He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2177 Show up, Victini!

Chapter 2177 Show up, Victini!
"Referee Rotom?"

Xiaozhi's gaze could not help but fall on his Rotom illustration book.

By the way, if this kind of thing becomes popular, will all human referees be laid off?

With the intelligent and precise Rotom referee, as the recorder and judge of every private qualifying match, this directly makes the World Championship completely enter the daily life of trainers all over the world!
The power of technology is really great!

"Of course, in the final part of the competition, we will naturally have to go to Gongmen City in the Galar region for a grand final competition."

Douzi raised a finger and said slowly.

It is said that in the main match of 20 players, Galar officials still feel that there are too many players, and maybe 8 players will be directly cut off in the future.

This number basically corresponds to the number of league champions in each region, or the number of strongest players, and that will be the real pinnacle battle!

"This Galar Alliance has great ambitions."

After knowing these gossips, Rao Shidouzi couldn't help being amazed.

Sure enough, it is an excellent investment stud object!
It's still only the s1 season, and the gold content is not enough, maybe the league champions in other regions won't pay attention to them at all.
But the next season, or the next season, is uncertain.

At that time, the top eight will be all players at the league championship level.
"We combine the pills~"

Douzi shrugged, a little helplessly.

One defeat after another. In the case of the Hezhong region, should we honestly continue to hold alliance conferences in the future?

"I heard that on their side, there are currently three favorites to win the championship, and one of them is Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, trainers from your hometown~!"

At this time, Douzi suddenly looked at the two Kanto people.

In the surprised eyes of the two, Douzi hugged his hands together, and there were a few more hearts in his eyes:

"It's the very handsome Dragon Envoy, Mr. Champion Du~!"

Whether it is strength or appearance, it can be said that Du is absolutely first-class, and few girls can resist Du's charm.

"Did Mr. Du go to that side of the game?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded, a little surprised, and murmured.

He has never fought Du, but he has witnessed the transition game.
Very strong!

After all, he is the one who beats Master Kona, his strength is by no means inferior to Master Kona, and he is also a powerful monster-level trainer.

"There are still two favorites to win the championship, but they are all local players from the Galar region. One is their current league champion Dandi, and the other seems to be an expert who is also good at dragon attributes. A Gym Master."

During the introduction, Douzi was still amazed that there are many powerful trainers in the Galar region.

In the end, there was even room to send two powerful trainers to backstab them.
One defeat after another, there is no defeat!
You must know that at this moment, these two backstab players from the Galar region have both entered the top 16.

Next, maybe, it will be against the kings of the alliance in various places, the strength is not weak!

"This Galar region is really an interesting place."

Xiaozhi leaned back and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Powerful trainers emerge in endlessly and are full of talents.

By the way, my Frozen Bird seems to be practicing on an isolated island over there
If there is a chance in the future, I will go to this Galar region for a walk!

The next day.

Xiaozhi was alone, training in the private training ground in the backyard of the elf center.

After all, each of the opponents you will face next is not easy, and you must keep yourself in the best condition at all times.

And with Mingyi and Xiaoxia eliminated, now he is the only one left to use this VIP training ground.

The location is big enough, so Xiaozhi released all the Pokémon.

As for Douzi
He ran out early in the morning and went shopping with Ming Yi Xiaoxia.

Reaching the top 16 has already fulfilled her goal, in order not to increase her worries in the future, Douzi still feels that she needs to reconcile with herself
Choose to be bad first!

As long as you don't train yourself and play badly to catch fish, you won't have any psychological burden if you are eliminated by force!

"Abandoned Monkey, Fist of Continuous Wrath!!"

"Genesect, high-tech light cannon!!"

"Iron Poisonous Moth, Dance of Fire!!"

This time, Xiaozhi focused on training these three Pokémon.

Starting from the round of 16, the strength of the opponent is not comparable to before, and these three powerful Pokémon must be deployed to suppress the battle.

Of course, Hezhong's new team is also performing their duties and doing exercises alone.

Monarch Snake, King Yanwu, and Zoroark have all completed their final evolution at this moment, and most of them are adapting to their new bodies and fully releasing their power.

The only one who seemed a bit lonely was the gangster crocodile who had half of his body dived into the ground.

With the evolution of Monarch Snake and Zoroark.
Now it is the "cradle tail" in the team that has not yet completed its evolution.

Most of his body was buried in the soil, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed above the surface, looking at his teammates.


The bastard crocodile suddenly let out a low cry, and dived completely under the soil, trying to achieve the final evolution with its own efforts.

It's just that no matter how tight it is, the white light that symbolizes evolution has never landed on it.

It seems that it's not time yet?

This instead made the rogue crocodile become impatient, and began to dig holes in the ground and sneak around to vent.
At the same time, a commotion broke out among the crowd on a certain street at the venue of the Sailing World Championships.

Surrounded by the crowd, there was a small squirrel-shaped custard animal with big sky blue eyes and big orange ears in the shape of a "V".

There is also a pair of small wings flapping slightly behind the legs, allowing it to fly flexibly and freely.

"Hey, hey! Isn't that a Phantom Pokémon?!"

"Oh my god, is it a wild Eudemons?!"

"Big blue eyes, such a cute little guy~!"

"So there is no trainer, right? Then it's mine!!"

The sudden appearance of the Illusory Pokémon Victini naturally caused the crowd to become turbulent, and greed appeared in the eyes of many trainers.

This is a legendary phantom beast, whoever tames it can become an extraordinary trainer!

"Catch it for me, Cool Leopard!"

"Don't let it get away, Dharma Baboon!!"

After a while, many trainers directly dispatched their Pokémon, double-teaming this Victini back and forth.


Victini, who seldom interacts with humans, blinked her big eyes and looked around at the eyeing Pokémon with a curious look on her face.

Just the next moment, the muscular cool leopard had already rushed up, with a shadow and black light attached to one of its paws.

Raising his hand is merciless to Victini, and casts the outstandingly effective "Shadow Claw"!
(End of this chapter)

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