He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2305 Endgame, Pikachu vs Budokushi!

Chapter 2305 Endgame, Pikachu vs Budokushi!
"Pikachu, speed!!"

The final battle started, Pikachu lowered his body at the beginning, and then rushed out.

The body turned into an afterimage of blue light, and the trajectory could not be seen at all. The only thing I could see was that the stone slab in place was trampled and cracked, leaving two small footprints.

bang bang! !
In the next moment, Pikachu had already bumped his head into the chest of Budou Xiongshi.

Even the martial arts bear master with a muscular chest couldn't react for a while.

Being hit hard by this "little guy", he was knocked back again and again, and the sole of his foot drew a long mark on the ground.

"This electric mouse is really powerful!"

Just after the fight, Ma Shide made a judgment, and his face couldn't help but become solemn.

Unlike the Abandoned Monkey, it is obviously not as good as his own martial arts bear master.
The strength of the Pikachu in front of him is completely on par with his own martial arts bear master!
Fighting with Pikachu as a partner, Xiaozhi at the moment is also very excited, and said loudly:
"And then one hundred thousand volts!!"

Rebounding with the rapid force, Pikachu's whole body instantly burst into a violent electric current, swooping down from the air!

However, this combo-style martial arts bear master will not eat this outstanding electric attribute move in vain.
"Chop tiles!"

I saw it raised and lowered its hand, its palm covered with white light was like a hand knife, and it opened and closed to attack the incoming hundred thousand volts!


Even though it was a fierce and abnormal electric current, it was also smashed by the tile-splitting move so that the electric current was scattered in all directions.

The martial arts bear master leaped up and quickly kicked towards Pikachu in mid-air.

"True Qi Fist!!"

One hand is chopping tiles with a knife, and the other hand is clenched into a fist, with a deep and rich orange light cluster attached to it, and the powerful fist hits Pikachu!
The two-meter-tall burly martial arts bear master clenched his giant fists, which were almost bigger than Pikachu's entire body.


In danger, Pikachu bent his tail, and then stepped on his stepped tail with his lower limbs at the same time, bouncing backwards and turning over in a movement that did not conform to the laws of physics.

Successfully dodging the Zhenqi punch, which had a low hit rate, Pikachu landed steadily with a proud expression on his face.

On the other side, the expressions of Ma Shide and Budao Xiongshi are extremely serious.

"Water Jet!!"

The Martial Dao Bear Master in front of him got up even more, wrapped in the water flow all over his body, turned into a bunch of sharp water arrows and shot out suddenly.

puff! !
Pikachu had just landed, and an extremely thick and huge water arrow rushed in front of him. There was a sense of a giant car hitting a praying mantis, and it suddenly knocked Pikachu out.

"Frozen Fist!!"

Immediately, Martial Arts Bear Master released the state of the jet of water, and instantly clenched his fist and focused his attention. The icy cold energy quickly dyed one of his fists blue and white.

It slammed on the ground, took advantage of the situation, and was about to punch a powerful freezing fist. Cooperating with the spray of water sprayed on Pikachu's body at this moment, it wanted to freeze the latter into an ice sculpture.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi just curled his mouth, and suddenly raised his hand and shouted:

"It's not that simple, use an electric ball!"

During the inverted flight, a lightning ball condensed at the end of Pikachu's tail in the blink of an eye, and the small and flexible body rotated in a circle horizontally, and the electric ball was thrown out.

And in terms of speed, Pikachu is faster!
As a last resort, Master Wu Dao Xiong could only punch the incoming electric ball, and the offensive was directly interrupted.

Boom! !
The electric ball immediately exploded in front of Wu Dao Xiongshi, and countless dense electric arcs filled the surroundings. Accompanied by slightly cold ice chips, the entire Wudao Xiongshi was a little ashamed.

Martial Arts Bear and Pikachu landed on the ground again. They were located at opposite ends of the arena, facing each other far away.

"Is it so intense from the beginning? It is indeed the last Pokémon of both sides."

"No, can Pikachu be this strong?! That's the martial arts bear master!"

"I just lost a Pikachu yesterday, I don't know if I get it back now, will it shock me?"

"Speaking of Pikachu's appearance, it looks like the Kodak Duck in the Kanto area. It's hard for me to tell the difference."

"You can't tell the difference between these two kinds of Pokémon with simple knowledge of Pokémon. You have to learn some knowledge of sociology."

The fierce confrontation at the beginning also made the venue suddenly agitated, and the discussion continued.

This contest also gave Xiaozhi a general idea of ​​the strength of the battering-style martial arts bear master opposite him.
Well, it is stronger than the previous one-hit style, evil martial arts bear master.

It is estimated that this is also the reason why Master Ma left it for the last appearance.

But at this moment Xiaozhi is very confident, his face is full of energy.

You must know that Pikachu's strength has not weakened in the slightest during this trip to Hezhong, and has always been at its peak!
Even in Suanmu Town, he learned a new big move!


Now Xiaozhi doesn't know whether the previous few times, the "cutting knife incident" when he boarded the new area, is a real thing.
No, you should focus on the game now!
"Pikachu, use Thunder!!"

With a fixed gaze, Xiaozhi suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted loudly.


Pikachu let out a long and low cry, stood up, clenched his two small fists, and stretched his back straight!
Zizizi! !

Dazzling electric light spread from its cheek electric pouch to the whole body, and then from the position of the Tianling Gai, it soared into the sky and shot straight into the sky.

Boom! !
Then, in an instant, a thick beam of lightning strikes suddenly fell from the high-altitude clouds, and blasted straight to the position of Martial Dao Xiongshi!

Like the power of nature, the dazzling and powerful lightning strike!

"See you!"

However, since it was not a rainy day, it was obviously difficult to hit the target with such a thunderstorm.

Martial Dao Xiongshi's eyes glowed green slightly, his movements became flexible, and he easily dodged the blow with a simple vertical leap to the side.

However, Xiaozhi's purpose was not to hit the target, he still looked at him with a fiery face.

Boom. Zizizi! !

But he saw that bunch of thunder that fell in the air, directly smashing into an open space, splitting the rocks on the ground into slag.

Immediately, the electric current exploded and spread towards the surrounding atmosphere.

In the blink of an eye, the air was filled with weak arcs of lightning that ran everywhere.

The entire surface of the arena seemed to be covered with a layer of golden filter, and everything looked golden and shiny.

"Use the thunder move to create an electrical field?"

Ma Shide thought to himself, this venue is not very beneficial to Martial Arts Bear Master.

As for, why doesn't Pikachu directly use the electric field move?
People still have to have dreams, what if the thunder move hits directly? !
(End of this chapter)

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