He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2251 Level gap, fire-breathing dragon vs fast dragon!

Chapter 2251 Level gap, fire-breathing dragon vs fast dragon!

"Then it's up to you, Charizard! Just let me see how strong you are now!"

On the other side, Xiao Zhi also gave a loud shout, his spirits high.


The fire-breathing dragon looked sideways, nodded heavily, and even raised its head again to let out a majestic roar.

The fierce dragon's roar ignited another violent airflow, so that both Alice and Kuailong had to raise a hand to cover their eyes.

"Aura. How strong is it?"

Alice, who has always been scruples, had a drop of sweat dripping down her forehead before the battle started.

How do you feel, the fire-breathing dragon in front of you is stronger than Grandpa Shaka and Grandpa Adek.?!
"Then, the battle begins!"

Douzi gave a loud shout, signaling the start of the match, and Akroma and the others sat down beside them, watching the battle with relish.

"Quick Dragon, Dragon Wave!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Alice took the lead in attacking.

The fast dragon in front of him opened its mouth wide, and the pink-purple energy light group turned into a dragon-shaped shock wave, blasting out suddenly.

In this regard, the fire-breathing dragon did not make any dodge movements
Boom! !
The wave of the dragon exploded on the body of the fire-breathing dragon, stirring up a mighty cloud of smoke.


Seeing that the move worked, Alice was overjoyed.


However, Xiaozhi just grinned at the corner of his mouth, pressed his hat, and let the smoke and dust in front of him gradually dissipate.

And the fire-breathing dragon reappeared, as if it had no effect at all, still standing in place with firm eyes.

"Alice, the fire-breathing dragon does not have dragon attributes~ Dragon attribute moves have no effect!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi decided to remind him, it seems that the people in front of him don't understand fire-breathing dragons at all.

Sure enough, seeing Alice's expression of surprise, surprise, and embarrassment mixed in, Xiaozhi knew that he had guessed right.

"Even if the effect of the dragon's wave is not outstanding, it can't be harmless."

Akromar pushed his glasses and instantly understood:

"So is the level gap too big?"

On the field, it was obvious that Alice hadn't noticed this, and she was still launching fierce attacks.

"Quick Dragon, fly up, use Thunder Fist!!"

Kuailong understood, flapped its small wings and flew up suddenly, and rushed straight towards the fire-breathing dragon. The surface of the waving fists burst out with violent electric current.

Xiaozhi did not choose to attack forcefully, but saw the trick and said:
"Next, use the steel wings!"

The fire-breathing dragon nodded, and also flew up. With a shake of its wings, a cold metal light was attached, and it also threw its steel wings forward and double-clicked!
Bang Bang! !
There was a blunt metal explosion, and the flapping power of the fire-breathing dragon's wings completely overwhelmed Kuailong's punch.

While the steel wing bounced the current away, it also repelled the entire body of Kuailong rushing forward.

Although he was deflated secretly, the fast dragon did not admit defeat, and his face always had that irritable expression.

"Use Storm!!"

The two small wings on the back kept flapping, blowing a fierce hurricane, engulfing the entire half of the field ahead.

However, the fire-breathing dragon bent one wing and stood in front of it.

Even in the center of the storm, he still didn't retreat half a meter and flew steadily in midair.

Now, the surrounding crowd also saw the difference in strength between the two dragons.

"Try this trick next, charizard, use jet flames!!"

Xiaozhi continued to attack slowly.

It wasn't intentional to tease the other party, he was also taking advantage of this battle to gradually adapt to the power of the fire-breathing dragon at this moment.

The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings, and the exposed dragon's head and mouth opened wide, and a beam of fiery flames spewed out in an instant.

Boom! !
Rao was against the wind and was constantly blown by the fierce storm, but the edge of the flame did not shake and drift away, piercing straight through the storm and approaching the source.

Boom! !
The next moment, the flame hit Kuailong, causing a flame explosion in mid-air, and a burst of black smoke rose in an instant.


After being hit solidly, Kuailong didn't fall down on the spot, but he still let out a whine, and his flying movements in mid-air became messy.

"how is this possible?!"

Alice quickly showed a surprised look.

Kuailong should be resistant to spraying flames, why does it seem to have been severely injured? !

"Never mind, Kuailong! Try your new move! Use Water Flow Tail!!"

This irascible fast dragon also mastered water-attribute moves. I saw it flying to the top of the fire-breathing dragon's head, with countless water bubbles lingering on the thick tail behind it, and then pressed down under it, slamming down violently!

However, in the face of such a blow, Xiaozhi still chose to resist:

"Next, Charizard!"

The fire-breathing dragon in front of him also understood and stood in place.

Lower your body slightly, stabilize your center of gravity, and raise your arms.

Boom! !
The next moment, this fierce and powerful tail of water hit the shoulder of the fire-breathing dragon, and the powerful force made the fire-breathing dragon lean over.

The transmission of power also caused the ground under the fire-breathing dragon's feet to be crushed and collapsed instantly.

The effect is outstanding!

However, the fire-breathing dragon still followed up with the blow, its shoulders standing firmly.

"Hurry up.?!"

In this scene, even the violent and angry Kuailong froze in place.

Especially at this moment when there is almost zero distance, even though he is on top, seeing the majestic gaze of the fire-breathing dragon below, this fast dragon can't help but feel a chill in his lower body.

It seems that I kicked it on the steel plate today.?!
Probably knowing the power of the fire-breathing dragon at this moment, Xiaozhi didn't delay any longer, and immediately raised his finger to the air, calling out the familiar command:
"The battle is over for the fire-breathing dragon, use the earth throw!"

This sound also made the fire-breathing dragon excited instantly, and its claws grabbed the fast dragon's tail vigorously.


Immediately, the wings on the back shook violently, and the fire-breathing dragon jumped into the air, dragging the fat fast dragon directly into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the latter's tail tightly and continued to rotate vertically in the air.

Even in the early morning sky, it seems that there is a full moon orbit.
"Ah~ It's been a long time since I saw this scene~"

On the side, Xiaoxia raised her head, narrowed her eyes, and couldn't help expressing a sigh of relief.

As for the fast dragon that was forcibly dragged, although only its tail was held, its limbs could still move freely.
However, the high-speed rotation makes its brain spin around for a while, and the light and shadow are blurred.

The inexplicable sense of oppression, especially the limbs and head, seemed to be imprisoned, and it was difficult to move.

It could only be forcibly dragged by the fire-breathing dragon, spinning around and around.

In the end, it plummeted down vertically, out of the orbit of the moon, and the fire-breathing dragon threw a back throw in the air, smashing the fast dragon heavily to the ground below!

Cast on Earth!

(End of this chapter)

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