He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2107 Xiaozhi who was adopted

Chapter 2107 Xiaozhi who was adopted
"It's absolutely true! Our store doesn't make false claims!"

The black guy immediately patted his chest and said, but after seeing the Zhezi move, his face calmed down a little.

"However, these moves are a bit special. It seems that only a very special Pikachu can master them."

These words made Xiaozhi very confident. Is there any Pikachu in this world that is more special than his own? !

It stands to reason that ordinary Pikachus who are as numerous as wild dogs should kowtow to their own Pikachus.

It completely carried the banner of the population by itself and made a name for itself.

"If you want to learn this move, let's deal with it. But there is no special Pokémon to teach, we can only give you the video records of the past."

The black guy said, after all, where are there any trainers with Pikachu now?
Even if it is brought, it is also used as a vase decoration, and there are people who specialize in training to become stronger to fight?


"So there is a special Pokémon teaching?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, and he quickly turned his head to look at the price at the end of the move, no wonder there are so many "0"s behind it.

It's just a money grab!

Just as Xiaozhi lowered his head and counted his small wallet, which was enough to buy a few moves, both hands rested on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, just buy the moves you like tonight~!"

"I'll pay all the bills for you~!"

Turning his head, he saw Mingyi and Xiaoxia both showing confident smiles and speaking boldly.

The aura of local tyrants rushed towards his face, causing Xiaozhi to squint his eyes for a while, and the extravagant light even made the black guy beside him a little bit unable to open his eyes.
So they were two wealthy local tyrants? !
This made him look at Xiaozhi with great envy.

Not only are there two beauties accompanying her at the same time, she is even a rich woman who can afford to support her
Damn it, its back molars are about to break!

But as a professional customer service, he still has to put on a smile, which is the most annoying thing!

Wait a minute, how does this boy look so similar to the one I saw recently, hugging two beauties in swimsuits on the beach? !

"Xiaoxia, Mingyiyou"

Xiaozhi looked at the two of them with some surprise.

When did they get rich?
"Hey~ Don't worry Xiaozhi, you can spend whatever you want tonight, I'll cover it all~"

Ming Yi happily patted his chest and said, quite proud.

Before leaving Lianyi Town, the two had already sold all the ancient secret treasures in the wooden box, and the local item collectors bought them at a very high price.

Even if it is divided equally, the two of them will become rich wives in one fell swoop!

And the ancient treasures in that wooden box were all obtained by Xiaozhi's Manafei
It just so happens that Xiaozhi is taken care of for the time being!
"Is that so? If so, then I'm not welcome."

I probably understand the whole story, Xiaozhi is not interested in sharing spoils or anything, but if you want to talk about nurturing, he knows how to do it.

He slapped the self-service device, and immediately upgraded from "self-service" to "personal service".

You can't arrange a new move for each of your Pokémon? !

"Hey~ A few distinguished guests, come with me~ I can help you choose~"

The black guy immediately led a few people into the back of the store cheerfully.

This is a dedicated indoor exercise venue, with a very spacious space, surrounded by hard metal walls, so you can rest assured that Pokémon can exercise their moves.

Due to the high price, there are not many guests here.

After serving Xiaozhi alone today, half a month's commission will be paid!
"The image of the "Surfing Surf" move you selected for Pikachu has been transmitted to you, uh, in the illustrated book?"

The black guy hesitated for a while, a little bit unclear about what Rotom was.

But it's not a big problem. Through wireless transmission, the video of the move skill machine has been transmitted.

It's just that it's not a wired transmission, and it's actually inserted into the socket at the bottom of itself, which makes Rotom a little disappointed.

"Beep! Start playing the "Surfing Surf" move record Loto~"

As the video starts, you can see that the main character of the video is a Pikachu with full bangs.


With a low snort, a slight electric arc condensed on his cheeks, and a large group of water spray gathered under his feet.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the water under the feet poured out violently, and some electric arcs could be seen on the surface of the water.
"Is this the torrent surfing? It's a very good move."


After watching the video, both Xiaozhi and Pikachu's eyes lit up.

However, there is no special guidance, only a video, and the process can only be explored by yourself.

"It seems that Pikachu should first master the surfing moves before it can be transformed into a surging surf with electric shocks."

Next to it, water attribute expert Xiaoxia judged.

Xiaozhi nodded, this is indeed the truth.

Simply throw Rotom to Pikachu, in short, let the latter watch it a dozen times before talking.

After all, he was leaving Shanlu Town tomorrow, so he had to record all his moves tonight.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi didn't delay any longer, and immediately sent out his other Pokémon, one after another.

The black guy next to him is also unambiguous in his customer service actions. Every time he completes an order, he can chami it!
He also held an ipad in his hand, entered the name of the Pokémon, and helped Xiaozhi choose together.

For example, for stir-fried pigs, Xiao Zhi chose a "Thunder Fist" for it.

Even against water-type Pokémon with unfavorable attributes, it can display a powerful thunder boxing response.

After choosing the move, the black guy released a human-shaped iron worker, who put down the heavy steel bar with a "bang", and began to teach the stir-fried pig Thunder Fist move hand in hand.

Not only close demonstrations, but also standard action guidance and wrong action correction
Even the Iron Skeleton Worker stood behind the fried pig, with his front body attached to the fried pig's rear, and his palms hugging the fried pig's waist.


Chaochaozhu blushed, why is the man behind him still a male iron-bone native? !
"It turned out to be such a guide, no wonder the fee is so high"

Watching the whole process from the side, Xiaozhi nodded, roughly understanding the process.

It is not surprising that the fees for professional one-on-one private training are so high, and the success rate of comprehending moves is naturally much higher than watching videos.

It seems that in the Hezhong area, iron workers are often seen working part-time.

Looks like a really tough Pokémon.
Next, there are two rich women who will guarantee the bottom line, and Xiaozhi is unambiguous, and starts to quickly change into new Pokémon, choosing new moves one by one.

After a while, the indoor training ground became crowded.

Each of Xiaozhi's Pokémon basically has a personal trainer who specializes in teaching new moves.
(End of this chapter)

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