He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2230 Release water?Douzi vs Adek!

In the first round of the quarterfinals, the Pokémon that Adek and Douzi dispatched first were quite symmetrical.

Adek's Pokémon is a knight snail, small in size, with a yellow-blue beetle as the main body, covered with hard gray armor and helmet.

Like a classical knight, each holding a knight spear in both hands.

Douzi's Pokémon is a pink soft-bodied snail whose lower body is covered with mucous cobwebs, standing upright on the ground like a cocoon.

In terms of size, it is not much different from the knight snail. Under the cocoon, you can vaguely see the hands outlined by the spider web in a posture of hugging the chest.

The fixed black eyes show the aloofness of this Pokémon, like a ruthless ninja.

"Knight Snail and Agility Worm?"

Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book, it was the first time he saw Douzi using this Pokémon.

"Beep beep! The two Pokémon can only evolve Loto through communication and exchange in their respective infant forms~"

Rotom levitated, Science said, and the communication evolution of two Pokémon is not so simple.

"Gaigai put on the armor of the snail, and then evolved into a knight snail. The snail was stripped of its armor, so it wrapped its soft body with spider silk mucous membrane, thus evolving into the agile worm Loto~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded in surprise, is there still such a saying in the communication exchange?
It seems that the knight snail has gained a thick armor. While the speed is reduced, the defense power has been improved.

The Dexterity has lost the protection of its armor, and while its defensive power has dropped, its speed has increased significantly. It is a pair of completely opposite Pokémon.

"Agility bug, strike first, use the flying water shuriken!"

When the battle started, Douzi immediately said loudly.

Don't think that Flying Water Shuriken is the exclusive move of Ninja Toad. In fact, Agile Bug is the only Pokémon that has mastered this move.

The hands wrapped in the film condensed water shurikens, and with a flick of the arms, they flew out quickly!

Adek stood with his chest folded, giving him the impression of an insurmountable mountain.

"Knight snail, chop!"

The knight snail in front of him focused his eyes, and swung the spears in both hands continuously, smashing the flying water shurikens one by one.

Even with the increase in the number of times, the power of the continuous slash increased, and the knight snail rushed forward, and the gray-green spear was extremely powerful at this moment.
"Agility bug, shadow clone!"

However, in terms of speed, the agility bug that took off its armor is naturally better, instantly forming several shadows around the arena, surrounding the knight snails.

Dou Zi let out a yell, punched heavily and said:
"And then, true qi bomb!"

The next moment, countless shadows condensed an orange energy bomb above their heads, and then shot it towards the center!

Although there was only one real qi bomb, combined with the effect of the shadow clone, the zhen qi bombs hit the sky, and the momentum was still very exaggerated.

"Block it, Sword Dance!"

However, this knight snail rotated at high speed on the spot, holding its spear horizontally, while piercing through the phantom.It also easily defeated the only true energy bomb.

"Cross scissors!!"

With the help of the sword dance's power boost, the knight snail was glowing red all over, with two spears like a cross in front of him, slashing forward fiercely!
Even in the air, a fierce energy cross chop was made!
Rao is an extremely fast agile bug, for a while, he just felt that no matter how he dodged, he seemed to be locked by this cross scissors.
The level gap between the two is somewhat disparate.

Boom! !
In the end, the cross-cut scissors hit the agile bug, causing a violent explosion.

And in the rising smoke and dust, a black shadow approached quietly, and the sharp end of the spear pierced straight through the smoke, as if trying to pierce through the agile bug's throat.


But in the end, the sharp end of this bundle of long spears just hovered in front of the agile worm's neck, and just poked it lightly.

Click till.

Douzi: "?"

Seeing this, she was relieved. This move is the point of the knight snail, also known as the back of the sword, which can preserve the last point of the opponent's physical strength.

After reacting, Dou Zi quickly widened his eyes and looked at Adek behind him with a surprised expression.

The other party, is this going to put water on yourself?
However, at the next moment, Adek suddenly said:

"Use deadly needles!"

The knight snail understands, the spear on the left reaches as far as it goes, and swings it sideways to put it away.

However, the spear on the right rushed out mercilessly.

Poke bang! !
The deadly needle hit the agile worm's abdomen, and the gray-green energy radiated soaringly. Many people even saw a terrifying scene of the spear piercing the agile worm's body.
Of course, these are special effects hallucinations of Deadly Needle.

Suffering heavy blows one after another, although the worm-attributed boss Hei still had mediocre effects, he couldn't bear the huge damage. The agile worm flew out like a shriveled eggplant and fell to the ground.

"The agility bug loses its ability to fight!"

Referee Don George quickly raised his hand to signal.

Although they are symmetrical Pokémon, the level gap between the two sides is quite different. Douzi's side is not an opponent at all.

And after using the deadly needle to successfully end the opponent, the whole body of the knight snail is also lit up with a red light, and the offensive momentum becomes unprecedentedly fierce in an instant!
The physical attack ability of the knight snail has been greatly improved!

This is the effect of deadly needles. After using this skill to take away the opponent's head, one's own attack can be greatly increased.
Don't look at this effect as if it is against the sky, but there are also weaknesses.

In fact, the damage of the fatal acupuncture move is not high, so it is difficult to accurately judge the end value of the opponent's blood bar and complete the harvest.

"So I used it up to the point in advance to ensure that the target's physical strength is only at the last point, and then no matter what low-power move, it can accurately harvest the head, and the effect of triggering the deadly needle is worthy of Adek. Sir!"

In the stands, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise.

bells and whistles.

"Cough cough.!"

But soon, there was a coughing sound next to him, Xiao Zhi turned his head and found Xiao Ju'er, the owner of Lei Wen Gym, looking at him seriously.

Today they are all here to cheer for Douzi, so don't praise your opponent.

Even if the opponent is the champion of the union, that won't work!

Xiaozhi could only laugh dryly, it was hard to refute, but there was no suspense in this battle from the beginning.

Even at this moment, the knight snail owned by Mr. Adek has greatly improved its physical attack ability.
The murder books are all piled up, and the next step is to push the team ruthlessly!

Douzi: "."

She also fully realized that the uncle on the opposite side didn't intend to release water at all. Is this trying to push the team ruthlessly? !

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