He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2339 Ride on Reshiram!

Seeing that Rashiram's expression suddenly became peaceful, Xiaozhi was stunned.

Has this passed the other party's test?

Does it matter if you lose?
But after thinking about it, if he wins the game, he will lose the ball directly.

Seeing the dragon without much expression in front of him, Xiaozhi plucked up his courage and raised his palm to face the latter.

This is the disadvantage of not speaking and communicating, and he doesn't know what Reshiram is thinking now.

But unexpectedly, Reshiram also lowered his figure, bent his head, and seemed to intend to touch his palm with the white hair on his forehead.

Xiaozhi was overjoyed. Did he directly become a partner for Reshiram?
However, at the next moment, Reshiram didn't stick to it completely, but opened his mouth and bit Xiaozhi's arm.

This made Ming Yi and his group who came one step later looked shocked. Is this going to eat Xiao Zhi's arm?

However, Reshiram didn't use any force, he bit his arm and raised his head, using his skillful force to throw it back.

Xiaozhi's whole body has been thrown onto Reshiram's back, and his palms are subconsciously hugging the latter's slender neck.

"So, do you want me to ride up?"

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, came back to his senses, and looked around curiously.

The size of Reshiram is much larger than that of the fast dragon and the fire-breathing dragon, three or four times the size, so the back space of Reshiram is also extremely spacious, and how many more people can be seated.


However, following Reshiram's loud cry and flapping his wing claws, Xiao Zhi quickly grabbed the former's neck so as not to be thrown out.

The latter doesn't have the magical protective force field of Genesect.

However, this part is covered with soft and warm white fluff, and there are two white rings around the neck. Xiao Zhi sneaked a touch and found that it was metallic.

Whoa! !
Pressing the wings down, Reshiram's figure suddenly soared into the air, and once again came to the air at a height of tens of meters.

This surprised everyone below, and gradually turned into envy.

"It is allowed to let humans sit on my back. Reshiram has already recognized Xiaozhi as his partner."

The eldest grandma raised her head, looked at the snow-white figure gradually receding in the sky, and said with emotion.

While feeling happy for Reshiram, he also felt a little lonely—in this case, the mission of Dragon Village to arrange the Dragon Trial for Reshiram is completely over.

Sleeping in the bright stone, the main body has been stored in the village of dragons. After learning the news, the grandma was still proud from the bottom of her heart.

It's just that this state hasn't lasted long, and the former has his own trainer.

"That's great, Xiaozhi!"

Alice beside her also looked enviously at the back of Xiaozhi going away.

If only my own can pass the Dragon Trial, maybe I can also have a relationship with Reshiram!

Seeing the regrettable look of the elder mother-in-law, Alice mustered up her energy instead, and said:

"Don't worry, now it's just Reshiram who was tamed by Xiaozhi, isn't there a second dragon in our Hezhong area, the black dragon Zekrom! I will work hard to become his partner!"

Hearing this, the big granny smiled, and finally stopped being entangled.

"Ha ha."

Mingyi next to her turned her head in embarrassment.

I don't know if I should remind Alice that the black dragon Zekrom seems to have been tamed by Mr. N.

Even Kyurem, the third dragon of the Hezhong, has already "become a famous dragon".

The sky over Ssangyong City.

It is rare for Xiaozhi to enjoy the treatment of the ancient god's mount, riding on the Reshiram, soaring above the sky.


Pikachu sat in Xiaozhi's arms and frolicked, opening his mouth wide, letting the air flow into his mouth and making noises.

Looking down at the entire snow-capped city below, Reshiram looked suspicious.

It was also here in Dragon Village before, although it snowed in winter, but it should not be covered with thick snow and ice like this.

Moreover, among these solid ices, there is a rather familiar smell
"This is Kyurem's energy, and it was manipulated by some evil people to freeze the city with ice and snow."

Sitting on his back, Xiaozhi explained aloud.

"Kurem? I see."

At this moment, Xiaozhi was a little surprised by a sudden sound in his mind.

The tone is different from modern people, and it looks a little old.

The thick timbre is quite soft, like a gentle big sister.

Although there is no gender statement in the ancient gods, Xiaozhi has reason to suspect that Reshiram is a female dragon.

Although in the Hezhong area, I don't like to define a person's gender casually.

"Sure enough, you can talk!"

With hindsight, Xiaozhi showed joy. As expected, as an ancient god, Reshiram could use telepathy to communicate.

The latter already had a compassionate and kind character, and did not intend to sit idly by.


Following Reshiram's loud cry, he spread his wings, and a large cloud of blue flames spewed out from his mouth!

"Qing Yan?! What are you going to do?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, and the latter spit out a large cloud of green flames, and sprayed them directly towards Ssangyong City below, as if to burn everything below.

Even many citizens on the street below, who were looking up and admiring the noble posture of the ancient god, suddenly saw the hot blue flames released by the other party, falling down like skyfire, and they all looked panicked.

Is this going to attack their Ssangyong City again?
It was just frozen on ice, but this time it was changed to fire?

And according to the legend that has been circulating in Ssangyong City-the white dragon Reshiram will use flames to burn the kingdoms of those humans who despise reality and indulge their desires.
Are they in Ssangyong City so evil! ?

But when the blue flames covering the sky were completely covered, everyone still subconsciously performed the movements of crouching down with their heads in their arms.
However, there was no burning pain.

The residents of Shuanglong City opened their eyes one after another, only to see that the blue flames turned into warm heat waves, falling on the entire surface of Shuanglong City, blowing in all directions.

The whole city seems to be under a huge dryer, and the warm hot wind blows slowly.

Not only is there no harm, but it also gives people a warm and comfortable feeling.

"Look, the ice is melting!"

"So, Reshiram is here to save us?!"

"Let me just say, the citizens of Shuanglong City are all good people who keep their own place, how could we be punished by God!"

At this moment, the whole Ssangyong City became lively. Looking at the flapping wings and continuously releasing hot wind in the air, Reshiram felt a little more yearning.

From a distance, there seems to be a human being on Reshiram's back.?

Impossible, impossible, how could a human being be the partner of Reshiram! (end of this chapter)

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