He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2232 Gambling is harmful to health

Chapter 2232 Gambling is harmful to health

"Afro Buffalo, use full Afro to attack!!"

"Hei Nier, Flame Charge!!"

After a great battle, in the end, both sides chose the collision type of big moves to win the game.

The fluffy and thick hair of the exploding buffalo was covered with white light, and accompanied by bursts of thunder, the limbs galloped forward, rushing forward like a broken bamboo.

King Yanwu on the other side also stomped on the ground, splashing countless gunpowder smoke, and his whole body turned into a big blue fireball, rushing out.

Especially with the blessing of the sacrifice characteristic, the power of this flashing charge is even higher.
Boom boom boom! !

Amidst a burst of roaring and explosive noise, the two people who collided together burst out a huge whirlwind of strength!
It's just that in this fight of strength, the buffalo with the explosive head is the winner.

Boom! !
The thick explosive head exploded violently, and all the terrifying explosion energy rushed forward.

Rao was King Yanwu, who was also blown up by the blast and the flames dissipated, and his body immediately flew horizontally and fell heavily to one end of the arena.


Falling to the ground, King Yanwu tilted his head, and his eyes suddenly turned into whirlpool eyes.

On the other side, the afro buffalo still stayed in the center of the arena. The fluffy afro hair was gathered back, but it was still radiating anti-injury arcs.

However, the result of this game is naturally very clear.

"King Yanwu has lost his ability to fight!"

"Because the three Pokémon of Douzi contestant have lost their fighting ability, so this match will be promoted by Adek contestant!"

The referee East George Long said.

Although in terms of popularity, their United side completely lost to the Galar World Championships next door.

But at least one of the local trainers from Hezhong entered the semi-finals, which can be regarded as a small guarantee.

"Hei Nier"

At the end of the game, Douzi stepped forward with some distress, half kneeling in front of King Yanwu.

Adek was quite satisfied with today's battle, at least when facing him, Douzi had already used his full strength.

But it seems that Douzi doesn't pay much attention to Pokémon battles at ordinary times. It belongs to exercise, which makes King Yanwu's movements a little stiff, and he doesn't fully show his strength.

The average trainer on the opposite side is naturally not a big problem.

As soon as this King Yanwu slammed into it with the flashing flames blessed by the sacrifice characteristic, the battle ended immediately.

But when you meet a trainer at the level of a king, this is a big taboo.

Thinking of this, Adek still stepped forward and patted Douzi on the shoulder:

"Douzi, I know your thoughts very well, and your Pokémon also understands you very well, but do you now clearly understand your Pokémon's thoughts?"

Hearing this, Douzi's face was a little astonished, and he subconsciously looked at King Yanwu who fell to the ground in front of him.

Hei Nier's thoughts?
It's supposed to be about making money and being famous, right?

After all, Hei Nier was even a well-known Pokémon model in Raven City before she evolved.

But indeed, after evolving into Queen Yanwu, it seems that she doesn't know what Hei Nier is thinking now.

And Barbara, Billy and the others
With King Yanwu back, Douzi stood up, his face regained his previous vigor, and he held Adek's hand with a smile.

"I see. Thank you Mr. Adek for your advice!"

Seeing this, Adek couldn't help raising his head and laughing loudly, maybe Alice is not the only one who can succeed him in the Hezhong area in the future!

"It's a pity, Douzi~ it's almost there~!"

Returning to the spectator seats, Xiaozhi was the first to greet him, and said with a dry smile.

It's just that his expression was a little stiff, and Dou Zi quickly noticed Xiao Ju'er who was paying close attention behind him, so he naturally understood.

"Hey, it's indeed a million points away~"

Douzi shrugged, didn't care, and just laughed at himself casually.

Immediately, he leaned back and sat paralyzed on the empty seat beside Xiaozhi.

"No, there is one more thing!"

As if there was a needle on the seat, Douzi bounced up immediately after sitting down, then pressed his hat, and left the field in a hurry.

"What's wrong?"

On the side, Ming Yi blinked and couldn't help asking curiously.

Are you going to heal Pokémon?
But there is Ms. Joy at the entrance and exit of the exit, which can provide a one-stop service, and intimately send the Pokémon that cannot be fought back to the elf center for treatment.

The trainer can still stay in the venue and continue to pay attention to the game.

When the time is up, go to the Fairy Center to get back your Pokémon.

"Well, gambling is bad for your health anyway."

However, Douzi just left a riddle, and left in a hurry, making Xiaozhi Mingyi and the others stare.

Does this have anything to do with gambling?

As for Douzi, his thoughts are very clear now.

In short, no matter what, go to Miss Junsha first, and report the underground casino first!

But as soon as he walked out of the venue, Douzi suddenly realized something and choked up his movements.

After all, I am also an entrepreneur. If I report it myself, once the casino finds out, maybe I will retaliate against my company.?

Even after being traced, he was also involved in gambling
"Yes! Please, Billy!"

Douzi rolled his eyes, and suddenly released the little gray monster that hadn't fought before.

Then he leaned close to the latter's ear and whispered:
"Little gray monster, you will be like this later"

With the help of the superpower of the little gray monster, the latter can completely display text messages out of thin air on the computer screen of the police station without revealing the source of his identity at all.


The little gray monster nodded, and the three-color light on its palm flickered frequently. With its huge alien brain, it naturally understood what Douzi meant very quickly.


Immediately, his figure flashed, and using teleportation, the little gray monster went to the Fanba City Police Station
On the other side, in the official box of the champion of Hezhong Tianwang.

Adek, who returned victorious, also made the atmosphere in the box quite active.

Although a large number of people have been defeated and eliminated, but now they all belong to the United League, honor and disgrace.

One person can enter the semi-finals, at least the bottom line is guaranteed.

If you can enter the finals again, there will be basically no pressure to bear.


At this time, the evil king Yueju suddenly sneezed for no reason, and his whole body trembled.

"What's the matter, lingonberry? Are you feeling unwell~"

Adeke was in a good mood, he patted Lingonberry's shoulder cheerfully, and laughed loudly:

"Although your Pokémon are very powerful, the trainer's body also needs regular exercise, haha~!"

Compared with the rough and burly bodies of Adek and Tianwang Lianwu, the thin huckleberry was sandwiched in the middle, really like a little chicken.

Lingonberry: "."

He just turned dark, and a bad premonition inexplicably rose in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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