He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2130 N, Light the Lightning Flame!

Chapter 2130 N, Light the Lightning Flame!
"Everyone, I am Adek~! And these four are the strongest Four Heavenly Kings in the Hezhong region!"

Adek's character is rough and hearty. After taking the stage, he grabbed the microphone and spoke as a guest of the opening ceremony.

"Although this World Championship is to determine the world's number one trainer, fighting is not the only way for a trainer!"

"Trainers and Pokémon are of one mind. I hope that in the next competition, no matter what happens, everyone can move forward side by side with their Pokémon!"

Adek's words were sincere, and his opening speech was different from the unusual opening ceremony. He immediately won applause from all the halls, with continuous applause and shouts.

"Then I announce that this world championship is now officially open!"

Not trembling for a long time, Adek suddenly raised his arms and announced with a loud voice.



In an instant, several salutes shot up into the sky, exploding in the air, igniting the atmosphere.

"This opening ceremony is very simple and violent, but I always feel that something is missing?"

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi was also watching at the same time.

Apart from speeches and fireworks, his gaze could not help but fall on the highest point of the venue, the brazier on the high platform at the top of the stairs.

"Shouldn't the flame be lit?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but said in surprise, the meeting always felt a little less interesting if it didn't light a fire.

"Lighting the torch is the process of the league meeting, and there is no such step in the World Championship."

Beside him, Douzi said with a smile.

This venue was also modeled on the previous venues of the Alliance Conference, but the specifications were several times larger. Along with it, even the holy fire brazier, which symbolized the enthusiasm and fighting spirit of the Alliance Conference, was placed on it.

Now, of course, it's just a meaningless decoration.

Naturally, he didn't look for the flame of the flame bird.
Boom boom.!

At this moment, a few bursts of muffled thunder came from the sky above the venue, causing many people to look up at the sky curiously.

By the way, isn't it sunny today?

The strange thing is that the surrounding sky is obviously clear and dark clouds, but above the venue, there are thick dark clouds gathered, and there are constant thunders.

Even a bunch of meandering blue lightning strikes suddenly crashed down from the sky, which was extremely dazzling and made a burst of thunder and explosions.

Boom! !
The direction of the bombardment of this beam of blue lightning was impartial, just hitting the holy brazier of the decoration firmly.

Thunder and earth fire, as the lightning dissipated, there was a "boom", and a raging flame was ignited on the brazier!
All the audience present were stunned for a moment, and then fell into a great silence. After a long time, abnormally loud applause erupted, and the entire venue ground shook.

It's the Heavenly Thunder Flame!
It must be that the heavens have been infected by their enthusiasm, which symbolizes that this world championship will be extremely fierce!
But at the end of the viewing seats, Pikachu in Xiaozhi's arms pricked up his ears, and even Xiaozhi looked suspiciously at the sky.

"Jekrom, and the trainer named N, is it up there?"

He is very familiar with this blue lightning, it is not a natural lightning strike.
It's the black dragon Zekrom's signature stunt!

A dark cloud over the meeting place has dissipated after a long time, maybe they are hiding there at this moment?
Could it be that N, in fact, is a trainer from the United League, who came here to celebrate the World Championships?

"Haha~! I didn't expect even God to be moved by our enthusiasm! This will definitely be the best conference!!"

On the high platform, Adek grabbed the microphone, raised his head and laughed.

Of course, as the champion of the league, his knowledge is naturally different from ordinary people.

"Is it Zekrom's lightning strike? It's strange, why is Zekrom here at this time, and deliberately hit the cauldron?"

Although Adek was full of doubts, he didn't say it clearly.

Anyway, it was a good thing, and it just so happened that the cauldron was not wasted.

"Then, let me announce the process of this World Championship."

Adek coughed, cleared his throat, made the venue quiet, and listened
At the same time, above the high altitude of the venue.

Just as Xiaozhi thought, at this moment a green-haired man was sitting on the back of a huge black dragon, staring down calmly.

"Good job, Zekrom~ Let's just watch the show quietly."

After successfully lighting the cauldron, N patted Zekrom's side face and said with a smile.

While Zekrom doesn't have the same invisibility ability as Victini, Meloetta.
But the former can create black clouds of magnetic field at will, which can also have the effect of making oneself completely invisible.

This time the World Championships will be a good stage for him to find someone who is worthy of being the partner of White Dragon Reshiram.

"Czech Republic!"

Zekrom's pitch-black body flickered faintly with a blue light of thunder and lightning, and let out a low growl.

Don't forget him!

Zekrom wants to have a fight with the strongest trainer below!
"Hehe, don't worry~ Let's look forward to it~"

N smiled, and after taking a last look below, he directed Zekrom to fly away.

Today is just the opening ceremony, it is enough to light the torch for the following, tomorrow is the day of the main match.

When the time comes, go directly to the on-site audience seats to watch~
"Ahem, let me tell you first, in this tournament, I and the four colleagues behind me will participate as ordinary players, and there will be no preferential treatment."

On the high stage of the venue, Adek seemed to be working part-time as the host, holding the microphone to introduce.

This sentence also caused a small climax in the venue again.

You know, whether it is the king of heaven or even the champion of the league, they are usually high above the rest.
But today, all beings are equal, even the champion of the league can participate in the competition just like ordinary passers-by!
In the rear, the four heavenly kings also had various expressions and whispered.

"Take it easy, Miss Cattleya."

The ghost king Wanlong is a shy and introverted person, holding a novel in his hand, while comforting the blonde beauty beside him.

"Although you are the new king. But this occasion is actually no big deal, you don't have to be too nervous"

Cattleya only became the Heavenly King of Hezhong this year. As a senior, she felt that she still had to take care of her.

However, Cattleya just yawned lazily, without any nervous expression on her face.

Instead, after hearing Wanlong's words beside her, she squinted her eyes, and she couldn't help falling silent.

Um, can you put your trembling voice down first and try to calm down?
On the other side, like a feminine man walking out of a black-and-white photo, the villainous King Velberry rubbed his chin, looking playfully at the back of Adek who was talking about the rules in front of him.

"Hey, I bet, the final champion of this World Championship is definitely not Adek~"

(End of this chapter)

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