He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2198 The king from Carlos! ?

Chapter 2198 The king from Carlos! ?
After a short break at noon, the two games in the afternoon also started as scheduled.

Xiaozhi's match is in the second round, so he is not in a hurry to go on. He is still staying in the spectator booth with his friends, ready to watch.

"Oh, Mr. Tiantong, there is space here, come together~!"

From a distance, Xiaozhi also saw Tiantong looking for a place by the aisle, he immediately waved enthusiastically.

Tiantong nodded, and walked over with a smile on his lips.

Xiaozhi still has a good impression of this Pokémon sommelier who has a gentle personality and is a travel companion in another world.

After being seated, Tiantong seemed to have a purpose, to watch a player's match.

Because before the quarterfinals, only the parties involved know the match information of each game
So no one knows who the two sides will appear next.

Xiaozhi roughly glanced at the acquaintances behind him. Mr. Qianli, Miss Bonnie, and Miss Kona are all sitting firmly at the moment. They are all tomorrow's game.

"The next one to appear is an alliance king from the Carlos region~!"

Speaking of this, Tian Tong raised her head, showing a longing look.

"Carlos' king?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was stunned. Looking back, it seemed that he did see a powerful trainer from Carlos in the previous game.

"Yeah, my name is Zhimi, and he is an alliance king who is good at water attributes. Most importantly, he is also a very good chef!"

Tiantong spoke again and again, her tone a little excited.

A few weeks before the start of the Fanba World Championships, his two brothers had gone out to roam, and only Tiantong was still staying behind in Sanyao Gymnasium.

During that time, I happened to receive Shimi, who came here to taste gourmet dishes.

As an excellent chef, Zhimi has extremely high requirements for cooking.

It is rare to come to Hezhong area to participate in the World Championships, so I came to Sanyo City, just in time to check out the very famous "Battle Restaurant" in the area.

One side is the chef, and the other side is the Pokémon bartender.
The two became friends and confidants.

After learning about the former's game order from Zhimi, Tiantong came here to cheer for it.

"I see."

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi nodded.

Immediately, his eyes lit up, just in time to see the fighting style of the trainers in the Carlos area.

I just don't know who will be Mr. Zhimi's opponent next?

"Water attribute king, that's great."

Behind him, Xiaoxia, who was eavesdropping, also showed a longing look.

This is also her target seat.

Immediately, her eyes were staring brightly, wanting to see how this foreign king fights with water attributes!

Soon, the first round of 16 in the afternoon was about to start, and players from both sides walked to both ends of the field at the same time.

On one side is naturally Shuitian Wang Zhimi, who is wearing a pure white dress, but with some design elements of a chef, his dress is quite fashionable.

This is also a tradition in the Carlos area. After all, even the league champions there are fashionable and beautiful female stars on screen.

Zhimi with short blond hair has sharp and focused eyes.

However, the contestants who appeared on the other side caused the entire venue to burst into loud cheers and cheers.

A rough middle-aged man, with wide-sleeved robes and plain white training pants, with explosive red hair like a lion, with a necklace made of elf balls around his neck
"Did Mr. Zhimi face Mr. Adek directly?!"

In the stands, Xiao Zhi was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect these two people to bump into each other.

Wait a minute, this seems to be interesting too!
"Hahahaha, Heavenly King Zhimi, let's have a hearty battle~!"

Adek was the first to raise his head and laugh, and issued a hearty declaration of war.


In contrast, Zhimi looked more serious, nodded slightly, and didn't say much.

After all, it is somewhat unlucky to bump into someone else's ace champion in the round of 16.

Although he originally participated in the war with a Buddhist attitude, but it has reached this point, and Zhimi also wants to continue.

Following the referee's signal, the two threw the first poke ball at the same time.

Adek's first Pokémon appeared frequently before, and it was the powerful afro-headed buffalo, which trampled on the ground with its hooves as soon as it appeared, full of energy.

As for Zhimi's Pokémon, this is the first time Xiaozhi has seen it.

The body is composed of upper and lower rocks. Several barnacle limbs shaped like sharp claws extend from the rocks, and each limb has an eye in the palm.

This is a very strange humanoid Pokémon, even the head is completely composed of a barnacle turtle foot shaped like a sharp claw, with only one eye on it.

"Beep! Turtle-foot giant armor, Pokémon in the Carlos area, rock and water attributes, each limb has a separate brain, can think and fight by itself, and each exerts a powerful power Loto~!"

Rotom hovered on Xiaozhi's shoulder and introduced.

Xiaozhi looked at the arena seriously. It seemed that this was a duel of strength?
After a while, the battle began!

"Turtle foot giant armor, primitive power!!"

On the field, the tortoise-footed giant armor in the shape of a humanoid monster condensed several huge rocks and threw them at the opponent first.

In response, Adek raised his arm and shouted:
"Exploding buffalo! One hundred thousand horsepower!!"

The explosive-headed buffalo immediately charged and galloped, every step could shake the ground, the momentum was exaggerated, and the whole body was covered with a layer of gray-brown energy streamer, as if it was unstoppable.


As soon as the head was lowered, the sharp horns easily smashed the original power rock into powder, and the power did not weaken at all.

The [-] horsepower of the ground attribute cannot be hardwired.

"Turtle foot giant armor, use turbidity flow!!"

Zhimi's voice fell, and a stream of sand and sand nearly two meters high surged under the giant tortoise-footed armor, rushing forward frantically.

However, the special attack of the tortoise-foot giant armor is extremely hip-stretching, and the seemingly huge turbid current is actually easily knocked out by the exploding buffalo to create a vacuum gap.

However, Zhimi's goal has also been achieved. With the support of the turbid current surf, the turtle-foot giant armor came to the air two or three meters high.

"It's now, cross chop!!"

Zhimi pressed his finger down and shouted.

Although there is no advantage or disadvantage between the two in terms of attributes.
But every move used by the two sides is a dangerous and deadly effect.

"Armor drinking!!"

The giant tortoise-footed armor jumped up, and white light was attached to both arms.
Unlike other Pokémon who use the cross chop, they use both hands in a cross pose.

However, the tortoise-footed giant armor originally had a pair of tortoise-footed arms on both sides!
Four sharp-clawed tortoises posed in a cross-cutting posture at the same time, descended from the sky, and swooped down on the explosive-headed buffalo below!
(End of this chapter)

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