He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2277 Evolution?Ming Yi vs Ma Shide!

Chapter 2277 Evolution?Ming Yi vs Ma Shide!
Hearing this, Ma Shide became slightly interested.

Could it be that he saw his own strength and wanted to worship him as a teacher?

Mingyi looks so cute
No, Mingyi seems to have good aptitude, so if he is accepted as a disciple, it's not a big problem.

Soon, Ming Yi bowed to Ma Shide and said solemnly:
"Please, Master Ma! My Shuangrenwan and I want to challenge your Budou Bear Master, please come to a fight with us!"

"Rice wine rice wine!"

Beside him, Shuangrenwan also raised his two shells, shouting to help with high momentum.

Hearing this, not only Ma Shide was a little surprised, but Miye beside him was also very surprised.

She understands her husband's strength. Although he looks very old, he is a vigorous martial arts practitioner after all.
Of course, the same is true for Pokémon battles.

Especially now that he has reached the Hezhong finals, he has already shown enough tyrannical strength.

Under such circumstances, do you still dare to challenge Ma Shide's ace Pokémon?
Mi Ye couldn't help but looked up and down Ming Yi, could it be that the latter is the kind of stunned young man who is keen on fighting, but he doesn't look like it at all!
"It's not bad, but old man, I want to ask your reason first."

Ma Shide sipped his cup lightly, his eyes switched between Mingyi and Shuangrenwan with interest.

As an older senior, he can naturally see through other people's character thoughts at a glance.

The girl in front of me is not a belligerent person, not a hyperactive girl. Maybe there is some reason?

Mingyi did not hide anything, and explained directly:
"Master Ma, to be honest, my Shuangrenwan wants to evolve into a special ancient form, the Great Sword Demon, which is a Pokémon of the evil attribute. So we hope that through the cooperation with a powerful Pokémon of the evil attribute Fight, break through the limit, and complete the evolution!"

Being eliminated early, Ming Yi was happy and relaxed as a group of relatives and friends.

But the competitive Shuangrenwan has long been holding back his anger, not to mention that he has not evolved for a long time.

You must know that on the other side, Xiaozhi's two Yusanjia Yanwu Kings and Sovereign Snake of the same period showed extremely tyrannical strength, which made Shuangrenwan envious again.

That being the case, just find the strongest Pokémon with the evil attribute, maybe Shuangrenwan can break through the limit!
In the semi-finals, Ming Yi made a secret decision after seeing Ma Shide's one-hit-style martial arts bear master hit a fatal blow with evil attributes.

The opportunity was won by himself, and Ming Yi simply came to the door directly!
"A big sword ghost with an ancient appearance, with evil attributes.?"

Hearing this, Ma Shide suddenly became interested, and his eyes fell directly on Shuangrenwan.

He is quite familiar with the Yusanjia in the Hezhong area, and the Great Sword Demon is purely of the water attribute.

And ancient appearance, evil attribute?
"So you want to fight my old man's one-shot martial arts bear master?"

Ma Shide hesitated for a while, but Miye beside him had already betrayed Ge Mingyi, and immediately helped him again and again:
"Anyway, old man, you're fine today, so let's have a fight with Xiao Mingyi~!"

Mingyi immediately looked at Miye with grateful eyes, then tightened her face again, and looked at Ma Shide nervously and expectantly.

Looking at the girl with firm eyes in front of him, Ma Shide finally relaxed his expression and stroked his long eyebrows and beard:

"In this case, I promise you, old man. But even if you fight, it may not guarantee that your Double Blade Pill will be able to complete the special evolution."

Hearing this, Mingyi was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed to thank:
"Regardless of whether it can evolve or not, as long as Shuangrenwan and I try our best, it will be enough!"

"rice wine!!"

Shuangrenwan jumped directly onto the courtyard next to it, held up a scallop shell, and condensed the blue blade of water, with a high fighting spirit.

Helping his wife to get up, the middle-aged beautiful woman smiled and put her palm on her chest.

"In that case, then I will be the referee of the two~"

On the one hand, she was still winking at Ma Shide.

The two have been husband and wife for decades, and a look can convey thousands of words. Ma Shide naturally knows that Mi Ye wants to let him hold back a little bit, don't be too violent, and hurt the little girl's confidence.


Ma Shide put his hands in his pockets, showing a knowing smile.

He also wanted to meet the special-looking great sword ghost, if he killed his opponent directly, he would not be able to see it.

Soon, the backyard of this small house.

Mingyi and Ma Shide were already placed at the two ends of the open space, ready to fight.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!"

The victorious Shuangrenwan naturally landed in front of Mingyi, and it finally had a part in the show, and today it seemed extraordinarily excited, and even kept calling forward.

On the other side, Ma Shide took out a poke ball and slowly opened it.

The red light solidified in front of him, turning into a two-meter-tall humanoid brown bear, covered with thick black-gray fur, especially the fur on the knee joints that stood up to the sky.

It is the one-shot martial arts bear master, with fighting and evil attributes!
Before the battle, the disparity in stature between the two sides, as well as the strong sense of oppression from the opponent, immediately made Shuangrenwan's face pale.

I even feel that my body is hard to move for a while.
Uh, it seems that I don't need to be so arrogant?

"Martial Arts Bear Master~"

Behind him, Ma Shide reminded in a low voice.

As an old partner for many years, this martial arts bear master also understood instantly, and withdrew most of his fighting spirit.

So, is today the Guidance Bureau?
The overwhelming sense of oppression dropped suddenly, which made Shuangrenwan breathe a sigh of relief.

It's just that the competitive expression on his face has also subsided for the most part, full of fear.

Ming Yi, on the other hand, took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his throbbing heartbeat, and stared closely at the opponent in front of him.

The battle begins!
"Double-edged pill, the wave of evil!!"

Mingyi took the initiative to attack and said, it was a move of evil attribute when it came up.

Shuangrenwan put his hands together in front of him, condensed a dense black halo, and then shot it out!

Seeing this, Ma Shide just responded unhurriedly:
"Bear Master of Martial Arts, split tiles~"

This one-hit-style martial arts bear master understood, raised his fingers together, raised the hand knife covered with white light, and slashed straight forward!
Boom Boom.!
The huge wave of evil was split in half by the hand knife in an instant, and the black energy air mass poured and exploded from both sides.

The offensive didn't stop, Budao Xiong slammed on the ground, and continued to swing the knife, this time directly to the head of Shuangrenwan!
"Shuangrenwan, use surprise attack!"

However, at the next moment, Shuangrenwan's body was covered with a layer of energy black light, and his movements were actually faster than that of Budao Xiongshi.

Take the first step and hit the latter's chest!
Obviously, these days, Shuangrenwan has mastered quite a few evil moves.

(End of this chapter)

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