He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2373 Finally, the battle with Heici!

Chapter 2373 Finally, the battle with Heici!
This is, the family has fallen? !
Why did you suddenly come to work as a farmer at the gate of the Yew Research Institute?

Or retire completely and never be a trainer again? !

Emperor Xiu held the trident, and listened to the exclamation of the two without saying a word, frowning deeply.

Finally bit the bullet and walked over.

"I just want to find my original intention and start again"

Emperor Xiu planted the trident hard on the ground, and said in a deep voice.

Because at the World Championships, I saw Xiaozhi's astonishing strength
The strength of Emperor Xiu at this moment, let alone Xiaozhi, could not be defeated by any alliance king.

Emperor Xiu, who had always considered himself the proud son of heaven, suffered a great blow to his self-confidence.

So in order to regain his original intention, he started again. Emperor Xiu came to the original Luzi Town and asked Dr. Yew how to become stronger.

Then, Dr. Yew gave him a set of farm work clothes and a Seagod Trident.

"Remove all the snow from this farmland, and maybe you will be able to find the answer you want."

Dr. Yew also left an intriguing remark.

After that, Emperor Xiu lived in the research institute temporarily, and worked hard every day to shovel snow and farm.

It just doesn't seem to be working?

After listening, Xiaozhi and Mingyi looked at each other with suspicion on their faces.

Dr. Yew, don't you really just want to find free labor?
Feeling, not very reliable.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, since you've come here too, let's have a game."

"Then, let's have a fight!"

However, in the middle of Emperor Xiu's words, suddenly there was a sound from the other side of the farmland, and directly robbed Emperor Xiu's words.

The voice was somewhat familiar, and Xiao Zhi quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

But I saw that the farmland land was a bit inconsistent with the surrounding ground, and it was shaking inexplicably. It turned out to be a farmland-style blanket.

The next moment, Kuroji lifted the blanket and stood up from it.

"Heiji, why are you here?!"

"Ah, Mr. International Patrolman!"

Xiaozhi and Mingyi said in surprise.

So Heici is here, how long has he been squatting?

"Hehe, the International Patrol has finished their work recently, and there is nothing wrong Xiaozhi, I heard that you are leaving the Hezhong area, so I came here to see you off~!"

Heiji smiled and said, he was wearing Hezhong casual style short-sleeved shorts, he looked like he was on vacation.


"Ah, hehe."

But this sentence made Xiaozhi and Mingyi a little embarrassed.

After all, Xiaozhi hadn't told his friends about leaving the Hezhong area yet, and Mingyi only vaguely guessed it.

This time, it was directly pierced by Heici, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Heici scratched his head, the vigilant quality of the international patrol quickly made him realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, and quickly changed the subject with a smile:

"Then Xiaozhi, come to a fight with me at the end? It's time for a duel between us!"

"A battle with Kuroji? Wish it!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

Counting it down, he and Heici also fought several times in a hurry, but each time it ended halfway through the fight, and there was no real winner.

He also wants to try the full strength of this international patrolman!

Leaning on the iron fork, Emperor Xiu stood beside him with a silent expression.

Is this young guy an international patrolman? When did he hide here?
Moreover, it was him first!

"By the way, Emperor Xiu, come and be our referee!"

Facing Xiaozhi's fiery gaze, Emperor Xiu finally could only cough and agree.

After these days of farm work, Emperor Xiu's character has improved a lot, and he is completely different from the initial contempt and ridicule towards the outsiders.

After a while, just outside the yew laboratory, Xiaozhi and Heiji cut their way, ready to fight.

"Oh~ what a rare battle~"

The glamorous and fashionable Dr. Yew also heard the movement outside and ran out to watch.

"Dr. Yew, this is the first time I've met you. I'm Narui from Hinoki City.!"

Mingyi greeted the latter formally, and the two had only communicated remotely once before when they received the initial Yusanjia.

"Oh, you are Mingyi, how is that naughty otter~?"

Dr. Yew put his hips on his hips and said with a smile. He also had a curly brown hair on his head, which was the opposite of the usual Dr. Pokémon.

She was still impressed by the naughty and silly water otter at that time.

"It has evolved into a great sword ghost, and it still looks like Xicui."

The two girls chatted happily beside him, while Emperor Xiu held a steel fork and said with a serious face:

"Then the rules of the game are 2v2, let's each release the first Pokémon!"

With a grin at the corner of Heiji's mouth, he threw out the first Pokémon first:

"Please, Fossil Pill!!"

A red light flashed, but it turned out to be a classic fossil Pokémon in the Kanto region, the sickle helmet.

With a brown-gray rock shell, the sickle-shaped claws can make a chilling sound when waving their arms in the air.

"Are they all Blade Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi nodded, knowing in his heart that Heici had used a Commander Chopping before.
These are Pokémon with blades on their bodies, or that can use blade moves.

And the nicknames are also the xx pill series of the same type as Shuangrenwan.

Looking at the sharp sickle helmet in front of him, Xiaozhi also threw his elf ball backhand.

When the red light falls, the majestic Monarch Snake appears on the stage, and its slender tail can also perform powerful slashing moves.


Emperor Xiu looked at Xiaozhi's Monarch Snake with a silent expression.

Damn, how was it cultivated? Obviously, everyone started to cultivate at the same starting line. Why does Xiaozhi's Monarch Snake look so much stronger than his own? !
"Fossil pill, water jet!!"

When the battle started, water condensed around the sickle helmet and rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

"See you!"

But Monarch Snake's eyes glowed with green light, he held his breath and concentrated, and the snake turned slightly, and easily dodged the blow.

"It's not that simple, fossil pellets, cross scissors!"

However, this jet of water was just a feint. The moment the sickle helmet passed by, it stomped on the ground, and then turned around and rushed towards the position of the monarch snake.

The sickles on both arms have also been raised, forming a cross shape, with a dangerous gray-green light glowing on the surface
Cross scissors!
But now Xiaozhi's Monarch Snake has also completed its formation, and its strength is exceptionally strong!
"Flying Leaf Storm!!"

The monarch's snake tail slammed down, centered on the body, and immediately stirred up an exaggerated storm of flying leaves, soaring into the sky!

Countless sharp green leaves, mixed with fierce air currents, instantly engulfed the sickle helmet that was close at hand.
The effect is outstanding!

(End of this chapter)

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