He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2184 Victini's past...

In the elf center, Xiaozhi and his team were sitting in front of the round table, and the tall Adek was sitting at the front with his chest folded, closing his eyes and thinking about where to start introducing this Victini.



At the moment, Victini and Pikachu are playing in circles on the table.

This made the Axe-toothed Dragon next to Alice on the ground look envious.

If it hadn't evolved, it would be playing around on the table with these little guys by now
But now that it has evolved, it has to keep looking cool all the time.

"Well, about this victini, it probably started decades ago, no, maybe much earlier."

After a while, Adek spoke slowly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Victini, as the fantasy Pokémon in the Hezhong area, has actually been passed down in ancient times with the power to bring victory to mankind. For the ancient Hezhong area that has been fighting repeatedly, it is undoubtedly the monarchs of various countries. the power of."

So in the Hezhong area, the legend of Victini has never disappeared.

And this power, even in modern times, is also the existence that countless trainers compete for.

With Victini, maybe even the league champion can be easily won?
"About 30 years ago, when Victini came into the world, I was just an ordinary trainer."

Adek's eyes fell on Victini on the table.

"Because of the special power of victory, Victini was captured by humans and publicly auctioned."

Thirty years ago, at that auction, he saw Victini locked in a cage from a distance.

"Pokemon auction?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and his party couldn't help but look serious.

Now, Pokémon auctions are naturally illegal.

But 30 years ago, the laws everywhere were imperfect, and it was not surprising that there were any large auctions.

"As for this victini, it was bought by a very rich man in the end."

Adek paused, then continued:
"But this rich man is not a trainer, he just regards Victini as his treasure, and has an almost pathological possessive desire."

Speaking of this, Victini on the table seemed to understand, and stopped playing for a while, and looked at Adek blankly.

"Later, this rich man bought a private island and built iron gates around the island to prevent any outsiders from approaching."

"There is a lighthouse built in the center of that small island. This Victini, if I'm not wrong, should have lived on that small island for 30 years and was completely hidden."

"And on this island, except for the rich man who will visit the island every few weeks, it seems that no second person has ever been on the island."

After listening to Adek's introduction, the faces of Xiaozhi and the others sank.

The eyes of Mingyi and the others were a little moist, and they looked at Victini full of pity.

That is to say, this victini has been completely regarded as an object in the past 30 years, completely restricting freedom.

Will he be masturbated by a perverted uncle every few weeks?

"Um, by the way, Mr. Adek, how do you know these things, as if you have experienced them yourself."

At this time, Douzi suddenly raised his hand and asked.

She is the most rational among the crowd and thinks more.

The rest of the people immediately set their eyes on Adek, and even showed suspicious expressions.

Could it be that the rich man is actually a friend of Mr. Adek?

So this is to help the rich and regain ownership of Victini?
"It's a coincidence. In fact, I was completely ignorant of these old news two months ago."

Adek smiled loudly, signaling to everyone to be calm.

It turned out that the rich man had grown old recently, and even though he wanted to go to the island to see Victini again, he was already incapacitated and dying on the hospital bed.

When a person is about to die, his deeds are also good.
"So this rich man specially found me, and told me everything about Victini, the champion of the league."

"He also feels sorry for occupying Victini for 30 years, and hopes to return Victini to freedom at the last moment of his life."

Adek sighed.

After all, the other person has only his last breath left. Even if he did something unforgivable, he still cannot be held accountable until now.

"So based on the address he provided, I found the island in the southern waters of Hezhong—Liberty Garden Island."

It is ironic to say that the name of the island is Liberty Garden, but Victini has been restricted for 30 years.

"Strangely, when I landed on that island, I didn't find Victini."

"That island is also completely barren, it doesn't seem like outsiders have ever landed."

Adek touched his chin, and looked at Victini curiously.

"It is estimated that this Victini saw that the humans who usually landed on the island every few weeks did not reappear for several months. So he left on his own initiative?"

Then for some unknown reason, Victini got involved with Xiao Zhi, and suddenly appeared on the street where the Saiba World Championships were held
"I see."

Knowing the whole story, Xiaozhi couldn't help but put his palm on Victini's head, gently stroking the latter's fur.

This Pokémon has been imprisoned for 30 years
Moreover, it seems that this rich man is not simply imprisoned with shackles and cages.

Maybe the interior of that free courtyard island is really free. If Victini wants to leave, can he leave at any time?
Thinking about it this way, it was even more creepy.

Compare the location of the Liberty Garden Island.
It seems that when he first set foot in the Hezhong area and crossed the southern waters, he happened to fly over the sea of ​​Liberty Garden Island, thus attracting the Victini's attention and following him all the time?
Thinking of this, Xiaozhi held Victini in his palm, and said face to face:
"It's okay Victini, then you will be free, and no one can restrict where you want to go."


Victini blinked her big blue eyes and looked at Xiaozhi curiously.

It doesn't understand much, and the IQs of small phantom beasts are generally not too high, just like babies.

However, large Eudemons like Keldeo and Darkley have much higher IQs, and their communication is even completely indistinguishable from that of humans.


However, Victini heard the remarks about the rich man, especially when he knew that the latter was about to die, and his big blue eyes dropped quite sadly.

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