He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2241 Sudden death of the world fighting champion?

Chapter 2241 Sudden death of the world fighting champion.?

"Give up drinking!!"

Following the roar of the Abandoned Monkey, its arms were exaggeratedly bulging, without any fancy, and it swung a heavy punch forward with all its strength!
In an instant, the huge black shadow fist came out of the body!

Rao is Miss Goth who uses teleportation, but at this moment, the shadow of the fist covers the entire half of the field, and there is no way to dodge it.

This made Miss Goth barely hold up the mind barrier, trying to block the blow.
Boom boom boom! !

There was a deafening explosion, and almost half of the arena was covered by this fist of anger. Black ghostly energy soared into the sky, mixed with dark emotions that caused anger.

"What the hell kind of power is this?!"

Closest to him, the corner of the referee's mouth twitched, and his face was blurred by the airflow.

Not to mention the destruction and death, the power of this punch is much higher than the strongest big bang, right? !

Even Cattleya was stunned in place. Does the Abandoned Monkey still have such power?
And this full fist of anger hit the target, and in addition to destroying the ground into ruins, it also sent Miss Goth into the air, and fell heavily behind Cattleya.

The effect is outstanding!


Of course, Cattleya's superpower was activated quickly, but she managed to catch Miss Goth, who was flying upside down, so as not to cause secondary damage.

But flying across the air, Miss Goth had completely lost consciousness, her eyes were swirling.

"Miss Goth, lose the ability to fight!"

East George hurriedly said loudly.

The entire venue was also stunned by the sudden punch of the Abandoned Monkey, and it seemed somewhat quiet.

"Give up drinking."

Seeing the successful end of the game, the Abandoned Monkey felt a void in his body, kneeling on the ground with one foot, panting continuously.

Not to mention, just hitting it with this punch will almost kill it!
"Fist of Wrath, this is the exclusive move of my Abandoned Monkey. Its power will increase with the number of attacks it receives. Once it is fully stacked, its power will be even more terrifying than a big explosion!"

Seeing that Cattleya on the opposite side hadn't recovered yet, Xiaozhi explained from a distance.

Hearing this, Cattleya came back to her senses.

That's why he chose not to resist, and to bear the continuous mental shock of Miss Goth?

After thinking about it for a while, she seemed to have made up her mind. Cattleya let out a long breath, and while taking back the defeated Miss Goth, she gestured to Don George:

"The last Pokémon, I abstain."

Don't forget, she still has a bronze bell, and she can continue to fight.

However, in the face of the Abandoned Monkey whose physical strength is still healthy, the Bronze Bell's super energy + steel attributes are restrained to death by the opponent.
Hmm. It's a waste of time not to go up. There is no need to continue this battle.

Hearing this, Dong George also nodded, and he naturally saw that there was no suspense in this game.

He immediately raised his palm and said loudly, marking the official end of the game.

"Because Cattleya's three Pokémon can't fight anymore, so in this match, Xiaozhi from the Kanto region will advance!"

Hearing the sound of the verdict, Xiaozhi also took a long breath, and couldn't help but sat down on the spot.

"Win! Wrecking Monkey, great job!"

To some extent, it has some advantages in intelligence. If the opponent knows the "Fist of Wrath" move, maybe they won't give the Abandoned Monkey a chance to superimpose its power at all.

At the same moment, the entire World Championship venue also burst into warm cheers and cheers.

Of course, there was a lot of wailing, and there were quite a few Cattleya fans in it.
After the match, Xiaozhi and the Abandoned Monkey were still sitting down and resting without any image.

At this time, Cattleya had already walked over slowly.

With a twinkle in his eyes, the gentle blue light of thought power fell on Xiao Zhi's body, and he gently lifted him up.

"Oh~ Miss Cattleya, what a wonderful battle!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi grinned, landed and stabilized his figure.

Cattleya is not very good at managing expressions, and the expression on her face doesn't change much, but the blond hair on the back of her head is swaying wildly, which shows that she is trying to adjust her emotions.

In the end, Cattleya managed to squeeze out a smile, and said:

"It was indeed a wonderful match, Xiaozhi from New Town."

She even used her thoughts to manipulate the blond hair on her back, intending to stretch it out like a palm.
But after thinking about it for a while, Cattleya finally let go of her super powers, and her gorgeous and smooth blond hair fell down immediately.

This time, she took the initiative to extend her white palm towards Xiaozhi.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't suspect him, and smiled back and held Cattleya's soft palm.

This battle also came to an end after the friendly handshake between the two after the match.

But at the same time, many people in the venue also had different expressions.

"Is it still lost?"

The champion Adek felt a little regretful and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

But the loss is not unjust, even if he came, it would be difficult to block that full-stacked punch of anger.
From the looks of it, after all, Little Wisdom has the upper hand.

"Ah, Xiaozhi seems to be strong again?!"

Alice next to her was holding her head, her face darkened, and she squatted down involuntarily.

How do you feel that Xiaozhi's strength is getting stronger every game? !
Are trainers from other places making progress so rapidly? !
On the other side, Mashid, who was from the Galar region and had been watching the battle silently, quietly took off his mask.

Under the mask was a playful and laughing old man's face, with white eyebrows falling down like a beard, even exceeding the height of his chin.

Watching the Abandoned Monkey on the field, Ma Shide recognized it, and immediately showed a playful smile, and kept stroking his beard.

"So this Abandoned Monkey is the champion of this World Fighting Championship. Didn't expect it to evolve?"

Ma Shide couldn't help recalling that not long ago, he also heard the news that this year's champion, Fire Monkey, died unexpectedly while boxing in a small boxing gym in a certain place.
At that time, he still sighed with emotion for a long time.

Although this year's world fighting champion is full of water, he is still a champion after all, but he died young
But now it seems that it is completely alive and kicking.

Even completed the evolution, the strength will only be stronger than before.

Faced with such an opponent, Ma Shide was actually aroused.

"Fist of Wrath"

However, the information about Fist of Wrath was also fully understood by him.
If he matched up, he wouldn't let the Forsaken World Monkey unleash its full-strength fist of rage so smoothly.

"Little Wisdom of True New Town."

His eyes couldn't help falling on Xiaozhi behind him.

It was also at this time that Ma Shide seriously wrote down Xiaozhi's name for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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