He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2101 Next stop, Carlos area?

"No way, the two of us can't find individual cells at all. If there is no goal, this polyhedron has no meaning."

Gina shrugged helplessly.

Although I don't know how Xiaozhi discovered it, it should not be accidental.

"Some kind of superpower?"

As the assistants of Dr. Bratano, the two were also trainers who traveled around in the past few years. Their vision is not low, and they naturally think of those humans with strange abilities.

Xiaozhi noticed the bracelet on Gina's wrist, with a keystone gemstone inlaid in the center.
It's a mega bracelet!

It seems that they are also two trainers with good combat effectiveness?
"Don't worry, although this Kigard polyhedron is indeed valuable... But in the end it's just a storage device, and it hasn't reached the level of that kind of treasure."

Dexio smiled, and put it in Xiaozhi's palm.

There's no way, they can't use it, so I can only let Xiaozhi use it first.

"And it's not completely given to you. If possible, please inhale the individual cells and even the core individuals collected during this journey, and then hand them over to Dr. Bratano."

He has always believed in his luck.
Let alone the cells, all the cores must be collected!
As for the Carlos area.
He had heard of this place a long time ago. His own big crystal rock snake, which was a work of art in Dr. Damu's backyard, is said to be only found in special diamond mines in the Carlos area, which can evolve into a "diamond big steel snake." Snake's diamond film.

"Time doesn't matter. Legendary Pokémon is a long subject, but it's best within five years, and the doctor can't wait too long."

It is said that there are mega stones everywhere, if a Bibi bird uses the Flying Sand Foot move casually, it may be possible to kick out a mega stone from the ground.

"Mr. Dexio, don't you want to get the legendary Pokémon?"

"As for other regions, we don't know for sure, but according to the cell you just discovered, maybe all places exist, so keep an eye on your surroundings at all times~!"

"And I've been spending all this time on this research project, it's so boring~!"

"Hee hee~ The two of us have new plans~"

"So can you accept it? One day in the future, I will go to Miare City in the Carlos area and show Dr. Brattano the Kigard polyhedron you collected."

"So if it's possible, then this Kigard polyhedron will be officially given to you?"

Xiaozhi felt a little moved when he heard it, and weighed the polyhedron in his hand gently, as if it was hollow.

There are quite a few Pokémon that can complete mega evolution in my backyard, but I haven’t collected all the mega stones yet.
At that time, you can explore and hunt for treasures in the Carlos area.

"Then we wish you success in collecting a large number of individual cells, even cores, and get a legendary Pokémon of your own~!"

"And even if the assumption is correct, we don't think we'll be able to find enough cells to even find rare core individuals."

Dexio and Gina blessed with smiles.

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin and thought deeply.

Carlos is really open!

"Such movements really affect walking too much."

Xiaozhi secretly memorized the name of Miare City.

Well, they are tired of Ripple Town
Now that the burden of collecting Zygurd cells is gone, it's time to head to the real resort, the Alola region!

But immediately after, Dexio and Gina held hands together, and their eyes were full of love.

Fearing Xiaozhi's misunderstanding, Dexio quickly added:


The two smiled bitterly, surprisingly self-aware.

This sentence was also what Dr. Bratano said to them when he handed over the polyhedron to them, and it can be regarded as a reward for running around to collect cells.

After being neighbors for more than ten days, the two of them naturally saw the daily exercise between Xiaozhi and the other Pokémon, and after a few greetings, they could also feel that the latter was a trustworthy trainer
Simply give this research project to Xiaozhi.

After all, taming a legendary Pokémon is what everyone dreams of, right?
"Although it sounds really good, it's all based on the premise that the doctor's assumption is correct."

He was going to visit this place originally, and then he would stop by to visit the most famous Dr. Pokémon in the area.
"Huh? After this trip to the Hezhong area is over, it seems that we can go directly to Carlos?"

Seeing this scene at such a close distance made Xiaozhi blush, and even the expressions of Pikachu and Rotom next to him were greatly ups and downs.

They even kissed each other in front of Xiaozhi.

They are more interested in the local mysterious ultra-beast topic!
Xiao Zhi watched the couple leave, holding hands on a hot day, their bodies sticking together as if they had been watered.

Lips parted, Dexio and Gina's hands were still held together, smiling.

"Okay, then I will go to the Carlos area!"

Seeing the eager and expectant eyes of the couple in front of him, Xiaozhi didn't hesitate too much, immediately clenched the polyhedron in his hand, and clicked to accept.

By the way, I forgot to ask Dexio how many cells have been stored in it.

"By the way, it has been determined that the cell population density in the Carlos area is the highest, followed by the Alola area. If you need to sprint, you can give priority to these two areas."

He made a casual remark, and then his face became hot again, and he weighed and tossed the polyhedron in his palm.

"That's great Xiaozhi, you did a great favor!"

Xiaozhi still couldn't help asking.

Before leaving, the couple happily gave advice, and then ran away in a hurry.

After all, he has not yet decided where to travel in the next area, but he can directly choose the Carlos area.

"But don't worry, the doctor is just using it for research. If a Ziggard is really born at that time, the trainer will still be you~!"

Anyway, what Dr. Brattano needs is only actual data, and it doesn't matter who completes it in the middle.

But feel the weight, it's very light, can't it be the first cell just now?

"Forget it, let's collect slowly~!"

Xiaozhi was not discouraged, grabbed the polyhedron and ran to the villa, ready to show off with his two friends.

Later, I will use the power of waveguide to detect and search around Lianyi Town first!
"It's a pity, Mr. Akromar is not here, otherwise, maybe we can directly invent a cheating device"

Compared with Dr. Bratano, whom he has never met, Xiaozhi trusts Akromar's craftsmanship more!

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