He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2114 Newborn, iron poisonous moth!

Chapter 2114 Newborn, iron poisonous moth!

"Beep! Can't retrieve relevant information, Loto~!!"

Rotom took pictures of this peculiar mechanical moth, but did not get any information.

Even Mingyi, who had a load of knowledge in her mind, stared blankly at this Pokémon without any feedback.

This is the sun god I saw in the ancient castle, Vulcan moth, right?

Although the whole body has been mechanized, the general structure and body color are still the same.

"Is it a bug, or an alien?"

Xiaoxia stared straight at the mechanical Vulcan moth. Although it looked like a bug, it didn't give her the slightest feeling of creepiness.

Even though the Genesect next to her is also a steel bug, it still makes her fear from the bottom of her heart.
"Is this the new look of Vulcan Moth?"

After receiving the elf ball from Akromar, Xiaozhi stepped forward excitedly, intending to reach out and touch Vulcan Moth.

The latter's cross electronic eyes flickered for a while, as if responding to something.

After sensing a human being approaching, the back was originally integrated into a whole, like a graffiti version of the sun steel plate, split into six diamond-shaped iron plates in an instant, and aimed at Xiao Zhi with the sharp end.

This is its offensive state.

"Have you lost your memory?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only temporarily stop his movements, and then looked at Akromar suspiciously.

In other words, is this still the Vulcan Moth?

"The whole body's organs have been replaced, and the memory and so on, naturally start from scratch."

Beside, Akromar shrugged and said helplessly.

However, in the world of Pokémon, whether there are some memories and emotions that transcend the metaphysics of his own body. This point, he has no way of knowing.

"Really. This is not a bad thing."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi sighed with emotion, and then looked at the Vulcan Moth in front of him again.

It was originally carrying heavy memories of thousands of years, maybe rebirth from Nirvana and a new start would not be a bad thing for this Vulcan moth?
However, Xiaozhi still stretched out his palm and stuck it on Vulcan Moth's metal torso.

The texture of the warm chrysalis at the beginning has now been completely reduced to a cold steel body.


The mechanical Vulcan moth just wanted to resist, but the next moment, a light blue image came to his mind.

That was the scene where Xiaozhi fought Vulcan Moth in a closed deep underground stone room.

After finally having a hearty fight, Vulcan Moth was completely exhausted and collapsed with a shriveled body.
Xiaozhi doesn't know about Vulcan Moth's past experiences, but at least he must return the memories he knows to the latter.

Feeling the waveguide power from Xiaozhi, the Vulcan Moth completely stopped the movement of stabbing the six spiked wings on its back.


It quietly suspended in mid-air, as if it was digesting the memory in its mind.

When he got closer, Xiaozhi discovered that although the opponent had wings, they were not used to fly, but more like magnetic levitation?

Under the watchful eyes of many people around, the Vulcan Moth quickly came to his senses.

The orange electronic cross eyes, although still ignorant, are like a newborn child.

But for Xiaozhi, he no longer had the initial guarded heart, and it seemed that the intimacy increased a lot all of a sudden.

"Then I will give you a lot of advice next time, Vulcan is wrong, what is his current name?"

Xiaozhi paused after speaking.

The current appearance is completely different from the Vulcan Moth, and it should not continue to be called the Vulcan Moth.

The metal body, the gesture of a moth.
"It's decided, then I'll call you Iron Armor Chrysalis"

"Wait a minute, I've already made a name!"

At this time, Akromar next to him quickly stretched out his palm and interrupted.

What the hell is the armored chrysalis, who dares to name his most outstanding work after the weakest bug in the rotten streets of the Kanto region!
This is absolutely not allowed by him!
Akromar coughed, and then said loudly:
"Its current name is Iron Poisonous Moth!"

"Iron poisonous moth?"

Hearing that Xiaozhi and the three looked at each other, the name sounds inexplicable, and it doesn't sound very nice, does it?
"It's inexplicable why it's named the same as the ancient Suicune before."

Xiaoxia couldn't help but complain about the name of the undulating water.

But the creator does have absolute naming rights.

Xiaozhi didn't make any rebuttals, but raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at the mechanical moth in front of him again with bright eyes.

"Then I will teach you a lot, Iron Poison Moth!"

The iron poisonous moth was stunned, looking at the human in front of the electronic eyes, it seemed that it really recalled something.

Some things, indeed beyond the physical body, still exist.
In a trance, it seems to remember that at the beginning, it did make an agreement with the human beings in front of it that it can travel around in the future without being restricted in freedom and trapped in an underground stone room forever
"Hiss, hiss!"

After a long while, its six wings reunited into a sun, nodded, and officially recognized Xiaozhi as his trainer.

It's just the mechanical sounds and mechanical movements that make the iron poisonous moth look a little cute.

Although the wings on the back are like a sun, but unlike the majestic and noble Vulcan Moth, the Iron Poison Moth is full of high-tech colors.

"Is the iron poisonous moth saying that it is now poisonous?"

Next to him, while celebrating the rebirth of the Vulcan Moth whose lifespan had run out, Mingyi couldn't help asking questions.

From the appearance alone, it looks more like a Pokémon with fire + steel attributes.

Could it be steel + poison attribute?
"No, the attribute of the iron poisonous moth is fire + poison."

But Akromar shook his finger and gave the answer.

Before officially pulling it out, he had already done a full body check on the poisonous iron moth.
Akromar is very picky about the quality of his "products".

"The current iron moth is the perfect Pokémon! Don't look like a newborn baby, but in terms of strength, it is even better than the sun god Vulcan moth!!"

Akromar's expression was excited, and he couldn't help but raise his tone a bit.

At this moment, Xiaozhi could reach out and touch the steel body of the latter, and now he was full of curiosity about this poisonous iron moth.

"Is there less insect attribute and more poison attribute?"

This could explain why Xiaoxia's insect-phobia physique didn't show up.

There seems to be nothing wrong with such a combination of attributes!

"Not only that, but it uses special metals all over its body. Although its defensive power is mediocre in the face of physical attacks, it has an amazing resistance to special moves!"

"Also, see these six wings. When you're free, you can synthesize a sun behind your back. It's very handsome. I still use a metal plate that can sense sunlight. I fight in a sunny day, but the energy is continuously replenished. of!"

Akromar's tone gradually became fanatical, and he introduced his perfect masterpiece confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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