He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2362 Defeat, Dark Kyurem!

Chapter 2362 Defeat, Dark Kyurem!

At the same time, the battle between Dark Kyurem and Reshiram has also come to an end?


This time, Dark Kyurem condensed his dragon claws on both sides, and slashed in the direction of Reshiram at the same time!
Xiaozhi pointed his finger at the sky and responded:
"High temperature and heavy pressure!!"

Reshiram immediately spread his wings and flew higher than Dark Kyurem.

The pure white body ignited crimson flames in an instant, and thick mist rose, and the whole body just flew forward and pressed down on the target below!
The high temperature and heavy pressure collided with the dragon's claws, and no one benefited, so they froze there.

And the two-stage ice-shard blade attack that Dark Kyurem was proud of also melted away under Reshiram's flame coat.

Seeing this, a sternness flashed in Dark Kyurem's yellow eyes.

The slender neck followed the trend and bit Reshiram's neck with one bite!

The sharp dragon teeth broke through the outer flame coat and Reshiram's snow-white fur, deeply embedded in the flesh and blood.

The strong icy breath climbed even higher, frantically infecting the bite wound, freezing Reshiram's body.


Even this huge flame dragon couldn't help stretching its neck from the cold, and let out a wail.

"Don't lose to it!!"

Xiaozhi quickly shouted from behind, words or something, should be able to give a little strength, right?

Reshiram didn't completely lose consciousness, resisting the severe pain in his neck, he spread his wings and took off.

The flames of the screw engine at the tail are soaring into the sky, and the roaring gas flames are sprayed out like a jet plane, and the sound is deafening!
At this scene, Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's amazing, just like my Latias."

Unexpectedly, this sentence was heard by Reshiram, his eyes sharpened, and a vein of anger popped up on his forehead.

Boom boom boom! !
As if new fuel had been added, the roar of the arrogance became more violent. This time, Reshiram took the Dark Kyurem directly, and the two dragons flew out like cannonballs.

Turbo flames!

This is Reshiram's characteristic, not only allows him to completely nullify the opponent's characteristic effect.

The turbo flame at the tail is operated to the extreme, and it can even have the effect of boosting the jet, enhancing Reshiram's instantaneous flight speed.

Reshiram was still adjusting the angle of his wings intentionally, leading Kyurem to dive towards a sea glacier.

However, it didn't push it completely to the end and entered the sea water. Instead, it just got stuck on the ice.

Pushing the body of the Dark Kyurem, it kept hitting and destroying the ice ravine!

Reshiram was on the rear of the boost and was only hit by the aftermath of some shattered ice.

Klang-kang-kang! !

The Dark Kyurem in front was in a terrible situation. His back was unprepared, and he slammed into the ice rock crazily, and penetrated hundreds of meters all the way, creating an exaggerated long ice crack in this sea area.

Feeling the sharp pain like a broken back, the Dark Kyurem finally let go.

Only then did Reshiram throw it out violently, and hit it heavily on the rock wall of a deserted island at the end, and the latter stopped the collision.


This violent scene made Xiaozhi gasp, feeling a pain in his back.

But now is the time to beat the dogs in the water. Even in the Dark Kyurem, half of them are the Pokémon of Brother Chi.
No, it's Brother Chi's Pokémon, so he should output it with all his strength!

"The power of the earth!!"

Driving the Genesect quickly approaching the deserted island, Xiaozhi attacked loudly.

Reshiram's figure flew down from the air, and then his lower body trampled heavily on the ground of this deserted island.

The energy of the lava in the core of the earth spread quickly, and then spewed out suddenly under the surface where the Dark Kyurem fell!

Boom boom boom.!!
The next moment, several tough stone blades rose from the ground, stabbing fiercely at the body of Dark Kyurem.

In the depression in the center, an exaggerated magma fountain spewed out, and the power exploded on the Dark Kyurem at once! !
Such a scene made Quechs a little overwhelmed.
Why did you become inferior all of a sudden?
"Disadvantages? Haven't you seen that even the winner has already been decided?"

Xiaozhi suddenly smiled coldly, and without further delay, raised his finger to the sky:
"End it, use Meteor Swarm!!"

Reshiram trampled on the ground and stood firm, his head raised to the sky and screamed, he condensed and threw an orange dragon-attribute energy bomb, and shot it straight to the highest point in the sky.

Boom! !
The meteor cluster suddenly exploded in the air, forming countless meteorites, falling down like a doomsday disaster!

And the falling point is exactly the direction of the Dark Kyurem!

The latter had just struggled to stand up when meteors and meteorites all over the sky had already fallen.
Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, one after another, the roaring sound continued to explode, forming a series of terrifying explosions. The exaggerated moves seemed to completely flatten and crack this deserted island
The effect is outstanding!

The Dark Kyurem was able to barely support his head at first, but under the bombardment of clusters of meteors one after another, he was finally completely crushed, and his body was completely engulfed and covered by meteorites!

The situation has indeed become completely one-sided!
"How is it possible?! The Dark Kyurem should be the strongest level [-] god."

Kuiqisi controlled the three evil dragons, clutching the Gene Wedge with all his strength, his face full of astonishment.

For the first time, there was a look of fear on his face.

"Why can a mere Reshiram defeat my Dark Kyurem?!"

Could it be, is it really the so-called fetter? !

"That's right, this is the bond between me and Reshiram!!"

Xiaozhi immediately responded in a high-profile manner.


And Reshiram also spread his wings and flew in front of Xiaozhi, cooperating with the dragon roar.

This time, it was much more natural.

As for the fact, it really has nothing to do with fetters.

is N.

Don't think that N, who has been outputting superpowers on the cliff with all his strength, has no effect at all.

As the battle progressed, N went from not being able to perceive Zekrom at all, to being able to perceive a little bit.
And now, it is completely possible to share the will of perception with Zekrom in the body of Diablo Kyurem.

With the containment of N and Zekrom in the dark, the strength of the Dark Kyurem is even restricted to be inferior to the power of the pure Kyurem before!
At some point, on the cliff of the deserted island where the P2 Research Institute is located, N has regained consciousness, looking in their direction from a distance.

In his hand, he was holding a black stone ball.

"It's now!"

As N swayed a poke ball to retract, spanning a distance of almost a thousand meters, the dark stone started to activate!
(End of this chapter)

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