He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2283 The Reason of the Second "Backstab"

Chapter 2283 The Reason of the Second "Backstab"
When the time comes, the Wrecking Monkey will face off, and you can't lose in terms of momentum!
"Well, when I get back, I will find Mr. Fan Dou and bring back the champion's big gold belt!"

Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

When the time comes for the finals, let the Abandoned Monkey wear the gold medal belt, and show off his champion aura first!
"In this case, the one-strike-style martial arts bear master will be handed over to the Abandoned Monkey to solve it."

Xiaozhi thought to himself, then lowered his head, and touched Pikachu who was sleeping on his lap.

"Another water-attribute martial arts bear master, let Pikachu have a good electrotherapy!"

Well, Pikachu has been lazy for long enough, it's time to go up and show off his fists.

Now everyone thinks that Pikachu is a bad street electric mouse, no one appreciates it
Just to show them, what is the fourth of the Kanto Yusan family!

The excited expression on Xiaozhi's face naturally did not escape Ma Shide's attention, and the latter's eyes could not help but also fall on Pikachu.

"An electric rat in the Kanto region?"

Look, it's really no big deal, no fighting power.

But with the character of the other party, shouldn't there be a vase on his shoulder all the time?

Perhaps this electric mouse is Xiaozhi's most dangerous Pokémon, even more dangerous than the charizard who showed extreme strength in the semifinals?
In the end, Ma Shide let out a long sigh as if he had made the tragic decision of a strong man breaking his wrist.

"Well, it seems that in the next two days, old man, I'd better think about how to fight, Link's legend or something, let's put it aside for now."

Everyone chatted a lot, and they also got a new understanding of Ma Shide, a mysterious foreign powerhouse.

He is a vigorous, humorous old urchin addicted to the Internet.

But it was a question that both Douzi and even Xiaozhi were most curious about. The two hesitated, wanting to ask but embarrassed to say it directly.

However, Akromar didn't have this concern. He pushed his glasses suddenly and asked directly:
"Speaking of Master Ma, why did you come to participate in the Hezhong World Championships this time?"

"After all, the Galar region was also hosting the World Championships at the same time. If you, the former Galar champion, win here, it should be a huge blow to the United World Championships."

His words were extremely sharp, and it could even be said that he directly stabbed Ma Shide with a sword.

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi blushed and lowered their heads subconsciously.

Mr. Akromar today is another day full of emotional intelligence.

It seems like a good thing to have such a person in the team! ?

Good question!
Although their heads were lowered, the three of them put their ears up, ready to listen.

So, Mr. Ma Shide, did you deliberately backstab the Hezhong Alliance?

And these words also made the faces of Ma Shide and his wife froze a little.

Especially Miye, who suddenly showed a complaining look.

However, it was not Akromar who was looking at him, but Ma Shide.

"Look, even the kids know about it! I said you should retire early~ How many years have you been retired, you have to come to this muddy water~!"

Mi Ye pursed her lips and complained, although the two of them understood their position.

However, regarding this matter, Ma Shide was also quite helpless, he kept stroking his long eyebrows and beard, and the speed couldn't help but speed up a lot.

"Hey~ old man, I can't do anything about it, I'm entrusted by someone, it's a matter of loyalty~"

Ma Shide let out a long sigh, and finally put his hands down from his eyebrows.

Seeing that there were indeed other secrets, the fire of gossip among the three of Xiaozhi began to ignite.

"At that time, the old man, I was playing games leisurely in the dojo on Kaidao, but that boy Luoz suddenly came to the door and asked me to participate in the Hezhong World Championship."

Ma Shide narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

Master Ma is no better than his younger brother who doesn't listen to things outside the window and only cares about his daughter.

To deal with Pioni, Luoz used a little bit of verbal tricks
It's not cheating either, it's just not telling the whole story.

It is true that Pioni was invited to participate in the World Championships, but the prefix "Hezhong" was selectively omitted.

But Master Ma plays games every day, and he is an Internet expert, so he can't fool him at all.

So Luoz went straight to the point and invited Ma Shide to participate in the United World Championships, bluntly saying that the purpose was to create momentum for the World Championships in the Galar region.

"Old man, I originally wanted to refuse"

Mashida lowered his head.

In fact, he has always hated this kind of thing that focuses on gains and losses.

Decades ago, Mashid had given up the title of Galar League champion, but he hadn't retired yet.

As if in the same line, Luoz's previous president of the alliance was also a person with a similar mind and personality, and even asked him to fight fake matches.

It was that request that also prompted Ma Shide to make up his mind to retire.

Since then, he has been addicted to the game, and never asks anything about the Galar Alliance.

"However, Roz did me a big favor before. I really can't refuse, old man."

Speaking of this, Ma Shide scratched his head with a little embarrassment:

"Although in terms of results, it will indeed have a certain impact on the United League, after all, this time, it is not a dark and despicable anti-counterfeiting competition, but a normal competition."

After all, the two qualification letters in Luoz's hand were sent by the United League itself.

It is completely official and genuine, legal and compliant.

You sent an invitation, I asked two people to come over, what's the problem?
"Although I saw Pioni abstain directly at the time, the old man, I also thought about abstaining together. It is almost enough to reach the top 8."

Ma Shide's eyes could not help but fall on Douzi. At that time, Pioni abstained directly and sent Douzi to advance.

"But after thinking about it, this seems to be another kind of irresponsibility for this World Championship?"

Its words seemed a bit tangled, and Xiao Zhi and the others were silent for a while.

Now, they finally knew the reason for the second "Galer Backstab".

It's really hard to say anything.

Especially Xiaozhi, after seeing Ma Shide's tangled and hesitant expression, he immediately focused his eyes, slammed the table and stood up:

"Master Ma! You have already reached the finals, so please fight me with all your might and don't have any entanglements!"

It is a big taboo to be shaken before the start of the game.

If you want to abstain, you can abstain in the quarterfinals.

But now it's the final round, and all the contestants from the Hezhong side have been cleared out, so it's better to have a big fight.

Playing well, isn't it another kind of positive publicity for the Hezhong World Championships?
"It seems that this is indeed the truth."

After listening to Xiaozhi's words, the tangled expression on Ma Shide's face disappeared, and he suddenly became open-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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