He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2226 The top 8 match information is really announced!

Chapter 2226 The match information of the quarterfinals, really announced!

Soon, the eight names on the electronic screen were frozen, and the order of the battle was locked.

In the first game of the first half of the competition, champion Adek played against Douzi.

"No loss."

Seeing this, Douzi's eyes lit up instead, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Among these eight people, the most famous one is naturally Mr. Adek.

Anyway, I'm going to lose. If I fight with the most famous person, I can talk about the sponsored advertisement next!

The second match in the upper half was between Ma Shide and Xiaozhi.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was a little surprised, did he meet this Master Ma so soon?

That's right, it's just a good time for Abandoned Monkey to confront the former champion of the World Fighting Championship head-on.

However, the frozen picture on the electronic screen only lasted for 1 or 2 seconds, and suddenly flashed again quickly.

Xiaozhi, who was originally in the first half of the competition, was suddenly changed to the second half of the competition.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head, is the machine display malfunctioning?
I didn't know what was going on, but in the end, the player who fought against Ma Shide became Mr. Qianli.

Qianli was sitting not far from Xiaozhi, at this moment he was sitting upright with his arms folded.

"Master M? An expert in fighting attributes"

He is a trainer who specializes in general attributes. If he is facing that martial arts bear master, the attributes are extremely unfavorable, and the difficulty is somewhat difficult.

In the second half of the competition, Xiaozhi's name appeared in the first game.

"Is my opponent Miss Cattleya?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin, and couldn't help but think of the blonde woman who could use superpowers.

"That's good, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of the original appointment in the battle against the pioneering zone."

He quickly accepted it, although others might have forgotten about the casual appointment at the time.

As for the last match, Miss Kona faced Asura.


Kona was full of confidence in this, turned his face slightly, and looked at the old man in purple robes behind him.

Asura's position was right behind the group of people. After seeing the battle information on the electronic screen, she kept stroking her beard with a solemn expression.


He has already seen Kona's battle, and it seems a little too strong.

Although they are all ice attribute experts, Kona's strength is far stronger than that of his former colleague, another Seven Sages - Wei Ao.

That old guy likes to stuff a geometric snowflake into his clothes on a hot day when he has nothing to do all day long.

Faced with this kind of ice attribute expert, Asura is confident to defeat him.

But if Miss Cora
With the announcement of the list of the top eight matches, the entire auditorium, even the champions themselves, were whispering and chatting constantly.

In the box of Hezhong Tianwang, Adek happened to see Cattleya come back, and quickly said:

"Hey, Cattleya, you're back? It just so happens that your opponent in the top eight is Xiaozhi, and that kid's strength is not easy~"

"Cough cough."

Cattleya opened the door and came in, coughing as a response.

It was rare for her fair and cold face to turn red.

Well, the super power was a little out of control just now, almost blowing up the main control room.
However, Adek was very satisfied with the result of the lottery.

He is very aware of Douzi's strength. Although he is already outstanding among his peers, he doesn't care about Pokémon battles at all. There is no suspense about the result of this match.

Taking advantage of this duel, I can give it a try, can I make Douzi turn around?

And Cattleya bumped into Ash
Although the strength of the latter is better, but if she cheats with superpowers, Cattleya may not have a chance of winning?

After all, in this World Championships, superpowers, dragon power assistance, etc. are not considered fouls.

"But in the semi-finals, I'm going to run into Mashid."

Adek is already thinking about the semi-final stage, he may not be able to defeat this powerful foreign old man
The next day, there was no match today, and they took a day off before the start of the quarter-finals.

However, Xiaozhi didn't make any final adjustments, but sat with a group of friends at the tables and chairs outside the Sail Fairy Center, watching the screen closely.

Rotom was standing on the table, the bottom was connected to a data cable, and the other end was connected to a ten-inch portable screen.


On the screen, fierce battles were constantly being staged, and there were frequent explosions.

"Don't tell me, Mr. Akromar, your portable screen is really high-definition, much better than Rotom~!"

While looking at the screen, Xiaozhi still didn't forget to praise him, and stabbed Rotom by the way.


Akromar pushed the gold-rimmed glasses, enjoying the compliment very much.

The live broadcast on the screen at this moment is the World Championships in the Galar region.

It was a day late for the Sailing World Championships, and now it was the last knockout match of the top sixteen stage.

The two sides facing each other are Xiaozhi's acquaintances——

With fiery red hair, a handsome face with deep resoluteness, brocade clothes and boots, and a very cool cloak on the back.

It is the champion of his hometown!

And Mr. Du's opponent is an old woman with a somewhat stooped figure and a long pointed nose, just like a dangerous old witch in a fairy tale.

Although she was very old, this old lady was dressed in an unusual fashion. The lady's dress was covered with pink and blue patterns, and there was a delicate little umbrella hanging on her arm.

"Popora, the oldest Gym Master in the Galar region, is good at fairy attributes."

In the lower right corner of the screen, there was information about the old lady. Mingyi leaned over her head and read it.

For the fairy attribute, it completely restrains the dragon attribute that Mr. Du is good at, and even completely nullifies it.

"Mr. Du is not a simple trainer. If the opponent is only the gymnasium owner, attribute restraint is meaningless."

Xiaozhi has full confidence in the strongest man in his hometown!
No, the former strongest.?

And the battle on the screen seemed to have come to an end.

The Pokémon used by Poplar is a pink villain shaped like a cream cake, with a few strawberries embedded in the curly cream on the top of its head.

As for the one used by Mr. Du, it is a classic fast dragon.

"Magic shines!!"

Facing the attack from the goblin's position emanating from the Frost Milk Fairy, Du Kuailong immediately stomped his lower limbs on the ground, fluttered his wings, and made great movements, even blowing a violent air current.

In the video, Du Yi flicked his cloak and shouted:

"Iron tail!!"

This fast dragon flew directly above the Frost Milk Fairy, and then the whole fat body fell straight down, especially the thick and long tail was covered with a cold metal light, and it fell down brazenly!

Boom boom! !

The Iron Tail move hit, and the whole ground was instantly shattered, and the creamy milk fairy in the center was almost beaten into creamy foam
(End of this chapter)

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