He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2334 Prologue!Charizard vs Reshiram!

Chapter 2334 Prologue!Charizard vs Reshiram!


Soon, Reshiram let out a dragon cry, took the lead in spreading his wings, and flew into the air, with the snow-white smoky hair on the top of his head and behind his tail fluttering, holy and elegant.


The fire-breathing dragon did not show any weakness, and squatted on the spot, the soles of its feet cracked the rock, and jumped up.

Immediately, it spread its wings and flew into the sky with extremely rough movements.

If it was in the gorgeous contest, the fire-breathing dragon's health bar would have been deducted.

In the blink of an eye, the two dragons had already flown into the air tens of meters high, confronting each other far away, and the battle was imminent.

"In that case."

Xiaozhi took out a high-level ball with his backhand and released Genesect.

"I'm counting on you now, Genesect."

The latter understands, levitates up, and transforms into a mentality of an aircraft disc.

The next step is naturally a high-altitude battle, and it is inconvenient for me to ride on the back of a fire-breathing dragon. But there is no doubt that Genesect is the best podium in the high-altitude!
The latter has an energy force field all over his body, so he doesn't even have to worry about the strong wind in the sky, or the aftermath of energy from the attack during the battle.


The next moment, Xiaozhi straddled it and turned into a streamer of red light into the sky.

"Mr Akromar!"


Douzi and Mingyi quickly looked at Akromar, who naturally understood, smiled slightly, and threw three high-level balls at once.

Immediately, there were three more Genesect aircraft around, and with a "swoosh", the three of them lifted off at the same time.

It is interesting to go to the top to watch the battle at high altitude!
"Ahh! I want to go too!"

Alice also released her fast dragon with a backhand, hugged the latter's back, and lifted off together.

"Hurry up."

This bad-tempered Kuailong recognized the four streamers in the air at first sight, and they were the ones who overtook it before.

I just wanted to get mad, so I went up to challenge one or two.

It's just that the Ssangyong confronting each other next to them was so fierce that the scorching air around them seemed to stop flowing.


As irritable as a fast dragon, he put away his temper for a while, so he could only fly tens of meters away with Alice and watch the battle quietly.

In the same place, only the eldest mother-in-law and Xia Ka were left.

"Aren't you going up?"

The old lady couldn't help asking, she knew that there was a desert dragonfly on Xia Ka's body, which was also a very powerful flying mount.

"Eh, I'd better stay here."

Xia Ka glanced at the restless crowd around him, thought for a while, and then said.

In particular, there are already many villagers in Dragon Village who have taken out their flying Pokémon and are ready to take off to watch together.

But they were all stopped by Xia Ka and the eldest mother-in-law.

Going up with weak strength is quite dangerous, and it may even disturb the important battle between Xiaozhi and Reshiram.

Especially those who plan to use the Doudouge from Rotten Street to go up.
A hot wind blows over, can you bear it?

"However, if this battle continues, the people in Shuanglong City will soon attract attention, right?"

Xia Ka couldn't help thinking secretly.

But this is a good thing, especially if the opponent is still a fire-breathing dragon with the same fire attribute.

The collision of the flame moves of the two Pokémon should melt the surrounding ice and snow environment a lot
High in the sky, Xiaozhi has come to a position about ten meters behind the fire-breathing dragon.

The momentum of the second dragon has also been brewing to the extreme
"Spray flames!!"

Xiaozhi immediately shouted loudly, kicking off the prelude to this battle of gods!
Fire-type Pokémon, the first time they fight, naturally they have to fight to see who has the hotter flames!


The fire-breathing dragon let out a low growl, opened its mouth, and a beam of fiery flames spewed out mercilessly!

On the other side, the ends of the long white hairs on Reshiram's head turned blue, and the engine at the tail was completely burned, turning red.

It seems that Reshiram itself is a powerful machine.
Boom! !
With one dragon's mouth, a huge beam of flame spews out, and at the edge of the orange flame, there is a flame halo similar to interlaced flames, which looks quite special.
Boom boom! !

The next moment, the two beams of flames collided without hindrance, instantly making this space hot, and the hot wind blowing out was blowing towards the surroundings.

Only in terms of power, Reshiram has an overwhelming advantage.

puff! !
It actually crushed the fire-breathing dragon's flame from the middle, and penetrated all the way, blasting towards the fire-breathing dragon at the source.

The latter quickly spread its broad wings and rose up, dodging the blow very dangerously.

"In terms of strength, he really isn't an opponent?"

Xiaozhi's expression was dignified, but he hadn't reached the level of panic, which was completely expected.

He didn't think that the fire-breathing dragon under normal conditions would be able to drive Rashiram half-fifty.

Standing on Genesect's back, under the protection of the strange force field, Xiaozhi felt as if he was walking on the ground.

Xiaozhi suddenly raised one arm, and the keystone bracelet on his wrist shone with dazzling light!

"In that case, let's mega evolve! Charizard!!"

"Spray ho ho!!"

The fire-breathing dragon roared and clenched its fists in response.

On the protective gear around the neck, one of the mega stones even bloomed dazzling colorful light in response, completely enveloping its body.

boom! !

With the sound of a burst of energy, the light suddenly spread around, and the fire-breathing dragon also showed a new posture.

The color of the body is roughly the same, but the body shape has become more slender and lighter, and the big belly has completely disappeared.

Wide wings spread out, fleshy wings grew from the wrists, and a third sharp dragon horn grew from the center of the head.
The Y form of the mega charizard! !

The changing sunlight characteristics, and the sunny day effect that comes with the appearance also make the sunlight in the sky more intense and dazzling.

"Did Xiaozhi choose the Y shape?"

In the high-altitude spectator seat, Douzi couldn't help muttering.

You should choose the X form with dragon attributes, so that you can use dragon attribute moves that have powerful damage to Reshiram.

"The dragon attribute is not only a favorable point of attack, but also a weakness."

On another Genesect aircraft, Akromar said slowly.

In the Y form, the fire moves are not very effective. In short, attribute restraint is not the key to this level of battle.

Next, it depends on how Xiaozhi will fight.

And Xiaozhi in front pressed his hat and launched a new round of attack:

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon wave!!"

The fire-breathing dragon Y understood, stretched its wings, and opened its mouth.

Boom! !

A beam of pink-purple energy light burst out, transformed into a flying dragon in the air, and rushed straight to Reshiram's direction.

In the Y form, the special attack of the fire-breathing dragon has been greatly improved, and the dragon wave it uses is even stronger than that of a real dragon-attribute Pokémon!
(End of this chapter)

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