He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2173 The battle of real men, Douzi vs Dianci!

Chapter 2173 The battle of real men, Douzi vs Dianci!

After defeating Alice and successfully qualifying, Xiaozhi returned to the viewing area of ​​his relatives and friends, and found that there was a tall and glamorous beauty in the crowd.

"Hey, Miss Xiaojuer, why are you here?"

Xiaozhi asked casually, and there happened to be a vacant seat next to him, so he sat down.

"Oh Xiaozhi, congratulations on advancing to the top 16 of the World Championship~!"

Xiao Ju'er didn't treat her friends as coldly as she seemed on the outside. After a quick greeting, she looked at the center of the venue again, reluctant to move her eyes away.

At this moment in the center of the arena, the battle between the two players has reached a fever pitch.

On one side was Dou Zi who had a very good relationship with Xiao Ju'er. Before she appeared on the stage, Xiao Ju'er came over to cheer on her, so she took advantage of the opportunity to sit here and watch the battle together.

On the other side is also Xiaozhi's acquaintance, with short yellow hair hanging down both sides of his cheeks, with handsome features, he is a handsome guy with a restrained temperament.

It's the owner of Binhai Gymnasium, Dianci!
"Hey hey hey!! What are you doing next time! Don't tell me you will lose to a little girl!!!"

Even at the back of the spectator seats, Xiaozhi could still hear his best friend, Fire King Daye, standing up, stepping on the back of the seat in front, and shouting loudly.

But this voice obviously made Xiao Ju'er very upset.


Xiaoju'er also stood up, didn't say anything, just turned her head and stared at Daye bitterly.

Combined with the tall supermodel figure of the previous one, the momentum is still very scary.


This made Daye, who was stared at from behind, finally shut up, and sat back in a daze.

He didn't forget to scratch the back of his explosive head, full of astonishment.

But soon, Daye suddenly remembered something, and the corners of his mouth slowly raised.

"What's the situation with this Hezhong woman? Could it be that she's taken a fancy to me?"

He has the impression that the other party seems to be a very popular gymnasium owner in the Hezhong area, and he is indeed very beautiful.

This made the following Daye look at Xiaoju'er in front of him frequently, but he was not interested in Dianci, who was fighting fiercely in front of him.
on the field.

At this moment, Dianci and Douzi have only the last Pokémon left, and the battle is extremely fierce.

"Electric Shock Beast, Thunder Fist!!"

"Hei Nier, don't lose to it, use the flame fist!!"

The trump card of Dianci, the electric shock monster, burst out powerful lightning from both fists, smashing out again and again!

On the other side, King Yanwu was also no less impressive, with a fist in his swarthy hand, ignited a fiery flame, and blasted out forcefully.

This is no longer the start of the match. The two Pokémon of similar size both shot real fire, with hideous expressions on their faces. They didn't even defend, and greeted each other with all their strength.

Boom!Boom!Boom! !
Lightning fists hit King Yanwu's body one after another. In addition to the fierce force of each punch, King Yanwu's whole body was paralyzed and convulsed.

Similarly, King Yanwu's fist landed on the body of the electric shock monster, which also caused several burning black marks on its body, piercing pain, and looked tragic.


This kind of fist-pounding, no-frills real man fighting also made Xiao Zhi feel a little scalp numb when he just returned to his position.

It's just that after all, King Yanwu has the fighting attribute, and the continuous close combat is more dominant for King Yanwu.

Dianci naturally noticed this too, and while King Yanwu was swinging his fist, he suddenly shouted:
"Right now, grab it!"

The electric shock monster showed a ferocious expression, and the black cable-shaped tail suddenly sprang out from behind, extremely agile and fast, it actually entangled King Yanwu's wrist tightly.

"And then thunder!!"

This is the classic combo of the Electric Shock Monster. The radar tentacles above its head start to burst out with electricity, and the powerful lightning is ready to go.
However, Douzi suddenly opened his mouth and said:

"Hei Nier, fall over your shoulder!!"

King Yanwu came back to his senses in an instant, and his entangled palm clenched the opponent's cable-shaped tail with his backhand.

Immediately, he turned his back on his body and exerted all his strength to forcefully drag the electric shock monster into the air.

The body lost its center of gravity, which directly interrupted the lightning strike of the electric shock beast.

Snapped! !

He was even thrown to the ground severely by King Yanwu!

King Yanwu is not only a fighting Pokémon, but also stronger than the Electric Shock Beast, which is obviously more advantageous in melee combat.

Immediately afterwards, Douzi suddenly shouted:
"Hei Nier, it's time to decide the victory, use Flame Charge!!"

King Yanwu burst out with faint blue flames all over his body, trampled on the ground and splashed countless hot gunpowder smoke, and then charged forward brazenly in the posture of a big fireball!

Such an offensive also made Dianci frowned, not daring to take a breath, and immediately said:

"Electric shock monsters, all-out thunder!!"

The Electric Shock Beast knew it, and turned its arms quickly. Its whole body seemed to be turned into a high-intensity generator, and a steady stream of electric current burst out from its body.

Boom boom boom! !

As the electric shock monster waved its hands forward at the same time, the lightning, like a torrent of tide, also poured out from its body in an instant! !
The faint blue Flame Charge charged head-on into the thunder wave, and the two powerful moves were temporarily stalemate.

"Yan Wu!!"

Among them, King Yanwu kept stepping on the ground with force, tearing apart the electric current in front of him bit by bit.

In the end, the blue flame light on his body soared, even completely swallowing all the golden lightning in front of him.

The blue light that belongs exclusively to Flame Charge forms a huge blue energy vortex, which also completely engulfs the figure of the Electroshock Monster!

In the stands, this scene made Xiao Zhi feel a little silent, and familiar memories couldn't help flooding his mind.

Is Flame Charge against the thunder move of the electric shock monster?
It is so familiar!

As for the final result of this game.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, the Electric Shock Beast had already fallen in front of Dianci, its body covered with burnt black marks.

On the other side, Douzi's Yanwu King was charged with flashing flames all over his body. He was also seriously injured, but he was still barely standing.

You must know that the characteristic of Douzi, the King of Yanwu, is not "fire", but "sacrifice", the power of the flashing charge has a bonus.

Seeing this, the referee Don George wiped the sweat from his brow, and immediately said in a satisfied voice:

"The winner has been decided! The winner is a fighter from Raven City!"

Finally, another member of Hezhong has entered the next round~!

This also made Douzi run up immediately after calming down his excitement a little bit, and excitedly hugged King Yanwu's fat waist from behind.

"Hahaha Hei Nier~ We won~!! We have reached the top 16!!"

Douzi jumped up and down excitedly, still muttering uncontrollably.

Now, her bw performing arts company can be brought back to life just relying on her own traffic!

(End of this chapter)

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