He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2126 Rotom and Ma Ma Xiaoyu

Chapter 2126 Rotom and Ma Ma Xiaoyu
"Hee hee, long time no see, Xiao Zhi. By the way, this kid is called Billy, and he is my favorite!"

Douzi approached with a laugh, and introduced his little gray monster by the way.

She, a little gray monster, not only possesses teleportation, which is called tracking and escaping magic skills.

It is even possible to directly transmit the scene you see to Douzi's hard disk through special brain waves.
When taking sneak shots, even the camera is saved!

"Beep! I saw you again, Loto~!"

But before Xiaozhi got close, Rotom had already flown over, and gave Douzi a high-five with a "snap", very familiar.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Why do these two people seem to be more familiar than themselves?
"Rotom, the reward promised last time is ready~!"

Douzi smiled, showing his silver teeth, and took out an elf ball in his hand.

When the red light fell, it turned out to be a tiny fish.

The small off-white body is suspended in mid-air, the fins on both sides of the body are in the shape of wavy bands, and there are star-shaped mouthparts on the head.

"Mama little fish?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback. He had met this Pokémon before in the Tourmaline Cave, and it was a very timid Pokémon.

"Beep! Happy cooperation Loto~!"

But when Rotom saw it, he felt like he had found a treasure, and immediately flew aside to play with this little fish.

Although the mouthparts of Ma Ma eels are a little smaller than those of Mo Ma eels.
But it seems more exciting! ?

Xiaozhi: "?"

He also wanted to get closer to see what the hell Rotom was doing.


Douzi was already standing in front of Xiaozhi, staring at the latter with a smile, and blocked Rotom's work behind him with his body.

It's better for us humans not to watch things like Pokémon!

Xiaozhi: "."

Coincidentally, Douzi caught a glimpse of King Yanwu next to him, and with an idea, he immediately changed the subject and threw an elf ball.

"That's right. Come out, Hei Nier~!"

The red light fell, and this time, a tall Yan Wu King also appeared in front of her.

"Hei Nier? I remember that this King Yanwu is called Hei Nier?"

Xiaozhi rubbed the back of his head, a little unsure.

At that time in the Battle Subway in Raven City, he had also fought this Yanwu King, and it was an extremely powerful Pokémon.

"You heard me wrong, my Yanwu King is a cute girl, how could she have such a rude name~!"

Dou Zi crossed his hips and chuckled lightly.

It just so happened that Hei Nier also noticed Xiaozhi's Yanwu King.

Although he has just evolved, he is the proud disciple of Master Monkey after all, and he is doing extremely hard exercises every day.
This also made the evolved King Yanwu even bigger than Douzi's King Yanwu.

Of course, the figure of the female King Yanwu is thinner than the male one.


Seeing the same kind, Hei Nier immediately let out a low cry, and was about to walk over to say hello.

It's just that the approach of the same kind made Xiaozhi's Yanwu King immediately frowned, showing a very impatient expression.


Even the big pig's hoof flicked to signal the other party not to approach.

This made Hei Nier curl her lips, somewhat displeased.

Don't look at it evolving into King Yanwu now, its figure is out of shape.
But when she was Nuannuanzhu and Chaochaozhu, she was a very famous model in the whole group!

However, Xiaozhi's Yanwu King obviously has no interest in her, and instead walks slowly towards the Ivy Snake.

Compared with its kind, it likes to play with snakes more.

Or being played by a snake.

The Ivy Snake also unabashedly put on a look of contempt and disgust, and extended the powerful whipping move that he had just comprehended, aiming at King Yanwu's chest with two whips.

clap clap! !
Although the damage was not high, the voice was very crisp, and even left two clear red marks on King Yanwu.


Unexpectedly, this made Xiaozhi's King Yanwu even more excited, turned around with red eyes, and signaled that he would also come with two whips behind his back.

After the cruel training by Mr. Big Monkey, it seems that King Yanwu's excitement has quietly changed.
Snapped! !

clap clap! !
Looking at a snake and a pig, one side whipped mercilessly with cold eyes, while the other was about to howl with excitement.

Douzi & Hei Nier: "."

Hei Nier even turned into a red light and returned to the elf ball on her own initiative.

Seeing this kind of thing, she felt that she was not clean anymore.
It can only be said that the thinking of the young Yusanjia is no longer something she can understand.
Xiaozhi: "."

Xiaozhi was also quite embarrassed about this, this time it was his turn to stand in front of King Yanwu and cover it up.

It seems that in order to celebrate his completion of evolution, King Yanwu is extremely excited today
Forcibly ignoring the pigs and snakes behind him, Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and regained his energy immediately.

It just so happened that he had to settle accounts with Douzi for some matters!
"By the way, Douzi, please quickly explain those side stories!"

Xiaozhi glanced to the side, Rotom had already separated half of his electric ghost body from the body of the illustrated book, and then the whole body was about to be stuffed into the mouthparts of the tiny fish
The real head is stuffed in.

Hmph, the ghost is Rotom, right?

It's no wonder that Douzi is not around at all, and there are real-time photos attached to the lace news about him every day!

She even betrayed herself for a little fish!

"Especially those things, I took Mingyi Xiaoxia and the others in swimsuits at the beach. It's too outrageous!"

Xiaozhi was a little annoyed, especially the scene where a group of them frolicked in swimsuits at the beach, which was completely captured by Rotom.

Forget about these two partners
He even saw a picture of Miss Kona in a bathing suit, standing next to him.

Uh, Miss Kona's outfit is really unsuitable for children!
"Well, these are normal business operations~"

Douzi was laughing, his eyes rolled around, and he was thinking about how to pass the test.

With these lace hot searches, Xiaozhi's popularity in the Hezhong area is very high recently!

Of course, most of the labels are negative labels such as "Prodigal Son", "Kaizi from other places", "Huaxin Carrot"
"By the way, Xiaozhi, you already have a lot of fans now, even overseas!!"

Douzi suddenly remembered something, and immediately moved closer to praise Xiaozhi.

"The hot search strategy was a big success! Especially, many overseas fans have written postcards, hoping to get your contact information~!"

As he said that, Douzi flipped his palm, and there were already several pink letters in his hand.

It's strange to say that her advertisements are all focused on the Hezhong area, but it seems that the effect is better in other places?
(End of this chapter)

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