He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2360 I said that the fetters are full!

After breaking through the staggered flames, Frozen Volt's offensive went completely berserk, piercing through the air all the way, freezing a gorgeous trail of ice mist along the way.

In the end, it hit Reshiram in the chest.

The latter's snow-white giant dragon body was immediately covered with ice and snow, and quickly spread to the whole body.

In the blink of an eye, Reshiram had been completely frozen into an ice sculpture, the surface was covered with thick solid ice, and the breath seemed to have completely disappeared.

Naturally, the figure also fell rapidly from the sky.

This time, it was Reshiram's turn to break through the glacier sea and fall into the ocean current below.


Xiaozhi's face tightened, and he quickly drove the Genesect to chase after it at low altitude.

Pikachu on his shoulders also waved his small fists towards the void, starting to warm up.

If it doesn't work, why don't you replace it? !

Although, the pure black dragon Zekrom, Pikachu is quite reluctant to deal with it.

Facing the superior Dark Kyurem... even more mysterious!

On the other side, Akromar drove the gear monster and fell to the high cliff next to the P2 research institute.

The mother Zoroark was still protecting the unconscious N, but it showed no hostility towards the approaching Akromar.

Although this human being smells like Team Plasma all over... But Xiaozhi's smell is even stronger!
Should be friendly units.

Akromar simply nodded to Zoroark, then put his palms in his coat pockets, secretly analyzing everything in front of him.

Especially that Dark Kyurem!

As for Xiao Zhi, who is currently at a disadvantage...he is not very worried.

Xiaozhi has shown too many miracles in front of his eyes, so where is he now?

"With my Steel Worm God team, I still can't defeat such an opponent..."

Akromar stroked his chin with a regretful expression.

Originally, he wanted to slap Kui Qisi in the face, but he probably couldn't do it.

Now at most it can only be a positive face-slap on the physical level...

"As for this Dark Kyurem, there is also the genetic wedge..."

Akromar tried to connect everything, analyzing at high speed in his brain.

In fact, there is a question that he has always wanted to ask——

Kyurem has swallowed a black dragon Zekrom, next, can he swallow the white dragon Reshiram together?

Just looking at the current appearance and attack intentions of the Dark Kyurem, it seems that Xiaozhi's Reshiram is only regarded as an "opponent" rather than a "drinking appetizer".

Didn't intend to swallow it, or, can't swallow it?

And the shape of the Dark Kyurem is also very strange. The whole is still the gray dragon torso of Kyurem, and then the wings, arms, and head are half of the signs of the black dragon, and half are covered with the ice of the gray dragon.

In terms of numbers, it is 1/3 of Zekrom, and the remaining 2/3 is Kyurem.

According to his thinking, the full Kyurem should have only the gray dragon body as its main body.

Then half of the black dragons and half of the white dragons are right... that is, the three genes are equal to 1/3, achieving a perfect balance.

Instead of half of the body made of solid ice like now, it looks neither fish nor fowl.

"Is it because there is only one gene wedge, so it can only swallow one at present...?"

"Is it possible to change back to the original, and then have the ability to devour another one...?"

Akromar's thinking was quick, but he quickly guessed the key to the problem, which was the gene wedge.

Is this mysterious item that has been stored in the Shuanglong gymnasium unique?


With his ability, can he create a gene wedge?

Can it even have any effect on other Pokémon?
Obviously, the mechanized transformation of Pokémon can no longer satisfy Akromar's appetite, and it is estimated that I will start playing Pokémon Fusion next...


At the same time, the battle between Xiaozhi and Quecchis is still going on.

Bang Bang! !
This time it was the white dragon Reshiram's turn to break through the ice, whipping countless flaming whips from his whole body, the fiery flames instantly melted all the solid ice around him, leaving only curling water mist floating up.

"Dark Kyurem, use the dragon claws!!"

And Dark Kyurem had been waiting on it long ago, and when he raised his hand, he gathered a huge jet-black dragon claw, from top to bottom, and violently tore towards Reshiram's face!

"Steel wing, block it!"

In a hurry, Reshiram could only cover his wings with metallic silver light and bend them in front of his body.

Bang Bang! !
Although Reshiram was slammed by the powerful dragon claws and retreated a long distance horizontally, he barely defended.

But next, the dragon claw cast by Dark Kyurem exploded violently, scattering countless sharp ice blade fragments, flying for a second blow!

This time, Reshiram didn't have time to defend, many parts of his body were scraped by the sharp ice blade fragments, his face tightened in pain.

On the other side, the "Dragon Claw" of Dark Kyurem, with the waving of the arm, re-frozen on the ice shell and returned to its original state.

"Damn it, is it similar to Xicui Great Sword Demon's move?!"

Xiaozhi reacted in an instant. While playing the melee move, the ice shell on the surface of Diablo Kyurem's arm would also burst open, and he would perform a two-stage strike in the form of an ice blade hidden weapon, which was hard to defend against.

"Haha, kid from other places, feel it, my Dark Kyurem is getting stronger and stronger!!"

Queches couldn't help laughing wildly.

"First of all, Kyurem is not your Pokémon!"

However, Xiaozhi's face was not too flustered, he retorted in a deep voice, and became more and more confident.

"And it's impossible for me and Reshiram to lose!"

"Because we are true partners with an extremely deep bond, and you are only manipulating the Dark Kyurem unilaterally!"

Hearing these words, Kuiqisi was disgusted again, why is there such a needless fetter everywhere.

But after hearing Xiaozhi's words, it was Reshiram who was stunned first.

Today is their second contact, and even the first time, it was just a simple battle.

fetters or something...

Well, it seems that there are not many...

Especially after hearing Xiaozhi's naturally confident tone, even if he was as gentle as Rashiram, his cheeks blushed.

but now.It's impossible to jump out and slap Xiaozhi in the face.

And Xiaozhi behind him was looking at him with burning eyes, it was like kidnapping forcibly!

In the end, Reshiram also closed his eyes, suppressing his shame, and cooperating with Xiaozhi, let out a high-pitched dragon roar.


It seems that the two have really reached the realm of spiritual connection.

"Hahaha! I just said that our bond is full!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help laughing with satisfaction, the fighting spirit in his eyes became even stronger!

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