He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2260 Take off the mask, Mashid!

Chapter 2260 Take off the mask, Mashid!

Faced with the opponent's rushing mental power charge, Ma Shide hesitated a little, and shouted:

"Quick turn back!"

Master Wu Dao Xiong understood, and did not choose to accept it hard.

A layer of gray-green light was attached to the figure, curled up into a ball, and quickly popped out.

The rapid return of the worm attribute, in the face of the constantly fluctuating charge of thought power on the head of the exploding buffalo, actually went straight through.

It just hit the head of the buffalo with the explosive head, and its figure instantly turned into a red light, returning to a poke ball on Mashid's waist.

The mind hammer move failed, and the buffalo with the explosive head still maintained the move, turned around, and continued to charge, waiting for the next Pokémon to appear.

And Ma Shide has already prepared the next poke ball in his hand, which will be opened at the same time.

The red light fell, and another martial arts bear master appeared.

Its appearance is almost the same as the previous combo flow, only the hairs on the joints are erected, and the attack momentum is stronger!
Martial arts bear master, looks like a one-hit style!
This time, the thought head hammer of the buffalo with the explosive head hit the martial arts bear master's chest, but it had no effect.

"Tsk, has it become evil?!"

Adek cursed in a low voice.

This is what he didn't expect, the other party backed down at a critical moment?

"Dark Dark Strike!"

However, the newly-appeared One-Strike Style Martial Arts Bear Master was even fiercer, clenched his fists, and when he lowered his figure, black and red arrogance erupted all over his body.

Immediately, all the energy was condensed on the left fist, and he punched the bull in front of him!
boom! !

There was only a burst of explosions, and a fist the size of a sandbag knocked the buffalo's head to one side.

Immediately afterwards, the thick and raging evil attribute energy poured out suddenly in the form of black-red energy flames.

Hit the nail on the head!

Anming's strong punch directly smashed the heavy body of the exploding buffalo flying horizontally, and the winner was decided at once.

"Exploding buffalo, lost the ability to fight!"

The referee Don George said immediately.

Such a situation made the entire World Championship venue noisy for a while.

"We lost again, Mr. Adek, and there is only the last Pokémon left, and the masked man on the other side has three more!"

"No way, Mr. Adek won't lose today, will he?!"

"Impossible, he is the strongest champion in our Hezhong region!!"

"Uh, I feel like I want something to eat?"

There were mostly panicked sounds in the auditorium.

Every regional champion, for the people in the region, is the existence of the benchmark of faith.
If you want to talk about the chaotic battle between the eight champions, it's okay to lose.

But now he was cornered by an unknown guy.

Many of the audience have already become dissatisfied with Adek.


At this time, at one end of the arena, I saw Ma Shide covering his face with his palm, and gently took off his mask.

Under the mask was an old face, except for a small beard, two white eyebrows fell down from the corners of the eyes, and even grew below the chin.

However, compared to his thin and old face, his demeanor was extraordinarily energetic, with his raised eyes revealing a playful look.

"Take off the mask?!"

"Master M is indeed the former champion of the Galar region, Mashid!"

"Isn't he already retired? I haven't heard from him for many years."

"No, although he no longer participates in the Pokémon League competition, but Master Ma still participates in the fighting competition. I said, why is Martial Arts Bear so familiar?"

The act of Ma Shide taking off his mask suddenly caused an uproar in the arena.

Invisibly, the public dissatisfaction with Adek suddenly faded a lot.

After all, he was defeated by an old-timer who was also the league champion. Then it wouldn't be so ugly.

Although the saying that "Master M" is Ma Shide has gradually spread, but not so many people believed it before taking off the mask.

on the field.

"Senior. Actually, you don't need to take off your mask."

Adek took back the defeated buffalo, looked around at the change in the discussion atmosphere, and said with a wry smile.

Did he take off his mask on purpose for his own reputation?
"Oh hehe~ It's not oh, Adek-kun~"

After taking off the mask, Ma Shide just stroked his eyebrows and replied with a smile:

"Your strength is enough old man, I will take off the mask~"

Well, the wording has to be changed.

Masks don't matter anymore
Whoever can force him to fight with his clothes exploded is the one who can really drive him to a dead end.


Adek's eyebrows gradually stretched, and he didn't believe Ma Shide's words.

The Martial Dao Bear Master of combo style before, obviously still had some moves hidden, but he replaced it with rapid return.
With only the last Pokémon left, Adek didn't expect to defeat the old man in front of him.

At least, to force out the opponent's full strength!
With no more worries, Adek's fighting spirit was high, and he finally dispatched the last Pokémon.

A huge moth was flying in the air, with a slightly plump beige and black abdomen, and its upper body was covered with snow-white fluff.

It has a majestic black head and fiery red curved tentacles, and behind it are three pairs of orange-red wide wings with black spots on them.

The wings are fully opened, and the warm heat spreads out in an instant, like a rising sun, extremely noble and magnificent.

"Here we come, Vulcan Moth!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but blurted out.

There is one thing to say, I am used to seeing his iron poisonous moth, and I saw another one crawling on the ground yesterday
Now the original Vulcan Moth is more like a mutant version? !
Obviously, now is the real climax of this game!

"Vulcan Moth, use Stormwind!!"

The final battle started, and Vulcan Moth flapped its wings, blowing a huge hurricane, covering the audience!
This made the one-shot martial arts bear master only hold one hand in front of his body to stabilize his body.
The effect is outstanding!

"There is an end, and then the air blade!"

The Vulcan Moth flapped its wings more violently, this time the dispersed hurricane condensed into bunches of blue-white air slashes, blasting straight out!
shhhhh! !
The previous storm has not completely dissipated, and the air blade is driven by the storm, and its power is even higher!
After taking off the mask, Ma Shide's tone gradually became higher, and his expression was beaming when he commanded the battle:
"Martial Arts Bear Master, True Qi Fist!"

The Martial Arts Bear master understood, and his fists were attached with orange energy light clusters, and he threw them forward again and again!

boom! !

Countless menacing air slashes were smashed to pieces under the shadow of this fierce and powerful fist, and exploded one after another!

"And then there's the true qi bomb!"

Even in the final retracting gesture, Master Budo Xiong punched out, and the orange energy light ball flew away, forming an energy bomb in the air, and throwing it straight towards the target!

(End of this chapter)

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