He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2269 Iron poisonous moth vsmega dumb beast? !

Chapter 2269 Iron poisonous moth vsmega dumb beast? !

It's just that it's hard to beat the opponent by being a tortoise all the time.

"In this case, we can only use unconventional means."

At this time, Kona suddenly rolled up one of his sleeves.

This made Xiaozhi a little puzzled. Is this because people are in the heat and want to roll up their sleeves?
However, Kona rolled up his black long sleeves only once.

Compared with some Xiaogang who only pay attention to the fair skin exposed by Kona, Xiaozhi's focus is on the turned up sleeves.

But he saw a round bead sewn on the inner lining of the sleeve, if he guessed correctly
"Is it a keystone?!"

Is this a mega evolution? !

Wait a minute, can dumbass also mega evolve?

This time, it was the huge spiral shell on the tail of the dull shell, which made a sound of chewing and gnawing, and then suddenly spit out a round bead inlaid with patterns.

It's a stupid monster mega stone!
"Xiaozhi, this is the first time I've shown this power in public. Let's mega evolve, dumb beast!"

Kona raised his sleeves, pointed it forward, and said with a low drink.

The dumb beast in front of him didn't respond, but the shell on its tail let out a cooperating cry, as if this was the real body.

The next moment, a dazzling light appeared on the dumb beast, and its body shape also changed rapidly in the white light
It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see the latter's mega evolution, but looking at the outline of the white light, why does it look a bit like a spinning top? !
"Stay dumb~!"

Soon, the Silly Beast completed its mega evolution, and the white light broke out, revealing a brand new appearance.

At this moment, the shape of the mega dumb-shell beast has become extremely weird.

As if all the mega energy was poured into the shell on the back, the shell at this time became extremely hard and huge, in the shape of a three-layer spiral cone, with the top being big and the bottom being small.

The body of the dumb beast has not changed much. The whole body is contained in the center of the shell, and only the arms, head and tail are stretched out from the gap holes in the shell.

Since the legs are not extended, the Mega Silly Beast can only stand alone on the ground with only one tail.

"It's said that the dumb beast looks more like a Jenny?"

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help complaining.

More like a dumb beast with a turtle shell on its back?

However, after mega evolution, Pokémon will get a high increase in ability, so Xiaozhi will not take it lightly.

"Iron poisonous moth, use electric discharge!!"

"Stupid beast, use the immobilization method!"

The battle started again, but this time the Iron Poison Moth had just condensed electricity, and the eyes of the Mega Silly Beast glowed blue, directly blocking and locking this move!
The discharge move is temporarily unavailable!

"Under the electrical field, the discharge move is too dangerous. Let's talk about it after sealing it."

Kona said softly, feeling rather pity in his heart.

The physical defense is still the most improved for the Mega Silly Beast. If you face the martial arts bear master of Mashid, it will be comfortable, and the damage can be minimized when you hit it with various punches.

But facing the iron moth who is very good at long-range special attack, the improvement of mega evolution is not as great as imagined.

What Xiaozhi doesn't know is that at this moment, Kona has been driven to a dead end by him, and he has to mega-evolve and look for opportunities.

"Is the discharge blocked?"

Xiaozhi cursed in a low voice, his iron poisonous moth really only knows how to discharge this harmful electric move.

It seems that after waiting, I will learn from Pikachu to see if I can master a hundred thousand volts or a thunder move.
"In that case, iron moth, use the sludge bomb!"

Xiaozhi changed his strategy.

Cold knowledge, the iron poisonous moth itself has fire + poison attributes, and rarely uses poison attribute moves, which doesn't mean it won't.

The iron poisonous moth understood, and instantly condensed a huge venom energy bomb, with dangerous purple bubbles constantly bubbling on the surface, and threw it directly at the dull shell beast.

"Jump up!"

However, after the mega evolution, the dumb beast, which has always been too lazy to move, seems to have become more agile?
That tail standing on the ground is not only an excellent delicacy, but also has a very powerful momentum at this moment.


Like a spring, the tail flicked violently, and the mega dumb beast jumped into the air, dodging the venom bomb.

Hitting and hitting made Xiaozhi a little hungry.

The tails of ordinary dull shelled beasts are luxurious delicacy
So how can the evolved tail of mega surprise the nerves of taste buds?
"Air Slash!!"

However, the sky is the territory of the poisonous iron moth. The six metal wings flapped forward, blowing countless sharp white slashes in an instant.

Bang bang bang! !

The slashes fell on the carapace of the mega dull shell, and they burst open one after another, making a vigorous explosion sound.

But the effect is not particularly good, the body of the dumb beast spins in the air like a top, and then suddenly throws a water polo energy bomb
Waves of water!

After mega evolution, the strength of moves has also gained a good increase bonus.

boom! !

However, the six metal wings on the back of the iron poisonous moth are extremely hard, and when they take the initiative to move forward, they directly detonate the wave of water in mid-air and expel it away.

Seeing this, Ke Na's eyes lit up, but he didn't forget that he was still the King of Ice Attributes.

"It's now, Freezing Wind!"

The dumb beast suddenly spewed out a burst of icy mist, together with the splashes that burst the waves of water, all of them were frozen in ice.

Even the poisonous iron moth in the rear has countless edges and corners of frost frozen on its surface, and its speed has also slowed down a lot.
"Now, electromagnetic waves!!"

Kona took advantage of the situation to launch a fierce attack, and this time it was the turn of the Silly Beast to release a numbing electric current.

There is no harm, but it can directly reduce the opponent's body speed to that of a coal turtle
"It's useless! Iron poisonous moth, use hot air!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted, and the whole body of the iron poisonous moth in mid-air emitted a steaming red light, and the scorching flames instantly melted away the frost on the surface of the body, and the speed returned to normal.


With the flash of the wings, a scalding heat wave and strong wind blow out, easily blowing away the incoming electromagnetic wave.

Sure enough, it had to be a fire attribute move that worked well!


The hot air covered his face, and even the mega dull shell let out an uncomfortable muffled sound, its head subconsciously shrunk into its carapace.

Taking advantage of the hot wind, the iron poisonous moth flew close to the dull shell beast at some point.

Kona looked shocked, and was about to take action.

But Xiaozhi showed a sly smile, and shouted first:
"It's now, the sun and flames!"

The moment the words fell, a golden-white energy light cluster gathered on the top of the iron moth's head, which looked extremely dazzling and hot.


Ke Na looked at the sky subconsciously, and he didn't know when the sun in the sky had become extraordinarily huge, covering it with scorching sunlight.
This is the tactic of the champion Adek, using the iron moth's physical advantage to play in the dark? !
Kona's rhythm is already out of order, and he doesn't even notice it.

"Hey! I've accepted Mr. Adek's moves!"

Xiaozhi laughed out loud, and dropped his fingers forward!

The golden-white fiery beam of light in the sky also condenses instantly, and then shoots out!

Sunshine flames!

(End of this chapter)

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