He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2167 Yu 2 Family, Yaya and Single-headed Dragon

With the help of the dragon's power, Alice closed her eyes tightly, feeling the heart of the single-headed dragon, and quickly nodded her head seriously.

It's just that the thoughts of a single-headed dragon in his mind are very rough and disorderly.

"Why does this black monkey have so many purple hairs on its head? I want to eat them all."

"Then use the head hammer to slam her into the air!"

"Or should we blow up the wave of evil first?"

Alice: "?"

Her face froze, she opened her eyes suddenly, and withdrew her hands.

Especially looking at the single-headed dragon who is grinning in front of him and eager to try, it seems that he will pounce on him in the next second and gnaw his hair off.
"Ugh, you single-headed dragon, you don't seem to be very friendly."

Alice immediately put away her approach to hugging, not as cute as the single-headed dragon in her hometown.

"Don't move around, others have no malicious intentions."

Xiaozhi tugged on the bracelet a little, which calmed the single-headed dragon, and the latter turned his gaze to the Axe-toothed dragon next to him.



Since they are both dragon-type Pokémon, they have a strong fighting spirit, and soon the Axetooth Dragon and the Single-headed Dragon entered into a confrontation, uttering a threatening growl.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only walk to the side of the single-headed dragon, put one hand on the latter's head with thick black hair, and gently combed it.

Once the latter riots, he can also hold the head of the single-headed dragon for the first time.

"By the way, Alice, your super power is amazing."

While comforting the single-headed dragon, Xiaozhi looked at Alice and couldn't help but praise.


Alice froze for a moment, but didn't seem to react.

She has always lived a life of outdoor adventures, but she rarely socializes with people.

Alice's unique dragon power was as natural to her as breathing, and she didn't even regard it as a special superpower for a while.

"What are you talking about? Hahaha I don't know what it is, anyway, I have been able to communicate with dragon-type Pokémon since I was a child~!"

Hearing someone's praise, Alice rubbed the back of her head and laughed.

Recently, it seems that her abilities have been enhanced a lot. She can't help but communicate, and can also improve the combat effectiveness of some Pokémon?
And the dragon-type Pokémon, which is quite rare in other places, is very common in her hometown of dragons.

Even the newcomer trainers in their hometown can receive the initial Yusanjia
No, it's the Royal Family.

You can choose to receive a powerful attacking Yaya, or you can receive a fierce single-headed dragon with special attacks.

Of course, there aren't many young people in Dragon's Township anymore.
"By the way, how do you know my name?"

Alice came back to her senses, and finally set her eyes on Xiaozhi and the two of them.

Especially Xiaozhi.
Alice suddenly took a few steps closer, squinted her eyes, looked up and down suspiciously at Xiaozhi, and even added a sniffing movement.

"I seem to have a feeling that I knew you before."

Seeing that Alice was almost going to post it, Xiaozhi scratched his head with a dry smile, and replied casually:

"Haha, maybe you watched my game before~"

Alice's weird feeling is naturally because of them in another world, even very close travel companions.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi smiled, and held out his palm to Alice quite seriously:

"Then let's get to know each other officially. My name is Xiaozhi, and I'm from Zhenxin Town in the Kanto region."


Pikachu on his shoulder also raised his little paw as a greeting.

Next to her, Xiaoxia was completely confused.

Is this girl special? Why does it seem that Xiaozhi takes it very seriously?
Hard to do.
"Does Xiaozhi actually prefer dark-skinned girls?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help guessing, while taking advantage of the situation to look at her arm.

Uh, it's so white that it can almost reflect the light
No wonder Xiaozhi couldn't fully understand his gold content as the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Wait a minute, so Teacher Gang?!"

Xiaoxia suddenly thought of something, her complexion changed, and she shivered.

As for the front, Alice looked at Xiaozhi inexplicably, why did she greet him so seriously all of a sudden.

But Xiaozhi didn't feel bad to her, on the contrary, he had an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

"Oh~ My name is Alice, I'm from the Land of Dragons, and I'm practicing with Axetooth Dragon to become a dragon master~!"

Alice introduced herself confidently, and took Xiaozhi's hand back.

The dream is similar to Xiaozhi.
But should it be said to be the 1/18 dream of Pokémon Master?
"By the way, you have also advanced to the top 32, right? Then if we meet at that time, I will not show mercy~!"

Saying that, Alice waved her hands to the two of them with a smile, and quickly led the Axe-toothed Dragon back into the bushes.

After reaching the top 32, the strength of every opponent will be exaggerated
Time to exercise now!

"Uh, after the World Championships, Grandpa Shaka and that Mr. Adek also said that they would give me special training for no reason."

While walking, Alice also remembered the scene where Adek, the league champion, came to the door on his own initiative a few days ago.

The other party seems to be an old acquaintance with Grandpa Xia Ka.

What did you say that you should carry out cruel special training for yourself within 2 years, and become an independent trainer as soon as possible.
"Hmph! Axetooth Dragon, now we are very strong! No matter what opponent we meet, we will not lose!!"

However, Alice wiped the tip of her nose, as if she didn't take Adek's words to heart, and was rather swollen.

She didn't encounter any strong enemies along the way, and she defeated them all one by one.


The ax-toothed dragon beside him was also waving its small claws, and the sharp ax-toothed blades on both sides of the corner of its mouth were glowing coldly.

In the same place, Xiaozhi was still watching Alice go away.

The latter was really like a savage in the jungle. After running for a while, he even jumped onto a branch several meters high, and grabbed the rattan to swing in the forest.

"He is really a wild man."

Xiaozhi couldn't help feeling ashamed.

However, it should be quite interesting to face Alice in the next World Championships.
Coincidentally, at night, the corners of Xiaozhi's mouth began to twitch when he saw the names of the top 32 opponents lit up on the screen of the illustrated book.

"Ah, did you really meet Alice?!"

"What a coincidence!?"

Beside them, Mingyi and Xiaoxia said in shock.

Both of them have already been eliminated, and naturally there will be no pressure at all, and they can relax and be spectators.

At this moment, Shuangshuang became Xiaozhi's think tank, the self-proclaimed kind, paying attention to Xiaozhi's next schedule.

"Now, it's safe to advance~!"

Xiaoxia patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Compared with other trainers, if Alice meets Alice in the top 32, it is considered easy to sign.

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