into the fried pig who was still doing push-ups.

The trump card banner of others has already been carried.
Look at you, you will feel tired all day long!


Chaochaozhu can only bury his head and continue doing push-ups.

It can be seen that no matter what it does, it is wrong!
And Leolu started to run, and changed into multiple shadows on the field, scattering feints around the Ivy Snake.


Seizing the opportunity, from a blind spot of the Ivy Snake's perspective, Riolu suddenly jumped up.

One palm is raised, and it is about to pat the back of the Ivy Snake
However, at the next moment, the body of the green vine snake spun around, winding the slender snake-like body like a spring, forming a vacuum in the middle.

This made Riolu's move fail, and instead his palm fell into the center of the Ivy Snake's body.

Before the other party stopped, the Ivy Snake tightened its body instantly, directly strangling and restraining Riolu's arm.

"Hey, are you planning to use the Fa Jin move?"

Xiaozhi also touched his nose and said with a smile.

No one understands Pokémon like Riolu better than him!

(End of this chapter)

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