He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2238 vs super power expert, inverse attribute battle?

Chapter 2238 vs super power expert, inverse attribute battle?
After a while, the appearance of "Abandoned Monkey" completely disappeared, replaced by a gray and white upright fox.

With a hunched body, the lush snow-white hair rose from the back of the head and fell down from the forehead, looking very wild, and the ends of the hair even turned purple like arrogance.

"Sure enough, in front of the clairvoyant eyes of superpowers, is the hallucination feature meaningless at all?"

Seeing Cattleya's calm expression, Xiaozhi said helplessly.

However, compared to Cattleya's calmness, the entire World Championship venue was boiling because of Zoroark's appearance.

After all, most of them are locals of Hezhong. Zoroark is a rare and rare Pokémon in the Hezhong area, not to mention the special appearance of other areas.
Now that his true body has been seen through, Xiao Zhi didn't hide anything anymore, and immediately shouted:
"Use retribution!"

Xitri Zoroark let out a low growl on the spot, and a burst of blue-purple resentment flames spewed out all over his body in an instant.

At the same time, the ground under the bronze bell also seemed to automatically emerge with a magic circle.

The same flame of resentment shot up into the sky and was about to devour the body of the bronze bell.


It's just that at the critical moment, the figure of the bronze bell disappeared in place, dodging it dangerously.

"Damn, is it still a little slower?!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and sure enough, this bronze bell can also teleport this difficult move.

Not only that, the figure of the bronze bell has come to the high altitude of the arena, the arms of the beam are fully opened, the body of the huge bronze bell shakes gently, making a dull and long sound.

The next moment, a cubic energy membrane rose out of thin air at the edge of the entire arena, wrapping everything.

"Room for tricks?!"

Xiaozhi reacted instantly, under the trick space, the extremely slow bronze clock was able to take the lead.

Sure enough, Cattleya hadn't spoken yet. The bronze clock turned rapidly on the spot, and then turned into a big ferocious steel drill, which flew down into the air and slammed into Zoroark's direction.

Heavy collision!

This is a move whose power fluctuates according to its own weight, and the weight of the bronze bell is extremely terrifying!

"Zoroark, use protection!"

Xiaozhi immediately said, Zoroark, who is extremely fragile, has mastered this defensive skill.

Keng Keng Keng.!
The heavy impacting big drill bit landed on the green light barrier propped up by Zoroark. It was really like a decoration excavation. Sparks burst out continuously at the junction, making abnormally harsh noises.


In the end, the green light barrier was shattered like glass by a heavy impact!


However, Cattleya frowned, and she noticed that the expression on Xiaozhi's face became extremely excited at the moment.
And as the protective barrier shattered, Zoroark's entire body bounced back directly.

"That's it, use the Shadow Claw!"

At this time, Xiao Zhigao shouted.

Zoroark understood, took advantage of the momentum to rebound, and jumped straight in the direction of Cattleya.

Combined with the ferocious beast appearance and the raised claws, it seems that this fox suddenly lost control and wanted to directly attack the trainer and tear humans apart?
Of course, Zoroark is not attacking Cattleya
But the intention of intimidation is still there.

Coming to the edge of the arena, Zoroark aimed upwards, and with his claws covered in shadow and black light, he fiercely slashed towards the void.


There was only an ear-piercing tearing sound, and there was actually a clear scratch mark left in the empty space.

After that, the cube-shaped energy film in the trick space also faintly appeared, and eventually all gradually dissipated with this scratch.

Juggling space, it's over.

"This guy, Xiaozhi, has really become stronger."

This made Xiaoxia, who was most familiar with Xiaozhi in the stands, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Back then on the roof of the skyscraper in Jinhuang City, when he faced Miss Nazi for the first time, Xiaozhi was teased by the opponent's trick space for a long time.

However, Xiaozhi now easily destroyed the trick space within two rounds.

He was no longer the rookie Xiaobai who was teased by superpower experts back then.

In a sense, is it also a battle against attributes?

Speaking of which, the two opponents were all superpowers.

Seeing this, Cattleya's eyes widened slightly. Xiao Zhi is quite good at fighting super-powered Pokémon.

"It's now, Shadow Claw!!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zoroark launched a fierce attack, and a ghostly figure appeared from the shadow behind the bronze bell.

Bang Bang! !
The shadow claw slammed on the unsuspecting back of the bronze bell, and the sharp claw rubbed against the steel, making a piercing sound.

The effect is outstanding!

"Then hug it and directly use Retribution!!"

Since the opponent has been using that annoying teleportation to dodge. Then simply lean together and burn each other with your own flames.

Boom! !
The next moment, the blue-purple strange flames spewed out again, enveloping Zoroark and the bronze bell's bodies at the same time.
The effect is outstanding!


Rao, this bronze bell is heat-resistant, which can greatly resist the damage of fire-attribute moves, and it still screams in pain when it is burned.
Revenge is not flame in essence, but ghost attribute energy full of resentment.

The effect is outstanding!

However, at the next moment, Cattleya suddenly said:

"Fixing method!"

The bronze bell understood and forcibly threw Zoroark away, and then a strange pink light glowed on his body.

Zoroark's body seemed to be bound by petrification, a touch of rock gray flashed quickly, but soon returned to its original state.

Although no harm.
But the move of repaying the injustice was completely blocked!

"Damn, is there still this move?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help scratching his ears and cheeks, the woman in front of him obviously knew the weakness of retribution.

The first attack doesn't do much damage.
Only when the target enters an abnormal state, can the true power of retribution be erupted
This directly blocked Zoroark's signature move completely!

"Miss Cattleya, have you followed Zoroark's game before?"

Xiaozhi instantly understood that Zoroark had already appeared on the stage before, and the move information had naturally been exposed.


However, at the next moment, Cattleya did not launch a fierce attack, but raised her hand to take back the badly injured bronze clock.

Backhand released the last Pokémon, it was Miss Goth, whose temperament was very similar to her, with a dignified and upright humanoid body, equally cold and mysterious.

"In that case, I will take it back!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi imitated the example and prepared to take Zoroak back first.

(End of this chapter)

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