He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2158 Z move, the ultimate invincible collision!

The next day, the second round of the World Championships continued.

In the arena at this moment, the battle between the two players has entered a fierce battle, and their expressions are extremely focused.

"Hei Nier, use a push!!"

Douzi commanded her King Yanwu, constantly launching palm-pushing attacks.

Her opponent was a handsome young man with dark skin and flirtatious pink hair. He was wearing student-style knitted short-sleeves and white trousers, giving him the elegance of a foreign prince.

Yilima, a player from the Alola region, is said to be a local student with excellent grades.

His Pokémon is a grey-brown mongoose with yellow fur covering the top of its head and chin.

Standing half tall, with his hands behind his back, he looked quite mature and serious, like a police officer handling a case.

Inspector Mongoose, this is the signature Pokémon of the Alola region.

"Everyone hide!!"

Faced with King Yanwu's continuous pushing moves, the mongoose inspector, who was much smaller in stature, dodged again and again. It had extremely sensitive insight.

"Then it's crushing!!"

Seizing the opportunity, Inspector Mongoose leapt forward, his cracked teeth glowed with white light, and bit hard on King Yanwu's side waist.

The latter felt the pain, and immediately took several steps back.

Just don't look at it as if Ilima is more dominant, but at the moment on the electronic screen above, Ilima's first Pokémon, the Giant Pincer Mantis, has lost its ability to fight.

And Douzi still has one Pokémon left, which has not yet appeared.


Just fighting two Pokémon one after another, the physical strength of King Yanwu is also dropping rapidly.

"This guy is so strong"

Douzi also put away her initial playfulness. Until she came on stage, she thought that she was just facing an ordinary student trainer, and she could fight casually.

After all, the Alola region does not even have the most basic Pokémon alliance, which can be said to be very primitive.

But at the same time, Douzi put more pressure on Yilima.

"Sure enough, the outside world is far wider than the Alola region."

Yilima wiped the sweat from his forehead, his eyes gradually became firm.

The next moment, Yilima suddenly crossed his hands in front of him, and the bracelet inlaid with strange ore on his wrist was very conspicuous.

Immediately afterwards, he separated his hands, and each drew a long drawing in the air, making an arc.

Finally, the left and right hands are placed in front of the body in two high and low positions, and the movements are frozen.


Yilima's sudden series of movements on the spot made all the audience in the venue stunned and became extremely quiet.

What is this man doing?

Isn't the Pokémon fighting hard in the front? Why did the trainer in the back suddenly start dancing awkwardly?

But when the final action was frozen, the bracelet on Yilima's wrist suddenly burst into a burst of energy golden light, and it directly poured into the body of the mongoose detective in front of him.

rub rub.!

This caused Inspector Mongoose's body surface to be immediately covered by golden-white energy flames, and his aura suddenly rose a lot!
Douzi: "?"

Since she had never seen any z-movements before, she thought that the pink-haired man in front of her, like Xiaozhi, had some kind of super power, and secretly helped to improve the strength of the mongoose detective.

In this day and age, trainers don't have a single superpower, so they can't play without cheating, right? !
Anticipating that the opponent will launch a powerful attack next, although he does not know the severity, Douzi can only temporarily suppress the confusion in his heart.

"Hei Nier, don't lose to it, use high temperature and heavy pressure!!"

King Yanwu understood, took advantage of his strength to run for a few steps, and then jumped up suddenly. In an instant, his whole body was ignited with high-temperature flames, and his extremely red body rushed straight to the target in the posture of a meteor dive.

On the other side, Yilima still maintained the awkward dance, and said in a low voice:

"Ultimate Invincible Collision!!"

At the same time as the voice fell, Inspector Mongoose, who was wrapped in energy arrogance, rushed out!

Countless dust and smoke were raised along the way, and the strength of every step trampled on the ground crushed it, and finally met the high temperature and heavy pressure with an unstoppable momentum!
Boom boom boom! !

The z move collided head-on with the high temperature and heavy pressure, and there was a huge explosion in the middle of the arena!

It comes from the unique combat system in the Alola region - z moves. With the power of z pure crystal, the power of a certain ordinary move can be increased several times in an instant.

The ultimate invincible big collision, this Z-movement with a general attribute, comes from the original skill "Bump" of the Mongoose Inspector.

At this moment, with the addition of the Z move, the power has already far exceeded the "Ultimate Shock"!
Boom! !
Huge vigor roared and exploded, and smoke and dust filled the arena, and the two people who were charging with all their strength also retreated because of each other's strength.


However, King Yanwu was the first to be defeated. It suddenly clutched its chest, shrank its eyes, and fell forward with a bang.

"Hei Nier!!"

From behind, Douzi cried out distressedly.

What kind of move is this? It is clear that the strength of his own King Yanwu surpassed the opponent before, but he was defeated all of a sudden? !

On the other side, Inspector Mongoose barely managed to stand, his body gradually dissipating the strange and exaggerated energy aura.

The z-movement is a one-time use, and it disappears after being used once.

"I lost."

Finally defeated the powerful enemy, but Yilima's eyes dimmed, and he shook his head regretfully.

My own mongoose inspector has no strength to fight anymore, and the opponent still has a Pokémon to spare.

The final outcome of this game was just as he had imagined.

Next, the vulture girl sent by Douzi harvested the heads with a flash of lightning, easily ending the battle.

"The 64th round of the top 17 of the Fanba World Championships will be advanced by Douzi contestants from the Hezhong area!"

Referee Don George Long said, with a satisfied smile on his face.

As a united group, he naturally wants to see Dou Zi, who is also a united group, continue to go on.

"Miss Douzi, it was a wonderful battle~"

At the end of the battle, Yilima restrained his regret, walked slowly, and expressed his admiration and congratulations to Douzi politely and appropriately.

Although Douzi keeps turning his back to the camera, there are some riddles.

"Ahh! Sorry...! Your mongoose detective also performed very well!"

Douzi blushed, but she didn't stop advertising from Sheniu.

Seeing this, Yilima smiled, and had to say that the girl in front of her was still stronger than herself.

It's a pity that his journey of Hezhong came to an end.
Next, why don't you go to Carlos League next door?
It's still too early for the world championships, let's try the league conference first?
It just so happens that my school still has places to study in the Carlos area, so let's make it my next goal!

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