He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2222 Martial Arts Bear Master!Combo flow, water flow even hit!

"Then let it show you your best skills! Use water to hit repeatedly!!"

Seeing that he dodged the opponent's thunder and lightning punches, Budao Xiongshi clenched his fists tightly, and the thick bubbling water bubbles immediately wrapped around his arms.

boom! !

Raising his hand was a punch, hitting the old builder's left heart directly, making a deep and dull sound.

Hit the nail on the head!

The tidal current did not dissipate, and even surged up again.

boom! !

boom! !

The Martial Arts Bear quickly alternated arms, and hit two heavy punches in succession, and the three attacks were at the same position, and the distance was exactly the same.
Hit the nail on the head! !
Although the power doesn't seem to be very strong, and there are no flashy special effects, it will drive the old builder back.


However, the next moment, the veteran builder suddenly hugged his chest and half-kneeled on the ground, his distorted face showed that he had suffered a heavy blow.

After a while, his pupils turned white, and he fell down in front of Master Wu Dao Xiong.

"A veteran builder, you can't fight!"

The referee Don George said loudly immediately, and at the same time he was a little worried about the veteran builder.

At the same time, the three water flow punches all hit the same part, and the three hits hit the vital point. The heart won't be blown out directly, right?
Off the field, Miss Joy and Qiqiwa, who were always ready for medical rescue, also ran in quickly.

They are all professionals, with a pair of eyes watching the game all the time, and once they find that a certain Pokémon has suffered a life-threatening injury, they will directly enter the field to rescue.

But after squatting down for a while to check, Miss Joy breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed Lian Wu a look of nothing.

"Don't worry~ old man, I'm very measured, there won't be any serious problems~"

Ma Shide just said leisurely in the back, not in a hurry.

It's not a bloody fighting arena, so naturally you can't beat your opponent to death.

This move of water flow is the exclusive move of Martial Arts Bear Master. He punches three times in one round. Although the power of each punch is not high, it can hit the vital point every time.

On the whole, this power is quite impressive.


Seeing this, Lian Wu took the old builder back with a poke ball, with an extremely dignified expression.

The old man in front of him is really not an ordinary person.

Since a strong construction veteran cannot defeat the opponent.
Lian Wu took a deep breath, and this time sent a Master Itachi.

With a flexible and slender body, there are hardly any muscles visible. It is obviously a skill-type fighting Pokémon.

"Oh~ Master Itachi~"

Ma Shide's face under the mask brightened. He had been using a Kung Fu Itachi before, and he was very familiar with this kind of Pokémon.

The second battle was still started by Lian Tian Wang Lian Wu.

"High-five surprise attack!"

Master Itachi's wide-sleeved palm slapped suddenly, and the crisp sound immediately made the Martial Arts Bear Master a few meters away freeze in place.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, it seems that this high-five surprise attack doesn't seem to be useful to the opponent?

"Martial arts bear master, use the water jet!!"

Although Budokuma is a fighting Pokémon, he is also good at water-type moves.

Of course, they are basically physical moves with water attributes, such as water jets, climbing waterfalls and so on.

The long-range moves such as water gun, foam light, and water wave are also ignorant.


Martial Dao Xiongshi was attached to the body of water, and turned into a bunch of sharp water arrows, rushing out suddenly.

Lian Wu hurriedly said:

"Master Itachi, use wide-area defense!"

This Master Itachi folded his arms in front of his body, and a gray-green protective barrier was erected out of thin air around him. The move of wide-area defense is very similar to that of defense.

Bang Bang!

The hard and almost indestructible wide-area defensive barrier directly flew out the bullets of Martial Arts Bear Master, and the water spray all over his body immediately dissipated.

However, this martial arts bear master is very good at fighting skills. The moment the water jet ends, he raises his right leg, sweeps mercilessly, and kicks out a kick.

You must know that wide-area defense can only be defended once.

"Master Itachi, bounce!"

However, Master Itachi, who had a nimble figure, jumped up the moment the barrier disappeared, dodging the attack lightly, and came directly to the midair several meters high.

The next moment, he swooped down suddenly, and trampled on the head of Master Wu Dao Xiong with his feet!
"see through!"

Master Wu Daoxiong repeated his old tricks, held his breath, concentrated his mind, and saw through the bounce completely with his eyes glowing with a strange green light.

Turning his head, he dodged this dangerous flying move again.

Heavenly King Lianwu suddenly shouted:

"It's not over yet, it's now, use the flying knee kick!!"

I saw Master Itachi passing by and trampled heavily on the ground.

Borrowing the reaction force from the ground, Master Itachi bounced up again without a pause, and this time he bent his knees, and there was already a sharp and dangerous orange luster on it.

Bang Bang! !
The flying knee kick hit Budao Xiongshi's jawbone, and there was a cracking sound like shattered porcelain, and then Budao Xiongshi's entire humanoid body flew out.

"As expected of the King of Fighters."

Seeing this, Ma Shide couldn't help admiring.

For Shifu Itachi, what he is best at is not the trampling soles, but the knee and elbow strikes that are powerful enough to smash hard boulders.
But if you use the flying knee kick directly, once you are missed, it is easy to explode directly, and you will suffer huge back injuries instead.

So first use the bouncing moves to shorten the distance, capture the attack opportunity, and then use the flying knee kick to achieve the key blow.

"It was put together"

Although it was self-deprecating, Ma Shide's tone did not fluctuate too much. Obviously, such an offensive could not make him flustered.

But as soon as the blow was successful, the expression on Tianwang Lianwu's face eased a lot.

"Master Itachi, suck the fist!!"

Master Itachi launched fierce attacks one after another. This time, his clenched fist was covered with a green energy vortex, which could absorb the opponent's physical strength while hitting the target like a super absorption.

However, Ma Shide's command was extremely rough:
"Use Explosive Punch!"

Master Wu Dao Xiong twisted his neck, his resolute face was nonchalant.

Minor injury, just dislocated jaw.

Seeing that the opponent has already attacked, the bones between the fingers of the clenched fist crackled, and he swung forward with a powerful and heavy punch!
Boom! !
There was only a loud noise like an explosion, and the two fist moves collided, and the huge power gap directly blasted the Master Itachi into the air.


When it flew upside down, Master Itachi was still full of surprise.

Naturally, it would not confront it head-on, but deliberately chose a tricky angle
It's just that after the fist was thrown out, for some reason, I changed the attack trajectory inexplicably, and forcibly collided with the opponent's Exploding Fist.?

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