He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2254 vs Climbing Ground Wings!Adaptive electric mouse?

Chapter 2254 vs Climbing Ground Wings!Adaptive electric mouse?

"Is there a hole in your heart?"

Fan Shilang scratched his head, but he didn't know the name of the lake cave.

The inside is also empty, and there are no wild Pokémon.

However, the gurgling water dripping from the entrance of the cave and the fresh air made it a peaceful place, so Fan Shilang went in with the burning worm.

Perhaps the power of the Sansheng Mushroom really remains inside, or it is a special environment itself
"Then, my Burning Worm completed its evolution inside, and it doesn't look like a normal Vulcan Moth, but it's crawling on the ground like this now!"

Fan Shilang crossed his hips, obviously very satisfied with the appearance of climbing the wings at the moment, and didn't think there was anything wrong at all.

"I see."

Adek folded his arms and pondered thoughtfully. It seems that this hollow heart next to his hometown is still a special place.

Maybe it's not just Vulcan moths.
Can other Pokémon also mutate into their original appearance?

When the World Championships are over this time, go back to Suanmu Town to have a look.

"In fact, it's been a long time since I saw Climbing Wings, and it's quite cute~"

"Like a silly beast."

While Xiaozhi and the others listened to the story, they gradually accepted the appearance of the crawling wings.

Transformation from an insect to a beast. At this moment, the crawling wings also carry a bit of a fierce and dangerous savage breath.

"That's why I came to you to complete the agreement as soon as I finished evolution with Climbing Ground Wing!"

At this time, Fan Shilang's eyes were fixed, and he raised his hand and punched Xiaozhi.

"How about Xiaozhi, do you want to have a battle with me?!"


The ground crawling wing beside him also raised his head, let out a low roar like a beast, and his fighting spirit was high.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes shined, and he was worried that there would be no battle, as the end of tonight.

Adek stood in the middle, not to stop, but to remind:
"Enough, Fanshilang~Xiaozhi still has a semi-final match tomorrow~"

Tomorrow is the day for the semi-finals. The match between him and Ma Shide will be in the morning, while the match between Xiaozhi and Kona will be in the afternoon.

"ok ok~!"

Naturally, Fan Shilang agreed wholeheartedly.


And the fire-breathing dragon beside Xiaozhi, who had been quiet for a long time, also sensed that there seemed to be a fight to fight, and immediately let out a low growl, and sprayed a beam of flames towards the sky.

The blazing flames illuminated the night, and the heat wave air spread scaldingly.

"Wait a minute, this charizard."

Adek also just discovered this fire-breathing dragon. Is it Xiaozhi's previous Pokémon? It hasn't appeared in the World Championships yet.

Such an aura looks... feels a little bad.

"Wait a minute, it's not a charizard!"

The fiery aura of the fire-breathing dragon also made Fanshiro panic, he quickly swung his arms, and then pointed at Pikachu.

"The opponent who climbs the ground wings is Pikachu! Complete the duel that we hadn't completed at that time!"

Not to mention the exaggerated momentum of the fire-breathing dragon.
After the special evolution of his ground-climbing wings, the attribute at this moment has changed to insect + fighting. It can be said that it is perfectly restrained by the fire-breathing dragon with the attribute of fire + flying!

It has to be Pikachu, it doesn't look very strong.

In the hasty fight in Suanmu Town, Pikachu only slightly suppressed his Burning Worm. But now that he has completed the evolution, he should be able to fight casually!

Pikachu was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at Xiaozhi.


Xiaozhi pondered for a moment, and finally agreed, and calmed down the fire-breathing dragon who was about to go berserk.

"Charizard, you can prepare for tomorrow's match with peace of mind~ There will be a more suitable opponent tomorrow~!"

Hearing that there was a fight available, the fire-breathing dragon reluctantly agreed, and walked to the side with a big belly.


And Pikachu hit it with a small fist on the spot, and an electric current burst out from his cheek.
Damn it, this red-haired kid seems to look down on Shushu a bit!

He must be taught a lesson!
"Then I'll be the referee~ Friendly match, don't make any big noises at night~"

Adek took advantage of the situation and stood in the center of the arena, and said to the two with a smile.

Just in time, let's see how strong this ground-climbing wing is!
"Climb the ground wings, pre-emptive strikes, use the energy storage flame attack!!"

At the beginning of the game, Fan Shilang was the first to win, and the attack form of the crawling wings really changed from a special attack to a physical close combat.

Seeing that flames were already spewing out from the mouth of the crawling wings, Xiao Zhi also said mercilessly:

"God fast!"

After the words fell, the corner of Pikachu's mouth curled up, and it turned into a ray of blue light and rushed out in an instant.

The figure disappeared in an instant, leaving only a trace on the ground that was cracked by the pedal.

boom! !

Before the move of climbing the ground wings was activated, Pikachu was hit in the face!

Regardless of the huge difference in size between the two, compared to Pikachu's body shape, Climbing Wings is like a hill
However, it was still hit by the powerful lightning speed, and it was pushed back several meters continuously.

"It's not over yet, Charged Flame Attack!"

Fan Shilang let out a loud shout, and the ground crawling wings in front of him were also relieved, the flames around his mouth did not completely dissipate, but instead completely enveloped himself, forming a huge fireball.

Boom boom boom! !
The fireball was pushed out horizontally, leaving a scorched flame mark on the ground, and its momentum was not inferior to the Flame Charge performed by ordinary Pokémon!
"Iron tail!"

Pikachu spun around on the spot, and Iron Tail took advantage of the momentum and swept out!

Bang Bang! !
There was a blunt and heavy explosion, and there was strong force from both sides, and they were both ejected.

"Is it so powerful.?!"

Xiaozhi was a little dumbfounded, crawling to the other extreme of the Vulcan Moth completely. Has it become a physical attack Vulcan Moth? !

Fan Shilang had a huge question mark above his head.

Why did my burning worm seem to be in the same situation after being firmly suppressed and evolved by this electric mouse? !
His ground-climbing wings must have become stronger.

Is it possible that this electric mouse can adapt to fight and maintain a state of just one point stronger every time? !

"Here comes Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!!"

Pikachu jumped up, his cheeks burst with electricity, and finally unleashed the most famous hundred thousand volts!
Fan Shilang also quickly slapped his face to bring himself back to his senses and focus on his eyes.

"One hundred thousand volts. In this case, we use crazy volts!!"

The next moment, Crawling Wing's whole body burst out with violent lightning, enveloping his whole body, just like the previous charged flame attack.

Little knowledge, at this moment, the crawling wings no longer have the flame attribute, and the charged flame attack and the crazy volt are both moves with the same attribute, but the power of the crazy volt is much higher!

Boom! !

I saw the ground crawling wings rushing out, the violent lightning flowing all over the body, even absorbing all the incoming one hundred thousand volts of current.
(End of this chapter)

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